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A Simple Christmas Card

Abbie, shy and reserved, started 9th grade in the big-city high school in the center of town. It never occurred to her that she would be lonely. But soon she found herself dreamin about her ld eighth-grade class. It had been small and friendly. This class was much too cold and unfriendly.

No one at this school seemed to care if Abbie felt welcome or not. She was a very caring person, but her shyness interferred with making friends. Oh, she had those occasional buddies-you know, the kind that took advantage of her kindness by cheating off her.

She walked the hallways everyday almost invisable; no one spoke to her, so her voice was never heard. It reached the point where she believed her thoughts weren't good enough to be heard. So she continued to stay quiet, almost mute.

Her parents were very worried about her, for they feared she would never make friends. And since they were divorced, she probably needed to talk to a friend very badly. Her parents tried everything they could to try and help her fit in. They bought her the cloths and the CD's, but it still didn't work.

Unfortunately, Abbie's parents didn't know Abbie was thinking of ending her life. She often cried herself to sleep, believing no one would ever love her enough to become her real friend.

Her new pal Tammy used her to do her homework by pretending to need help. Even worse, Tammy was leaving Abbie out of the fun she was having. This only pushed Abbie closer to the edge.

Things worsened over the summe; Abbie was all alone with nothing to do but let her mind run wild. SHe let herself believe that this was all that life was cracked up to be. From Abbie's point of view, it wasn't worth living.

She started the tenth grade and joined a Christian youth group at a local church, hoping to make friends. She met people who on the outside seemed to welcome her, but on the inside wished she'd stay out of their group.

By Christmas time Abbie was so upset that she was taking sleeping pills to help her sleep. It seemed as though she was slipping away from the world.

Finally, she decided she would jump off the local bridge on Christmas Eve, while her parents were at a party. As she left her warm house for a long walk to the bridge, she decided to leave her parents a note in the mailbox. When she pulled down the door to the mailbox, she found letters already there.

She pulled the letters out to see who they were from. There was one from Grandma and Grandpa Knight, a couple from the neighbors ... and then she saw one addressed to her. She tore it open. It was a card from one of the guys at youth group.

Dear Abbie,
I want to apolpgize for not talking to you sooner, but my parents are in the middle of a divorce, so I didn't have a chance to talk to anyone. I was hoping you could help me with some questions I have about divorced kids. I think we could become friends and help each other. See you at Youth Group on Sunday!
Sincerely you friend,
Wesley Hill

She stared at the card for awhile, reading it over and over again. "Become friends," she smiled, realizing that someone cared about her life and wanted plain, quiet Abbie Knight as a friend. She felt so special.

She turned around and went back to her house. As soon as she walked in the door, she called Wesley. I guess you could say he was a Christmas miracle, because friendship is the best gift you can give anyone.

By: Theresa Peterson