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---J Bourke
Rockaway Park Connections
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Dateline: 6/01/00 11:50:59 PM EDT, Rockaway Park NY, The Home of Philosophy
Contact: Dean RPPS (The Society)

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Red Parties for Elian

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed in 1971 by three friends the Dean, the Lord Baron, and the Mentor, with the purpose of encouraging the spead of uselful ideas. In 1977 the Society was incorporated and added its Lord Presidentwhom, the society declared, restored to the family's Sommersett titles forfeit in the reign of Edward VI.

The Society recognizes no titles of distiction save its own.

The Society actively promotes American culture sponcering its own School of National Philosophy to expound the Fullosia the summation of true knowledge and urges adoption of a national tongue, to wag in the forums of the world.

The Society as it did in its infancy promotes exchange of ideas in its undertaking to espablish the union of true intellects who have awakened from the superficial placidity of the politically correct world.

Join with us in the Fullosia!

Subj: Red Party Re--educates Elian
Date: 6/16/00 10:30:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Obarreto7
To: DeanOFrpps

The Re-education of Elian: transplating Communism to Maryland, a guest Editorials

Subj: Elian: Re-education of Elian or US

The Dean wrote:

> dear Obarreto7:
> >
Thank you for your submission. Many people came here running from the Red Party by hanging to boats, jumping over fences ,,, This is the first time I heard of throwing an innocent refugee away,,, > FULLOSIA PRESS is only available on line,,,,
> I'll send you the link on publication,,,,

> jfc

SUBMIT TO FULLOSIA PRESS Guidelines Submissions


Editorial: US PRESS at Work: Red Brainwashing

by Obarreto7

Re-educating Elian: Donning the Communist uniform in Maryland

Editorials - May 23, 2000
Some of you are tired of hearing about how your government betrayed freedom, trashed the home of American citizens, kidnapped a little boy at gunpoint, and sped him away in a van with a hooded driver - all in the name of family values. But wait, there’s more.

Now Fidel Castro is running pictures of Elian Gonzalez wearing a Young Pioneer Communist uniform in the daily Communist Cuban paper, Gramna. Castro sent the uniform, a Communist teacher and several of Elian’s Cuban classmates up to the Maryland compound where Elian’s family is staying, so the 6-year-old would be marching to the tune of “The Internationale” by the time he is asked by the courts if he wants asylum in the United States.

Castro looks like a real giant to his followers now, having suited up Elian in revolutionary garb - while the tot is supposedly under the protection of the United States government in Maryland. Castro uses Elian for propaganda and the Democrats use him for fund-raising. (Remember the Georgetown dinner party to which Elian’s legal representative - Clinton attorney Greg Craig - dragged him?)

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Janet Reno acted malevolently when she snatched Elian from the care of his Miami relatives. Elian and his cousins were prepared to join Juan Miguel Gonzalez at a mutually agreeable location, but Reno broke faith the morning of April 22. Her own friends in Miami admit this much.

But in doing “what’s best for the little boy,” she placed Elian with Cuban government officials, Cuban pediatricians (one of whom was found to be equipped with sedatives), Cuban psychiatrists, Communist teachers, and uniformed comrades trained to march in lock-step. Even a grown man couldn’t withstand such pressure to make the “right” decision.

This boy doesn’t stand a chance now, and that’s the way Reno wanted it.

Fullosia Press @ 2000 by the Gentlem of the RPPS Corp, all rights reserved Submissions