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Hi! I'm so glad you could stop by my little page. Its not much, but it is something. This page is going to be the center of other pages that contain things that are important to me. Have fun looking through them.

For those of you who do not know me, or are on a quest for an update on the activites in my life, here is the low down.

My name is Amanda and I will be starting my second year of college at SUNY Potsdam in the fall. I'm and English and Education major. Right now its summer vacation and I am so bored! Not for long though. In July I'll start working at a summer camp. It will be my second summer working there. I can't wait. Its so much fun. I've missed all my friends while I was away at school so it is good to be back. Although, now I miss my college friends. *sigh* The cycle never ends.

Just click on any of the links to take you on your merry little way to find out more about me. While this site is not new, its been around for years, it is going under a major revamp. Due to this construction so to speak, many of the following will be one of two things: #1- Not updated as of yet, #2- in the "birth" process. Thanks!

New Words To Use In Everyday Life

Spifferdifferous-adj. extremely spiffy or somewhat like saying same but different or same difference to something that is really spiffy.

Tong Tickity- adj. I can't claim this one- I got it from Pastor Bonnie's daughter. It is to replace awesome.

My friend Jackie V. made this for me.. its awosme. She's so talented. David Bowie Reflection.

This is my cat, Mittens. Isn't she adorable? This picture was taken 8/21/99.

Cool Links

My Cousins page

My Friend Randy's Page: Randogg's Little Slice of Heaven

I would like to thank my dear friend Jackie V. She has been a god send with helping me build this page and also made my Labyrinth page link picture. Also I would like to thank Deborah Krier for allowing me to use some of her Laybirnth pictures. Also I would like to extend my thanks to Teenage Wildlife for their David Bowie pictures. Thank you all of you.

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