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Love is Cruel

I Promise You

If you were mine, I promise you.
That I would let you be blue.
I promise to love you with all that is me.
I’ll show you the world, you’ll finally see.
If I could, I’d give you the moon and the stars.
I’d give you all the planets, Pluto, Venus, and Mars.
There’s something you have that makes me want you.
And if you wanted me too.
Then I’d be sure to give our relationship my all.

Without You

I sit here and I think.
In this hell I sink and sink.
I look in the mirror and lie.
Then I look at your picture and cry.
With the snap of your fingers I’d come back.
In my heart, my soul there’s a constant lack.
I lie and say I’m over you.
I keep trying to convince myself it’s true.
But I look at your picture and cry; my heart will never say good-bye.
So does that mean I’m destined to life without love?
Until I go to hell or fall above?
I don’t know what to do.
I realize I can’t live without you.
I miss your scent, your lingering smell.
That I used the love, before I came to hell.
I was in heaven when I was with you.
Now a love for any other couldn’t be true.
I lie and say I’m over you, but without you in my life I don’t know what to do.
I look in the mirror and start to bleed.
You’re the only one I want, and will ever need.
So what am I supposed to do.
When I know the only one I’ll ever want is you.

How Do I?

How do I live without you?
To say what’s true.
I say I cannot, my body will not.
In it’s icy grave, no way to save.
My soul will fly free.
Unknowing where to be.
I’ll roam the icy hills.
The pain on my soul kills.
I live without you now.
My heart, the love it won’t allow.
The death overcomes me to, the question is, how do I live without you?

Broken Girl

I see you, a broken girl.
A broken girl in a broken world.
Could you be happy once more?
When you were left with your insides tore.
It’s an ‘I love you’ but it means nothing now.
It’ll mean something more, some day, some how.
Don’t convince yourself of that lie.
Why are you the one who deserves to die?
It seems no matter how much I yell.
You’re holding the hand of the leader of hell.
You’re walking down your eternal stair.
Do you see where you’re going?
Do you even care?
I’m trying to tell you, you need to let go.
If you don’t convince yourself, you’ll never know.
It won’t change his ways, he won’t care.
Which I know isn’t right, I know it’s not fair.
He’s changed your constant loving ways.
Now loves a word you just can’t say.
That’s everything bad beyond wrong.
Now the pain will be forever long.
Now I look in the mirror and all I see.
Is the broken girl looking back at me.

The Hurt

The hurt is overbearing.
I’m in constant pain.
I can’t control my feelings; I’m going insane.
I don’t wanna let go; the emotions just won’t leave.
I shouldn’t have let it happen, I wore my heart on my sleeve.
I’ve been told to get over him.
But the hurt would overwhelm me.
He seems so unaware.
Maybe he still doesn’t see.
I cry so much, I could drown in my tears.
Yet he blocks it all out, unable to hear.
Maybe he just doesn’t wanna see the reason I cry.
The tears fall down again, and suddenly I sigh.
Would it be selfish to tell you I care?
That I think him and her make such a horrible pair?
Pain, like a bullet had shot me I the chest.
I wish I was dead, put down to my rest.
I think anything would be better than this pain I’m going through.
Only he can make me better.
I wish he only knew.

I’m Crying

I cry to him but he doesn’t see why.
I don’t think he’ll ever say good-bye.
Good-bye to his love, the one he cares for.
It seems now, day by day, I’m upset more and more.
I love him, he loves her.
How can he be so sure?
If it makes him happy, then I will never interfere.
I’m crying in the other room, why doesn’t anyone hear?
There are cuts on my arms, but they don’t cause me harm.
They put the pain in physical, something I can see.
But it hurts even more.
When I love someone, who doesn’t love me.

Never Expected

I thought he was so sweet.
How can he be so cruel?
He used the love I had for him as such an evil tool.
He broke my heart, the pain didn’t stop.
The hurt he gave couldn’t be topped.
Well if that was his plan the whole time, he succeeded.
I feel abandoned, and far beyond defeated.
I’m hurt, that’s all I have to say.
I just wish the love I had for him would go away.
I stand before you with oh so many tears.
You made room inside me for many more fears.
I never expected this much pain, the first time I saw your face.
I love you; the pain just won’t go away.
I just wish it would quicken the pace.

Ever So Many Lies

Words are too easy to say.
You can lie about the way you feel.
If you lie so often, how am I to know what’s real?
Heartbreaks and promises dare to dream the dream.
Plan the inevitable, think for a whole new scheme.
How can I trust, the one who lies to me?
I doubt myself, the truth I’d love to see.
It’d be a happy change, approach it new.
I devout myself, but it’s all a lie to you.
Tired of these tears coming form these eyes.
Tired of broken promises, and ever so many lies.

I Send

The love of my life.
To my heart is holding the knife.
I can’t honestly say that for you I hold hate.
I just can’t understand, why was that your fate?
Did you love me just as much as I loved you?
Now that you’re gone, what am I gonna do?
I’m angry, I’m mad.
I’m upset, I’m sad.
Why did you do this to me?
Couldn’t you see?
That I needed you?
I thought you knew.
But you gave up, what you had.
Your part of the deal.
Are you laughing at me from heaven?
Is this for real?
In this poem, the kiss we loved is the seal.
I let it slip out of my hands into the wind.
In this, the love I send.

Sweet Dreams

I’m having sweet dreams of you.
Do you wanna know what you do?
You appreciate everything about me.
In me, only beauty you see.
You listen to everything I have to say.
You say ‘I love you’ every day.
It’s a general love.
These dreams are sent from above.
They’re so beautiful and sweet.
In my dreams we meet.
I cry when I wake.
Cause I know the dreams are fake.
But I’ll dream of you every night.
I’ll keep my eyes shut tight.
So I stay in my dreams with you.
You don’t even have a clue.
See you tonight.
Loving you will always be right.

How Does He Know

Who told him, how does he know.
I thought I hid it well, I thought it didn’t show.
Maybe it’s obvious or maybe he’s just wise.
But all the emotions he knows about, I can’t cover up with lies.
I didn’t want him to know I kept it to myself.
It’s eating me up inside, it’s bad for my health.
I cry when I think of him laughing at me.
I guess I’m not as tough as they see.
The tears fall down like rain in the spring.
I don’t know what to say, I can’t think of a thing.
Should I lie? And deny my heart.
It would hurt so much, I’d be torn apart.
Or I could be truthful and tell how I feel.
This dilemma hasn’t a solution, and that’s for real.
If I told who I loved, I’m sure he’d be more aware.
Of how much love I have for him, of how much I care.
But he has another, to which he is true.
Oh god, I wish he hadn’t knew.
I wish I could go back in time.
Cause I realize now, loving him is such a crime.

I Know What You’ve Done

I know what you did, I know what you’ve done.
I know what happened in the light of the sun.
Do you feel guilt, do you have shame?
Has it eaten you alive, was it all just a game?
The game.
The game was played with an aroma of death.
I know what you do, I see your every breath.
Has your life been the same since?
Every time you think about it, do you wince?
I’m a witness, I saw it all.
I saw the plot, I saw it fall.
You didn’t know.
And now I refuse to go.
I know what you did.
And I know what you’ve done.

Just A Chance

If only you gave me a chance.
Just give me a glance.
Give me one chance to show you.
That I’d always be true.
I’d show you affection every second of the hour.
Our love would never grow sorrow.
With every breath I take.
Nothing I’d say would be fake.
I feel everything you feel.
The love I have for you is real.
Just give me one look, one glance.
It’s all I need.
To prove indeed.
That I love you more than anyone else could.
I always knew I would.

What Is Pain?

You know what pain is?
Pain is hearing words that hurt your insides.
Pain, is not being able to trust the one you love.
It’s painful.
Looking into someone’s eyes.
Someone that loves you, (or at least you hope)
And thinking…wondering where he’s been.
Wondering who he’s been with.
Wondering if he’s doing what people have said.
But would he?
Could he ever cause me that pain?
Since he’s had so many others cheat on him.
Would he do that to me?
Cause I’ve been hearing things.
But I just don’t know who to trust.
Could he be a flirtatious as everybody says?
I’ve had so many opportunities, but there’s always that line that I won’t cross.
But pain would enter my heart if I knew he did.

Chances Blown

You caused all this pain I feel.
Oh god, believe me, this pain is real.
Revenge is not something I believe in.
Besides, you’ve already committed the sin.
You broke my heart.
You played this game right form the start.
If it makes you feel better, you won.
The game was played, and now it is done.
Was it all a plan?
Are you really that kind of man?
Did you intend to hurt me?
The pain in my eyes did you see?
Cause it was there.
Now it’s not only there, it’s everywhere.
In my bones, in my blood.
You pushed me down, I fell into the mud.
Now I sit in this mud.
Tears rolling down, I think I’ve cried so much, I’m gonna drown.
They ignore my screams.
Life is made of anything but dreams.
You hurt me, I’ll never forgive you.
Our chance, you blew.

What Did You Hear?

You heard me scream.
You thought it was a bad dream.
But it was for real.
Now how do you feel?
Knowing what you knew.
I’m dead, now what are you gonna do?
Knowing what you knew.
Knowing that it was all because of you.
You heard me scream.
Don’t you just wish, it was all a bad dream?

What Are You Gonna Do?

Make up your mind, I just don’t have the time.
To wait for you.
So what are you gonna do?
I’ve loved you for awhile.
Which usually ain’t my style.
But now you know.
Do you think I should go?
Unless you choose me.
Together you wanna be.
It’s up to you.
What are you gonna do?
If you love me, say yes, if you don’t, then deny.
But now I’ll say good-bye.
Cause I’ve loved you so.
That I now I can go.
Your time is up love,
He calls me from above.
So what are you gonna do?

I Had A Crush

I gave you my love, but you didn’t give it back.
After being rejected, how can I get my life back on track?
My tears burn the pillow where I sleep.
After being rejected, I had to weep.
Do you know the pain you put me through?
I loved you so much, I thought you loved me too.
Was your aim, to cause me pain?
Right from the start?
If it was, then you did well, cause you left me with a broken heart.
All this time, on you I have had a crush.
I figured I’d wait to tell you, I was in no rush.
But when I finally got the nerve, with the harsh reality to me you serve.
How could this happen?
Is this for real?
I love you so much, how come this love you can’t feel?
I never thought this would happen, for this I didn’t plan.
I still love you, you’ll always be my man.

Forever Together

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Forget what is right, and all that is just.
I have the power, I control thee.
Stay with me, always faithfully.
Stand by me, and I’ll stand by you.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Don’t defy me, or I’ll make sure you see.
Black, the color of darkness, the epitamy in me.
My blood and yours unite as one.
Any others that try to become, we shun.
Blood is thicker than water forever.
We’ll always be united forever, together.

Good Intentions

You had good intentions, but you made me feel worse.
Any touch we had was anything but perverse.
You had good intentions but they ended up being bad.
Instead of making me feel happy, you made me feel so sad.
You had good intentions but they ended up wrong.
The pain keeps going on and on.

Dedication Of Pain

I’ve heard so many things that have turned out to be untrue.
But I have this hunger for you, I didn’t know what to do.
I have this other that everyone wants me to love.
So now I’m praying for someone to help me, someone from above.
Cause I don’t think I knew what love was until I met you.
I promise I love you, and my heart will be true.
I didn’t mean to hurt you, by keeping you a distance away.
I just love you more, with every word you say.
I promise to be honest, and I promise you can trust me.
All I know is with you I wanna be.
You make me feel special, I miss you.
I just wish you knew.
I long to be with you, I need you so bad.
This situation makes me so sad.
I have no intention on hurting anyone.
And I don’t think this is fun.
But I can’t let you go.
When I know I love you so.

A Chance

If you give me a chance, I’ll try.
But if you refuse, I’ll close my eyes and die.
I’ll try to fofill your wants; I’ll always fofill your needs.
In the garden of love, I’ll plant our seeds.
I’ll be in your dreams, I’ll be your whole life.
Instead of stabbing you I the back with this knife.
I’ll take you away from the worlds sadness.
And you’ll take me away from the worlds madness.
I’ll be the wings that help you fly.
I promise I’ll never make you cry.
Cause I’d do and go anywhere for you.
All you have to do is ask me too.
I wanna be filled with the completeness in which you do for me.
I want to shine a light on my heart so you can see.
All the love I have for you.          (Never finished)

My Dreams

Do you wanna know what I dream about at night?
I dream about what I think is right.
And it’s always you and me.
Your lover I wanna be.
I dream that on one stormy day, the rain was pouring down, it was dreary in every way.
Looking like a wet rat.
I showed up at your door.
Trying to make my heart untore.
I told you the secret that I’ve been longing to say.
As I stand in the rain, that I never want to go away.
I love you; I’d do anything and everything.
The words come out, but the feelings still there.
I’ve been waiting to tell you how much I care.
I stand with water all over my body.
And I remember the hurt you caused me, all the pain.
You look at me with a stunned expression in your eyes.
I’m so glad I got the words out, god knows I’ve made so many tries.
Your eyes turn warm and you take a step towards me.
In some way, without words, you tell me you agree.
Then I wake.
Knowing it was all fake.
That I’ll never have the guts to say ‘I love you’
I just wish my dreams would come true.


I wish I could freeze my heart.
Let my emotions part.
Freeze the feelings that I hold for youo.
Freeze all the blood too.
If the care is frozen, I’d have no way to feel.
I’d have to way to hurt, so I’d have no way to heal.
Be cold as ice; that would be nice.
Cause then I could put up a shield.
To the cold, my body I yield.
I forfeight my soul to the cold.
There was no price, it wasn’t sold.
Then I could have no pain.
To be frozen I have but one refrain.
I would never be able to love again.

The Image

The image looking back at me.
The sadness and the pain I see.
The mirror every morning I look. My life like a mystery, comedy, drama book.
But what I really see is the hurt I got from you.
And all the happiness and warmth too.
What can I say? You make me feel all of the above.
But most of all, you make me feel love.
I think about you in the day and in the night.
I dream about you in the day and in the light.
When I look in the mirror, I think of you.
Of why you don’t love me, and what I can do.
What can I do to make you see?
How much we fit, you and me.

Don’t Leave

Don’t leave me, that’s all I ask from you.
If you did, I don’t know what I’d do.
You’re special to me, but you never did see.
Or maybe you did, but you didn’t want to say.
There are some things I have to say before you go away.
Maybe it’s better that you leave.
The way we were, I just can’t retrieve.
Because as you leave and say good-bye.
I can hang my head up high.
Cause I’ll be able to tell you how I feel.
This isn’t a joke, it’s defiantly for real.
But you’ll take it as a joke, cause that’s what you do.
If you didn’t it wouldn’t be you.
Every poem I have written has been for you.
It’s because of you that I was blue.
Because I knew that you didn’t love me back.
Maybe if you leave, I can get my life back on track.

The Song That Hurts

I hear your song with her and weep.
The blood into my pillow seeps.
I cry when I see you with her.
Everything about your love with her seems so un-pure.
But it kills me.
All the hugs and kisses I see.
When you wrap your arms around her, I cry.
There’s no use for the question why.
Cause you know I love you.
I just wish you loved me too.
But for now, I just long.
And know your love with her is wrong.
Cause you belong with me.
I wish you could only see.

To Love Someone

To love someone, is to be open to pain.
The tears will fall down like rain.
Believe me, from experience I know.
The hurt will come, but it won’t go.
But that hurt has taught me well.
Into this hellhole I fell and fell.
Now I strive to get out, I crawl and climb.
But it seems I’ve been here for quite some time.
At one time, love is what you made me feel.
The outer layers of my heart you peeled.
Then my heart was exposed from all the scars.
Since then, I haven’t come far.
Cause I love you so much.
I can’t love another.
I’ve shut everyone out.
My father, my mother.
The depression builds, and the pain kills.
The problem won’t be solved until you love me back.
But my love, I won’t force upon you.
My one and only wish, tonight and forever.
Is that you loved me too.

I Love You

I think I love you, I really do.
Cause all I’m ever thinking about is you.
I think you’re the sweetest person I know.
You treat me so good; I never wanna go.
I think with you I could grow old.
You make my heart feel anything but cold.
I think I’ve been waiting for you since the day of my birth.
You’re the only one for me on this entire earth.
I think I’d die inside if you were to ever leave.
I love you more with every beat I breathe.
I know I love you.
And for you I’m always there.
I know I’ll always care.
I’m telling you the truth, mind body and heart.
I know I love you, I hope we never part.

I Want You

I want you to be there,
When all my hopes are dying.
I want you to be there,
When I’m crying.
I want you to be there,
When I’m happy and glad.
I want you to be there,
When I’m sad.
When in my heart, joy is all I hold.
I want you to be there, to me your pure gold.
When my entire world is crashing down, all I want is you.


Into a deep hole…
Filled with blackness…
And sorrow…
Everything seems hopeless…
Without any resolve…
The littlest things hurt…
And the biggest things numb…
Somehow nothing matters…
And nothing will help…
But you try…
You give me a hand…
But I wouldn’t grasp it…
You gave me a rope…
But I wouldn’t tie it…
You gave me a parachute…
But I wouldn’t open it…
When it seemed you had nothing left…
You gave me your love…
And that stopped my fall.

To Your Arms

I sit alone,
In the frigid night,
My eyes shut tight against the dimming light.
And in the dark,
It’s you I see,
The image echoing in my memory,
The image stays,
Though you are gone,
And the time since then is far too long.
My breath grows short,
And tears flow on,
And life without you goes on and on,
But on this night,
I end it all,
My breathing shortens as I stumble; fall,
My heart grows faint,
As fades my love,
As grows the puddle of deepening blood,
And so I go,
Off to sleep;
To your arms; for you to keep.

Flooding Memories

Salty drops of misery.
Fall from my eyes.
Sliding down my cheek.
And unto my pillow.
With my heartache.
Each tear I shed.
Is a memory of you.
Of our love.
Our laughter.
Our tears.
Our dreams.
Many tears I will shed.
Before you are out of my heart.
Every memory pours out.
Until my pillow is flooded.
And I drown in memories of you.

First Love

I felt the sunlight warm my face.
It was like the first time we touched.
When you pulled me close.
I held my breath for what I wanted so much.
I was afraid to look into your eyes.
Afraid I would get lost and not find my way out.
Would it be so bad if I got lost in you?
Isn’t that what love is all about?
That warm feeling….
Yes it feels good.
I knew I shouldn’t.
But in the end I knew I would.


You are all that I am.
And all that I will ever be.
Even though we are no longer together.
I hear your name with each heartbeat.
Please don’t forget that I love you.
And that I will always care.
And should you ever need me.
You know I’ll be there.
I want to be your friend.
And I know it’s all I can be.
But in my heart you will always be more.
Loving you from now until eternity.
If you need anything at all.
Just pick up the phone.
And give me a call.
Just one last kiss.
Before I go.
A deep look in your eyes.
So you will know.
I will love you forever.

Everlasting Love

As I sit here watching the words scroll by.
Reading the lines of poets’.
I think of how much you mean to me.
And I must be sure you know it.
Each day I love you more and more.
My heart it overflows.
And I have to wonder to myself.
Do I always let it show?
I know that I can be stubborn.
The truth I don’t always see.
It hides away in the dark.
Waiting to be set free.
Afraid to put my trust in you.
Afraid that you will leave.
That you will take my heart again.
And thrown it back at me.
But as much as I fear the love.
It grows inside me still.
Filling me with thoughts of you.
It’s the pain I want to kill.
My heart aches for you sweetheart.
It’s so full it’s about to burst.
In my life you will always be.
The one that I put first.
I’m sorry if I ever hurt you.
My love does not always show.
But I can make this promise to you.
My love for you continues to grow.
I swear to always be here for you.
And I know you’ll be here for me too.
I can’t wait for that special day.
When we each say ‘I do’.
We will live happily forever.
In a home overflowing in love.
And each night I close my eyes.
I will thank our god above.
For giving me someone so special.
A love that’s always true.
If I ever lost you sweetheart.
I don’t know what I’d do.
You are the reason I am happy.
The reason that I live.
And for your happiness darling.
My life I would gladly I give.
Please don’t forget that I love you.
And that I need you so much in my life.
And we will be together forever.
As husband and wife.

Erroneous Love

A cold chill blew past my heart.
And it gave my soul a kiss.
Clod rain on my face.
But your warm breath is bliss.

I go where the river flows.
Deep within my fears.
To ride the waves of sadness.
And swim in my own tears.

A candle won’t burn forever.
Soon the darkness prevails.
Forever lost in my darkness.
Yet blinded by the flames of hell.

Only true love will light my path.
An autumn moon to lead my way.
Joy and peace to fill my heart.
Content until my dying day.

But is true love the truth?
Or an emotion I’ll never feel
Is it a terrible lie?
I hope and pray this is for real.

Dream Lover

My life will be empty and alone.
Until I have my lover here.
My arms will be empty and cold.
Until I have my sweetheart near.

I will wake happy each morning after dreaming.
Dreams of his sweet kiss and gentle touch.
I will cry each night before I sleep.
A painful void in my heart, cause I miss him so much.

Each day the time seems to go by more slowly.
I try to keep him from my mind.
But each time I close my eyes.
He is there every time.

Looking deep into my eyes.
He is in my heart and my mind.
I could search the world over.
Another like him I would never find.

So come join me dream lover.
Stay with me the rest of your life.
I’ll be your best friend, your lover, your girl.
And forever I’ll be in your life.

We can grow old.
Sit and watch the decades go by.
Happy and content in each others arms.
From today until the day we die.

And when we are six feet under
Even then together we will be
My spirit joined with yours
Together forever in eternity.


I’m a dreamer, yes this is true.
So many things I want, but probably never do.
Time keeps ticking and I keep dreaming of days gone by.
Wishing I could change the past, and if I could I know I would try.
One dream that has come true, is having you to love.
And for that dream I must have had help from above.
If you could look into my heart, you would see just how I feel.
How much I really need you and want to be with you, forever and until…


I live in the hope.
That I will have the chance.
One day, to say I love you.

To wrap my arms around you.
Love you with my eyes.
And hold onto you forever.

But each time I try.
You turn your back on me.
And slowly fade away.

Why can’t you understand?
That I need you.
That I am cold without you.

Life is so lonely now.
I miss you as much as I miss myself.
Without you I’m nothing.

When you’re close to me.
I die a little more.
Because I know it’s over.

The Beginning

I picked a pretty flower today.
It was delicate like my heart.
But then it reminded me of you.
So I tore it all apart.
With each petal I remembered.
The lies that you spoke.
The pain that you caused.
The hearts that you broke.
The flower was a thing of beauty.
But now its ugly and bare.
I tried to stop the destruction.
But I just didn’t care.
I just kept ripping and tearing.
Pulling it all apart.
Wanting it to be you.
Wishing it was your heart.
I looked at the petals.
Lying on the ground.
A crumpled up pitiful mess.
As a tear fell slowly down.
It dropped on the petals.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
A flower started to grow.
Much to my surprise.
Out of something so ugly.
A new start is made.
As my heart heals.
Memories start to fade.
Time is my friend now.
as I watch the flowers grow.
I can let my heart mend.
Because I have to let you go.

Angry Tears

Angry tears fall from my eyes.
As bitterness harms within me.
I search for an answer for this betrayal.
But I am too blinded with confusion to see.

I hug the pillow as if it will bring him back.
Stroking my hair and saying it will be all right.
I become flooded with tears and memories.
I wonder how I will make it through the night.

My heart aches and my soul cries for him.
I love him deeply even now.
But I know I must go on alone.
I just wish I knew how.

Memories of You

Everywhere I turn I see you.
Each word I speak.
Reminds me of something you said.
With each breath I take.
I smell your sweet scent…
And I still taste you on my lips.
Every site I see.
Reminds me of the places we saw together.
You have become my world!
I know nothing but you….
Your scent,
Your taste,
Your words,
Your laughter,
Your touch,
Your tears,
Your memories…
That’s all I live for now.

Live With Me

Walk with me.
Through the valley of flowers.
Skip with me.
In afternoon showers.
Lay with me.
In the pouring rain.
Run with me.
To escape the pain.
Come site with me.
In my field of dreams.
Underneath the moon.
We will plan the scheme.
To go hand in hand.
Through life we will glide.
Over the rainbows.
Together we will slide.
Dance through the forest.
Skate across the sky.
Happy and free.
Just you and I.


In my head.
Jumbled up letters.
Waiting to be sorted through.
To become a sentence.
With meaning or not.
Just to become words.
Of wisdom.
Of grace,
Of love,
Of happiness.
But for now.
Just letters.
Sitting there.
In my head.
Doing nothing.
Forming nothing.
Feeling nothing.
Empty like my heart.
Help me form the words.
To say I love you.

The Love Letter

My dearest love,

I am counting the days ‘til we are finally together, when I can touch your face and hold your body.
I want to look so deep into your eyes that you will know you are forever loved.
I want to kiss you so sweetly that you will forever taste me on your lips.
I want to run my nails down your back, my fingers through your hair, and entangle my body with yours.
I want to enslave you…
Like a person dying form thirst, I will always leave you wanting more.
But I will always more do more than satisfy your every desire.
I want to love you so hard, you will think I want to own your soul.
But it’s not your soul I’m after…only your heart.
And if I ever win your heart, I will love, protect, and cherish it.
Like the sun rising in the morning, lighting the dew on the grass.
So shall your love light my darkness, and so shall I electrify your soul.
Together forever in lust and love.

Kindred Spirit

My kindred spirit, destined to touch my soul
For a moment I thought I would never find you
That I was destined to be alone…
But then I looked up one day and there you were
A smile so warm it reached into my lonely heart and made it glow
A voice so soft and yet so strong, I once felt safe
Your touch so tender I felt love, yet with such urgency I felt pure rapture
The words that you spoke infiltrated the core of my soul
My pervading sprit…
Are you for real? Please don’t be an apparition in my dream
If you are, I will forever sleep in the arms of Morpheus…
For to imagine walking the earth without you in an insufferable thought.

Hold Me

Come hold me ’til I fall asleep.
Love me with all your heart.
Allow me into your soul.
And I swear we will never part.

I will love you with all that I am.
And all that I will ever be.
Just hold me through the night.
And tomorrow you will see…

How deep my love goes for you.
How it spreads far and wide.
Look deep into my eyes now.
Can you see I tremble inside?

I want you so much.
My heart aches with pain.
I need you so much.
I think I’m going insane.

Just promise you won’t leave me.
And that you’ll always be here.
If you hold me through the night.
I won’t have any fears.

Gone with the Wind

The wind blew out the candle.
As you slammed shut the door.
I felt a chill go past my heart.
I knew we were no more.
I sat in the dark, stunned.
My mind racing, yet blank.
Asking a million questions.
But unable to think.
Everything was wonderful.
We were happy as hell.
But the lies started.
And the happiness fell.
I know you feel guilty.
But it was too late.
The damage was done.
Our love turned to hate.
You said bad things.
It hurt me deep.
Never to be erased.
In my heart they seeped.
I realized its over.
And I turned on a light.
I had a life before you.
I’ll start a new one tonight.


It’s very rare.
And hard to find.
A special friend.
Someone who’s kind.
To keep your secrets.
And never tell.
No matter how mad.
They will never yell.
Always there.
Tired and true.
Pick you up.
When you are blue.
Make you happy.
When you’re sad.
Protect you at all cost.
When you’re bad.
Never leave you.
Always by your side.
Shows true feelings.
The truth never hides.
My best friend sweetie is you.
Love me forever.
And I’ll always love you.

My Love for You

You asked me how much I loved you.
God, where do I begin?
You are the reason I wake each morning.
And the reason I dream each night.
I can’t breathe without whispering your name.
Or close my eyes without seeing your face.
When we are apart, my body aches for you.
When we are together I long to please you.
When I laugh, when I cry, when I daydream…
It’s all done with you in mind.
I know I have known you not just in this life.
But in many lives before.
Because I have more love in my heart for you.
Than a person can gather in just one lifetime.
Without you I could not walk the earth.
For you are the reason I exist.
You are my whole heart as well as my soul.
Without your love I would be empty.
So you see, you are my everything, my life.
That’s how much I love you.

Winter Blues

The October sky.
Sports an autumn moon.
Yet another reminder.
Of my lonely blues.

Sins of my tormented past.
Seem to creep up on me.
The sky turns dark gray.
The clock is striking three.

I wonder where you are.
At this point in time.
Are you as sad as me.
Does your heart break like mine?

Do you ever think of me.
The way I dream about you.
The long summer nights.
Underneath the glow of the moon.

The way you held my face.
As we passionately kissed.
Filling my heart with love.
Filling my soul with bliss.

Yes I remember those days.
And it fills me with pain.
To know that never again.
Will things ever be the same.

So as the sky turns gray.
And I become blue.
I will try my very best.
To go on without you.

Trust Not

It was the way you said my name.
And held my hand.
And looked into my eyes.
And said, “I understand”.

It was the way you smelled.
The warmth of your breath.
The security of your arms.
And the way you said, “I love you ‘til death”.

It was the way you touched me.
With strong tender hands so soft.
Stroking my delicate skin.
As though it were made from satin cloth.

It was the way you looked so honestly.
And said, “Just give me one chance”.
Then you twirled me around in confusion.
And looked back with one glance.

It was the way you walked away.
As if you never really cared.
It told me all I needed to know.
But I ever wanted to be aware.

It was the way I cried.
The way I felt used and betrayed.
The way you found someone else so quickly.
That is how I knew I was played.

It was the way my heart sank.
The way you took my trust like rape.
These were all the things.
That caused my heart to break.

Two Souls

Soft feathery kisses.
Underneath a silvery moon.
Two sweaty souls embrace.
A warm night in June.
Pulling even closer.
Afraid to let go.
Looking ever deeper.
Their true love shows.
Drifting in the surf.
While lying in the sand.
Holding onto eternity.
With one another’s hand.
His kiss placed on her hair.
Her nails run down his spine.
Two souls unite together.
Until the end of time.

Tear Stained Pillow

I’m as lonely as the tear.
That slides down my cheek.
It falls for what seems like eternity.
Finally it settles on my pillow.
Leaving another stain to prove the
Sorrow that I have is real.
The pain dwells within me.
While outside a smile.
Has settled on my face.
Convincing all who see me.
Of my false contentment.
I am ashamed of the lie that I live.
I want to reach out to you.
But I am afraid of rejection.
So I continue my charade.
All alone with only my
Tear stained pillow to hold
Oh if only it could hug me back!
But alas, its only purpose.
Is to absorb my tears.
I have to wonder how long.
It will be before it drowns.
Where then will my tears fall?

Starting Over

How can you love someone?
When you can’t love yourself.
Living in your past mistakes.
Feeling beyond help.
Sorting through the good and the bad.
Not knowing which one to choose.
Did you learn from your mistakes?
Or did you lose?
Your future is what you make it.
Try not to live in the past.
Make yourself a brighter tomorrow.
With memories that will last.
Replace the hurt with love.
New memories to overshadow the pain.
Dancing in the sunshine.
Instead of drowning in the pain.
It seems really easy.
The idea sounds good.
Starting all over…
Oh, if only I could.

Rare Love

While you are so far away.
You seem so very close.
Maybe it’s because when I dream.
I see your face the most.

I rush home to see if you called.
Because I long to hear your voice.
I would not pick another man.
If I were even given a choice.

You are everything I dream of.
Perfection is its rarest.
I can’t wait until you hold me.
Making my cold heart war

You will fill my days with hope.
As you fill my nights with lust.
Of all the people in this world.
It’s only you I trust.

I now give my heart to you.
Treat it with tender care.
It will always be open.
As my love waits for you there.

The Purest Love

They play without a care.
So innocent and sweet.
Not knowing what the future holds.
What they will grow up to be.
If they knew what was in store.
They would run and hide away.
From the pain they will feel.
Dreading that very day.
Love feels good as a child.
But it kills when you are grown.
Needing and wanting it so badly.
Never having enough of your own.
Why can’t we be like children?
Just love from our hearts so pure.
No back stabbing or lying.
No more pain to endure.
You would think we know better.
Are we not more mature?
We never really grow up I suppose.
Or do we, I’m not sure.
All I know is it hurts me.
To feel this way inside.
And now I know the truth.
It is too late for me to hide.

One More Mile

Just one more mile.
Until I make it home.
One more mile.
And I am no linger alone.
The days no longer empty.
The skies no longer gray.
The nights no longer lonely.
A light to guide my way.
Just one more mile.
The hunger will be fed.
One more mile.
A love to share my bed.
My heart will be so happy.
To be filled with love so true.
Content and complete forever.
As long as I have you.
Just one more mile.
This journey will be over.
One more mile.
I will be with my lover.

Separate Lives

As I sit here watching you laugh.
I realize just how I feel.
Your life is moving forward.
While my life is standing still.

So much love for you to find.
But only loneliness for me.
Great things for you to become.
So much I’ll never be.

We are so much alike.
Yet we are worlds apart.
I know you would give me your life.
But I only want your heart.

You say that you love me.
But I fear you want another.
Cause your attention I don’t get.
It’s given to some other.

So understand why I am scared.
That your love is fake.
And if I give my heart to you.
It would be a mistake.

It hurts me to feel this pain.
My heart aches inside.
But this is how I feel.
The truth I can no longer hide.

Be Gentle With My Heart

Be gentle with my troubled heart my love.
For I have cried enough for this lifetime.
Be gentle with my tortured soul my sweet.
For I have no more sadness left inside.
Be gentle with my weakened spirit my darling.
Or it is only now begun to heal my heart.
Be gentle with my love companion and
I will forever love you.

Was a Time

There was a time not so very long ago.
When my restless heart sighed in sadness.
A time of searching for a kindred soul.
Beaten by a cynical and selfish world.

There was a time not in a distant past.
A weary heart despaired of one more love.
And then you came to me from the mists.
Your heart and hand embracing my aches.

There was a time I remember too well.
Hoped for love surrendered to despair.
But then your gentle spirit touched mine.
And my once lonely heart wept with joy.

Our gentle hearts now sing a joyful melody.
No more sad sighs from a lonely heart today.
For you my prince came to me one night.
And forever more ended my lonely quest for love.

How could I know that you were the one my love?
Because I still remember that time not long ago.
When I walked alone in weary silence.
Because of you the sighing heart sings again.

Too many words I know I write, to simply say.
I’m glad you came into my life.

To a Distant Lover

How long I span the miles.
To hold your face in gentle hands.
My spirit thirsts to touch thy heart.
To embrace as only lovers dare.

Listlessly longing for touch of sweet lips.
Upon my fevered brow this day.
Arms break to embrace loving warmth.
Feel your breath upon my cheek.

Aching memory of the softly musical sound.
Of a gently whispered ‘I love you”.
I send these heartsounds to you.
That you may hear this lonely heart.

To my distant love I send my soul.
My heart across the endless miles.
For a distance alone could never smother.
A love born of destiny’s desire.

The Dream

I had a dream about you last night.
I called to you but you didn't answer.
I tried to see you but the fog was to thick.
I searched all over for you, behind every cloud.

It was then that I realized I was in heaven.
At that moment I accepted that you were there.
And when I accepted it, I saw you.

You were glowing, a beautiful heavenly being.
You were an angel and I finally felt at peace.
I can go on now....

But someday I know we will be together again.
Until then.... know that I love you.


You have betrayed me, leaving me to hurt all alone.
You say you don’t want to talk to me anymore.
Not even on the phone.
One minute you say you love me and then show your true face.
You have ripped my heart out of its rightful place.
My heart is now torn in to several parts.
But i still have something for you.
It's a piece of my heart.
A piece of my heart is the best gift of all.
When I looked at you it was love above all.
Then it all fell apart.
And you walked away smiling...Away with my heart.

Let Me Be

I take this knife.
Into my hand.
Was a happy life.
Too much to demand?
It will be ok.
It will be alright.
This is gonna be.
my very last night.
I think if you were here.
what I would say.
Because theirs no tomorrow.
And theirs no more today.
My hand slides down.
The knife goes through.
Just think, this is.
All because of you.
I'm rolling around.
On the floor.
Trying to get up.
To lock the door.
I hear your voice.
As death draws near.
I see your face.
I have no fear.
Even in death.
Its you I still can see.
Why couldn't you.
Just let me be.


I see you.
do you know I'm there?
Watching you, wanting you, needing you.
I pray to heaven to let you be mine.
I want to know you, I want to feel you, I want to love you.
This bitter world has me so confused.
I am on my knees longing for you.
There is emptiness inside of me.
Always angry, always lonely, never satisfied.
But this world does not care,
it does not feel, it does not want, it does not love.
But I am hopeful,
for the day God gives us a chance.
To live as one, hope as one, feel as one, and love as one.

Blame it on your Confusion

The state of mind I am often in.
In and out of it so sudden,
Confused by all the things I thought I knew.
Confused because I am in love with you.
I don’t know how I got here,
I don’t know how long I’ll stay.
But soon enough I’ll be on my way.
In love with a player,
In love with the game.
In love, you’re so charming.
In love and you to blame,
Confused why I let myself,
Confused this can’t be me.
Confused by the fact that I am in love with someone who will never love me. 

Confused with the tears,
I never let fall
Confused because I gave you them all.
I’d never thought I’d be here.
I can’t wait to leave
I’m in love and hurting and you don’t see
Love is a confusion it’s a game
When you get here there’s nobody to blame.
Except your own constant confusion.

Hurting in the Present for Preserving the Past

Now that you’re gone it seems I long for you day and night
As I reminisce of your kisses as you held me tight
I never dreamt that you would leave
I thought you would be here to stay
I cried myself to sleep when I heard you say
“Can we just be friends?”
Your words tore me apart as you stole my heart
You left me stranded, no where to go, no one to turn to
In that situation that selfish person would be you
It seems as if you didn’t care, about me nor my feelings
As you left me in despair
I start to cry whenever I hear your name
As your voice repeats in my head,

“Can we just be friends?”
I ask myself everyday, was it because of me?
But how? I never loved someone with a love so deep
I sit here now alone and depressed
Wondering if you feel my loneliness
Just then I start to tremble cause I know the answer is no
You left me because you loved her so
Wishing things were as they were
Before I lost you, before her
But…since my love was strong, I strive and no matter what hung on.

It’s been awhile, at least a month and a half
You could even call it the past
And still to this day I still hear you say
“Can we just be friends?”
Although it’s hard, I now know that you weren’t the one
And it’s time for me to move on
So when you crawl back and ask
“Can we be more than just friends?”
You’ll see me sigh, then give my reply,

“Though I have awaited this day for so long
What you did was just wrong
All the pain you put me through
My conclusion is that the fault was on you
You had your chance; I just don’t feel the romance
It was your loss and my gain, sorry to say
But my feelings just aren’t the same.”

Just then I start to cry because I know that my words are lies
Deep down I know I desperately want him back
But I am not going to give in this time
I’ve learned from my pain that I am not going to get hurt again
Now I am saying to you, “Sorry, this is the end, we are just friends”
So in words short and few, “We’re through!”

No more longing for the past that I once endured
The only thing I brought me was suffering and hurt
Now I’ll just wait to see what the future has in store
And not wait around for him anymore.

I Miss You

I miss your smile I miss your laugh
I miss everything about you
I see you everyday and all I can do is smile and wave
When I really want you back I care so much for you
I don’t understand what did I do?

I thought we would be together for so long
You were so sweet and charming with your words so sweet and charming with the words you said
But something happened and I don’t know what went wrong
I cried so hard just lying in my bed.

I say I am over you but I really know
I can’t forget you and I never will
I want you back and I love you so
You don’t even care and don’t even know.

I guess we’ll never be together again like I had wished
I’ll never forget you and the times we had
The places we went and when we kissed
I don’t hate you
I swear, I am no longer pissed.

I just miss you, I guess you’ll never know.


I hate my life I should have known
That you’d love her, leave me
Why I ever thought you’d love me
I, myself will never know
Drowning in my tears of sorrow
I try not to let it show.

I know it’s not her fault that you love her
But I can’t hide my hate for her right now
I’ve lived in her shadow for as long as I remember
Alone, unloved, yet surviving somehow.

When she told me that you still loved her
I thought I’d die right there and then
The happiness in her voice
A knife
Cutting through my soul, my skin.

I didn’t realize how much I loved you
The pain I felt was strong and disabling
All I could see what the smile on her face
The anger, ripping, tearing, nauseating.

I know I won’t stop loving you
No matter how hard I try
I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive her
I always feel hate for her inside.

Sitting here now, I don’t know how to feel
Sadness, hatred, despair
I’m not sure
Why does this always happen to me
This is a pain that no one deserves.

Why does he lie?

What goes on?
Inside of his head?
How could he say?
All those things that he said.

What did I do?
And why did he lie?
Was it intended to hurt me?
Or just make me cry?

And why would he care?
About what I do now?
I see his fake smile
And know it’s a frown.

If he’s mad at me now
And just glares at me
Does it mean that he’s jealous?
But why should he be?

I don’t care what he thinks
I don’t care what he says
Is it the thought of my happiness
That he fears and he dreads?

I’m aware that he’s mad
That I’ve found a great guy
But why is he lying?
I’d love to know why.

He’s trying so hard
But he’s wasting his time
For the guy I’m with now
Can see straight through the lies.

Long Distance Love

When it hurts so bad
Why does it feel so good?
I wish this all made sense
I wish I understood
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside
But I can’t stop thinking about you
No matter how hard I try.

You know how I feel about you
And I know I want to spend the rest of my life with only you
But it’s so hard to do when I can’t even be next to you
Why does it gotta be so complicating?

Loving you feels so right
But at the same time
Knowing I can’t have you keeps me awake at night
I just want this to be simple
I just want you here with me
To look into your eyes
Be held in your arms…then I’d truly be happy.

Right now this distance between us is out of our control
But I’m still hoping one day soon
I’ll get what I’m wishing for.

The Bitter Truth

You say one thing
Yet you mean another
You try to be up front
While hiding beneath a cover.

Why are you so selfish?
And why so ignorant?
What exactly does love mean to you?
Or should I say, meant?

I’ve never known someone so fake
Someone who can’t speak the truth
Someone so terribly insecure
Someone so cruel, someone like you.

Why did you have to be like this?
You started off quite fine
You would always say how much you care
I guess that was just another “line.”

I sit around and remember
Of how much I used to enjoy your name
And how I dearly loved
To play your little game.

But now I finally know
That you aren’t at all what I thought
And it’s a damn shame too
Cause I really loved you a lot.


As I stare into the sky
I see a shooting star
I think of you
And all that we could be.

I made a wish
Upon that shooting star
Hoping you would love me
The way that I love you.

When I looked into your eyes
I knew it was true
I loved you
And I thought you loved me too.

Since then you found a girl
I wish that I was her
But I am not
And I won’t stop wishing for you.

Day after day
I wish you would hold me tight
Kiss me with your soft gentle lips
And say that you love me.

But every time I see you
You’re holding onto her
You’re kissing her so gently
And saying you love her.

I love you more than words can say
I wish I could hold you night and day
I’ll love you always and forever
Even if you don’t love me.

Is it Happening Again?

The first time it happened
I knew it was great
But something inside
Turned beautiful love into hate.

After being hurt
Too many a time
I started realizing
My heart wasn’t his. My heart was mine.

I let go of the
Greatest thing I ever knew
Without knowing why
Not even a clue.

But the more I think of it
I realize now
I had to be my own person
I no longer knew how.

I’d become part of him
Became a part of his soul
All things came to an end
Even love as a toll.

But I swore that I would
Never do that again
My mind told me no
But my heart had to win.

My first love caused too much pain to bear
So why am I in love again?????
Life is never fair.

You’ve changed me for the better
You’ve opened me up
Taken me out of my shell
With your sweet gentle touch.

But this love too
I know it will end
But I know enough now
To make sure you’re my friend.

See love of the heart
Is a very confusing thing
It can’t be represented
By a bracelet or a ring.

But a friends love is
Something that will never change
No matter how high is goes
Or how far the range.

So all I know is to
Warn you of this
Nothing is as painful
As a lovers dead kiss.

More Ways than One

When I look into your eyes
I see the beauty that lies...
Deep within your heart.

You dream what I dream
You feel what I feel
Baby, don't listen when they say
That what we have isn't real.

The sound of your voice
The sight of your face
when I'm with you
There's no better place.

You say that I'm an angel
But you gave me my wings
You treat me like a princess
And the best of all things.

You've given me love
And all of my pride
You've showered your beauty
On this little heart of mine.

So many nights
I've cried over you
Trying to find the wrong in this
But what I'm feeling is true.

Never once
Did I think this would happen to me
That a piece of heaven would fall
And set my heart free.

Free of the dark
Free of the lies
Free of the loneliness
Free of the lies.

Sometimes it's hard
To say what's on my mind
And breaking through the hesitance
That I'm leaving behind.

I wish that we could be together
just how we want
Just me and you
No hiding no lies
But for now this will have to do.

I pray for the blessings of the Lord that
we can stay strong
And that this hopeless devotion
could seem right for the poor souls who
feel that it's wrong.

When it's cold and dark I can feel the
the warmth of the sun
Baby please believe me when I say
"I love you forever
In more ways than one.”


I thought you'd always be with me
Always by my side but then you betrayed me
in more ways than one, you left me to face
this cruel world alone. 

Set adrift in a sea of night, my tears fall freely
my face an open book showing all the pain
you've caused. First you lie, then cheat
then deceive, then lie again, then cheat
again, then deceive again
When will this circle of pain end?