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Here are my best friends.....

Here's Pikachu. Hehe this was taken in art club on halloween. I wasn't there, don't remember why but that's okay. Sorry Rach I know you hate this picture but it'll hafta do until I get a better one. Well Rachel is my bestest buddy. She's been there for me this whole year ever since we met. I love you man!!!!! >: )

This is Chris. We've known eachother eversince I was in 8th grade and he was in 10th. Over 2 years. We started off as girlfriend and boyfriend, hard to remember, huh Chris. Hehe. Well I love you like a brother, you should know that by now...

This is Josh. We met online, and what started off as a simple conversation led me to pouring my heart out to him. Even though only online he has always been there for me, as I hope I was for him.