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Quotes by Kurt Cobain

"I choose to do drugs. I don't feel sorry for myself at all, but I have nothing good to say about them. They are a total waste of time!"

"I wanted to sell my ass and be a punk rocker, but I was to afraid. So I just stayed in Aberdeen for too long... until I was twenty years old "

"I have a problem with the average macho man. They've always been a threat to me."

"It upset me that we were attracting the people that a lot of my music has a reaction against."

"I was looking for something a lot heavier, yet melodic. Something very different from heavy metal, a different attitude"

"I had a really good childhood up until I was nine, than a classic case of divorce really affected me "

"When I write a song, the lyrics are the least important thing."

"I don't want to be associated with ninety-nine per cent of all rock and roll bands."

"I have to hear rumors about me all the time, I'm totally fucking sick of it."

"I don't think courtney and I are that fucked up. We have just lucked love all our lives."

"We break things all the time, but that's just us compensating for the frustration of being on the road."

"I like anything that was a little bit weird, a little bit different. I always went for the psychotic, weird, 'dirgey' bands."

"I'm a spokesman for myself. It just so happens that there are a bunch of people that are concerned with what I say. I find that frightening at times, because I'm as confused as most people. I don't have the answers for anything. I don't want to be a fucking spokesperson."

"I'm definitely gay in spirit and I probably could be bisexual. If I wouldn't have found Courtney, I probably would have carried with a bisexual lifestyle."

"I'm a narcoleptic, so I have a hard time being motivated. I forget things all the time."

"Maintaining the punk rock ethos is more important to me than anything."

"We're so trendy that we can't even escape ourselves."

"We thought we'd sell a couple of hundred thousand records at the most, and that would be fine. The next thing you know , we go top ten."

"America may be the land of the free, but there are definitely more ignorant people there. Most of the population are semi-retarded."

"Rape is one of the most terrible crime on earth. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate woman about how to defend themselves What really needs to be done is to teach man not to rape, to go to the source and start there."

"Nothing is better than playing live, even though we may say we hate it and have said we may not continue to play live. but playing in front of people who react well is the best thing in the world."