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~The Journey~
midi~Hope Has A Place

There was an ache in the air.
With a bone-cold wind that
swept rain-like bullets,
burrowing into my knees and shins.

Street lights barely reached the gloom.
And, the yellow glow from
inside cafes with dirty, steamy windows;
helped little to light my way.

Weary and wet from the inside and out.
My life now bleaker than the night.
I stepped in puddles that overflowed my shoes.
Leaving feet and toes squishy with murky ooze.

The rain plays a symphony
upon my hatless head.
Leaving sticky tangled hair,
streaming rivulets down my neck.

I tipped my head back
and flung curses into the dark.
While the rain stung my face
and mingled lovingly with my tears.

You found me there.
Clinging onto a streetlamp
shouting obscenities into the wind.
Laughing and crying. Fighting for sanity.
Defiant and strong. Weak and scared.
I fought against your help.

Pushing and shoving.
Falling down in the gutter.
Flailing at you with teeth and nails.
Afraid to part with
the black warmth of my insanity.

Sobbing to be left alone.
Begging you to let me die.
You carefully picked me up,
as if I were a treasured thing.
And with your lips;
breathed life back into me.

Once, I took a journey
on a bleak and stormy night.
And glimpsed the dark void
where insanity reigns.

And made it safely back!

© RUA 1999.2001