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11694 -- Fullosia Press --

---J Bourke
Rockaway Park Connections
Introduction to Fullosia Social Linx Arthurian Legend American Standard Jive Fullosia Dictionary Heraldry of the Society Labour Day Celebration Canadian Society

Dateline: 2/27/00 11:50:59 PM EDT, Rockaway Park NY, The Home of Philosophy
Contact: Dean RPPS (The Society)

Welcome to 11694 Fullosia Press on Line.
Sponcered by the Gentlemen of the Society

Fullosia Press: Front Page ---- Social Linx

John Grey

John Grey's Poerty
the Mentor

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed in 1971 by three friends the Dean, the Lord Baron, and the Mentor, with the purpose of encouraging the spead of uselful ideas. In 1977 the Society was incorporated and added its Lord Presidentwhom, the society declared, restored to the family's Sommersett titles forfeit in the reign of Edward VI.

The Society recognizes no titles of distiction save its own.

The Society actively promotes American culture sponcering its own School of National Philosophy to expound the Fullosia the summation of true knowledge and urges adoption of a national tongue, to wag in the forums of the world.

The Society as it did in its infancy promotes exchange of ideas in its undertaking to espablish the union of true intellects who have awakened from the superficial placidity of the politically correct world.

Join with us in the Fullosia!

John Grey

Subj: Poetry acceptance
Date: 03/06/00 5:58:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: JGrey10233
To: DeanOFrpps

Dear John,

Thanks for the acceptances. Bio follows:

JOHN GREY: Australian born poet, playwright, musician. Latest chapbook is "The Bum On Your Avenue" from Phony Lid Publications. Recently in Zygote and Ship of Fools.

Subj: Re: Poetry acceptance
Date: 03/06/00 10:33:27 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DeanOFrpps
To: JGrey10233

dear john:

thanx for getting back to me...

the site for "FULLOSIA PRESS for Feb is: a click away.

I will have your poetry posted by Saturday...

I can also recommend to the active writer: The Inditer

Bill Loeppey, the editor of Inditer, is more conventional than I... and one of your co-colonials (Canadian) but I think he'd like your work too...

Fullosia Press plans St Pats day for March and baseball for April... You being english may ignore the former, but maybe you'd like to send us something on baseball's ancestor cricket.

Cricket is actually played nearby at a military HS...

The Dean

Poems by John Grey


New Hampshire October
By: John Grey

Oaks shudder and limbs break away like shutters in storms. Browns and reds set the trees afire. Churches, cabins and cheap motels … what cannot change color, rusts.

High as the pile of pine needles and the boy with his lips around his older brother's cigarette is what we have arrived at. All around us, the leaves have fallen, the fruit are dead.

Long live the fruit, long live the fallen leaves, sing the living as they hold together in the coming cold.

The Book in the Attic
By John Grey

It's a love note scribbled in the margin of an old book or an old love strong and inviting enough for a book to grow up around it.

A Count of One
By John Grey

A solitary rock in a field, the lone alder in the snow, a child on its way to school, a car creeping through a blizzard highway.

Each a solo act with no audience drawing its applause from the surrounding silence.