The 76th New York State Volunteers
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The Recruiting Center

JOIN THE 76th!

Hot for the Sunny South!

Cortland and Otsego County Regiment of Volunteers

Preserve the UNION. Protect the CONSTITUTION!

Join Now and Avoid the Draft!

Company H, 76thNYSVol (reenactors) Is always looking for more members.If you might be interested then let us know and we'll be happy to give you more information about our group.

If you are interested in helping to Preserve the Union with the 76th, please complete the form found below and submit it to us. We will answer you as soon we can.

Contact Information

First and Last Name

Street Address

City State Zip

Home Telephone

E-mail address

Are you a reenacting Veteran? yes no.

If so, in what unit/s did you serve in?

Do you have a 76th or other Civil War era ancestor?(not necessary for enlistment, we're just curious) yes no.

What reenactor equipment do you already own, if any?