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The Cordelia Chase Persuasion

TITLE: The Cordelia Chase Persuasion (1/1)
AUTHOR: Rebecca Parker
DISTRIBUTION: Ask and ye shall receive.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters. If I did, Doyle would still be alive.
FEEDBACK: Please! I have a fragile ego, and if I don't get enough feedback, it shatters. :)
SUMMARY: Cordelia thinks up a way to cheer Angel up.
This is in response to a challenge on the CordeliaDoyle list.
This was the challenge:
-Must be D/C
-Kate Must Die.
-Some Angel bashing
-Xander has to show up
-Cordy doing Tae Bo and trying to teach Doyle
-C/A/D go to a Karaoke Bar. Cordelia sings "That Thing You Do", Doyle sings "Uptown Girl" and Angel sings "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"
-Jonathan Must Show Up
Must have 5 of the following-
-a rubber fish
-a multi colored scarf
-a David Arquette movie
-Someone watching "Dawsons Creek"
-Britney Spears bashing
-A Lava Lamp
-A Drew Barrymore reference
-someone drinking 7Up/Dr Pepper Together
-A Dead rose
-Pile of Empty Water Bottles
-The Book "My Brother Sam is Dead"
-A Big Stuffed Bear
-Someone saying "I didn't do it"
-Christmas Lights but it isn't Christmastime
-Doyle saying "Whats in there? A tarantula?"

"Ugh, I cant believe him!", Cordelia said, her hands throwing imaginary punches in the air. "He has been down there in that darkened...whatever it is for the last two days brooding. You think he would be bored with it by now, but no! He's perfectly content being gloomy. That boy needs to get a hobby."

Doyle smiled at Cordelia, his face soaked with sweat as he tried to keep up with her. This Tae Bo was a lot harder than it looked. "Give the man a break Princess. He's still getting over Kate's death. It was a fairly traumatic experience. "

"No, listening to Britney Spears is a fairly traumatic experience," Cordelia said, sighing as she shut off the CD player. "If I have to hear that song one more time, I'm gonna give SOMETHING to her one more time. "

Doyle laughed. "Sorry Cordy. You know I have a hankering for teenage girls," he said, nudging her softly.

"Oh I know you do," Cordelia said, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on his lips. When she pulled away, she had a huge smile on her face.

"That good, eh?", Doyle asked, a proud grin on his face.

"Oh please," Cordelia said. "I just had the best idea!"

"Would this involve you watching 'Scream' and practically giving me a lapdance cause you're so scared? Cause I like that idea," he said, smiling.

"Down boy. What I meant was I have the best idea of what can cheer old Broodathon boy up. We can take him to karaoke!', Cordelia said, getting up off the couch.

Doyle gave Cordelia the strangest look. "Ok, I'm willing to settle for a nice Drew Barrymore movie where she doesn't get sliced and diced instead...maybe 'Never Been Kissed'?", he asked, with a nervous smile.

He knew his Cordy. Once she comes up with her version of "a great idea", there was no derailing her.

"Nope, karaoke it is," she said. "I always wondered how bad a singer you were," she said, leaning over to kiss him again. "Tonight's my chance to find out."

"Well, just remember, when yer ears are bleeding at the end of the night, I'll stand firm by my 'I didn't do it' claim," Doyle said, his face turning red at the perfection of Cordelia's kisses.

"Well lets go get Tall Dark and not as handsome as he thinks," Cordelia said, pulling Doyle into the elevator.

"Whats that sound?", Doyle asked, his ears picking up on an argument.

"Sounds like....," Cordelia said, a huge smile appearing on her face. "Now THIS I have to see," Cordelia said, opening the doors to the elevator and giving Doyle the little shh sign.

She crept up on Angel, whose eyes were fixed on the scene taking place on his television.

"I cant do it anymore Dawson," the girl said. "I cant pretend I don't have feelings for you. The psychological ramifications of my denial are mindbogglingly intense!"

"Joey, I'm sorry. But my teenage hormonal imbalance has lead me to experience severe waffling on the issue of our radically transforming relationship," the male retorted.

"Angel the dark brooding vampire, watching 'Dawsons Creek'?", Cordelia said with a laugh as she appeared at Angel's side. "Doesth my eyes deceive me?"

Angel quickly hit the remote control and shut the television off. "Um...I"

"Investigating whether one of the actors on the show is a vampire?", Cordelia offered, grinning.

Doyle laughed. "My moneys on that Van Der Beek kid." He looked at Cordelia nervously, whose glance had turned to him. "Not that I...know the names of the actors anyway because I would never watch....Angel! Cordelia here had a perfect idea! How would you like to go to karaoke with us?"

Angel sighed. "I don't think so," he said, his hand picking up a dead rose that was sitting on the table next to him. "I think I'll just sit here and reflect."

"Angel. You're a vampire. You don't reflect," Cordelia said, frowning.

"I think he meant think things over Princess," Doyle said, his hand reaching around Cordelia's waist and resting there.

"Whatever. Look Angel, I'm not going to take no for an answer. I'm sick and tired of you being down here. Ever since Kate died, you've been a major mope. You haven't been taking cases. We've been making money off of the one or two commercials I finally landed! I would like to use my own money for my own purposes, you know? There's this great Red and gray scarf at Bloomingdales that I am just dying to get my hands on, but no. I have to support you and your full time brooding! Now I demand you to get up, get dressed and come have some karaoke fun with me and Doyle!"

"There's no sense arguing with her man," Doyle said, looking at Angel. "She's gonna win."

"I know," Angel said, getting up from his seat on the couch. "Let me get dressed."

Cordelia smiled. "Good. Oh, and while you're at it, can we take the Christmas lights down outside? It's July!" she said. "The neighbors have been complaining. And when the crack whores start complaining about what _we're_ doing, well, its pretty bad."

Angel frowned. "Maybe later Cordelia. Just be happy that you're getting me out of the place at all."

"Fine," Cordelia said, sighing. She turned to Doyle. "Well, I'm going to go home and get dressed. I'll meet you at the Karaoke bar on Main Street and Sullivan at 9 ok?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll be counting the minutes," Doyle said as he let go of Cordelia's hand and watched as she walked away.


An hour later, Cordelia, Angel, Doyle and Jonathan were sitting at the table nearest the bar. They had run into Jonathan on the way there, and they had invited him along. The more the merrier.

"So Cordelia, have you picked your song yet?', Doyle asked, looking the song list over.

"Sure have," Cordelia said. "I'm going to sing 'The Greatest Love of All'"

"No!', Jonathan said, his voice louder than it had ever been. He remembered Cordelia's rendition of that very song at the Talent Show a few years ago, and he was still getting over the experience.

"Whats your problem Jonathan?" Cordelia asked, an annoyed look on her face.

"Oh...I was just thinking...this song would be better for you," he said, his finger landing on a random song.

"'That Thing You Do'?", Cordelia asked. "Oh yeah, that Tom Hanks movie. I can do that one," she said, smiling. "Thanks Jonathan."

Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief. That had been close.

"And what about you Doyle?", Cordelia said as she handed her song to the emcee. "What are you going to sing?"

"A song about you of course," Doyle said, handing his own in as well. "Uptown Girl," he said, with a smile.

Cordelia grinned. "How sweet," Cordelia said. She turned to Angel. "What about you? What song will you be gracing us with your rendition of?"

Angel shut the book. "I don't think I'm going to be singing anything," Angel said.

Cordelia smiled. "I knew you were going to say that. That's why I chose for you," she said, and as she eyed the emcee walking over with a microphone in hand, she said, "And you're up first."

Angel shook his head. "I cant."

Cordelia smiled, taking the microphone from the lady. "Ladies and gentleman, please put your hands together for the vocal stylings of Mr. Angel....Um..Mr. Angel Broody!", she said, handing the microphone to Angel, who took it reluctantly and walked on stage. There was just no use arguing with her.

Angel's eyes grew large as he realized what song he would be singing. Cordelia would pay for this, he thought, a pacifist way, he would make her pay.

"Come home, in the early light, my father yells 'What You Gonna do with your life? I wanna be the one to walk in the sun," Angel sang, his voice wobbly but not as bad as Cordelia had expected.

"Girls just wanna have fun?" Doyle said, turning to Cordelia who was on the verge of cracking up.

"I did it just for that 'be the one to walk in the sun' line. I thought he'd appreciate it," Cordelia said, watching as Angel began to sway his hips onstage.

Cordelia and Doyle began to kiss again...Ever since his near death with the Scourge, they realized that life was short and they shouldn't waste any time.

Jonathan sat there, uncomfortable at the sight of his high school nemesis and this strange man kissing and the sight of this familiar looking guy, who was now dancing around crazily onstage. He smiled when he saw a familiar face walk in.

"Xander!", he called out, waving his friend over.

"Xander's here?" Cordelia said, breaking out of the kiss and watching as her ex walked over.

Xander couldn't help but laugh as he watched Angel start to breakdance on stage. "Hmm," he said, settling into the chair next to Doyle. "I didn't know that vampires could actually go insane. I mean...there's Dru, but she was insane before she became a vampire, and anyway." Xander stopped, seeing the looks that the three of them were giving him.

"Sorry," he said, his hands thrown up in the air. "Would it be a visit from me without a good one or two minute babble?"

"This is true," Cordelia said. "But why exactly are you here?", she asked.

"Oh, just delivering a package to some law firm. That's my new boy. Has more class than the Fry Guy," he said. "And that costume was the pits. Speaking of the pits, who taught Angel how to dance?" Xander asked, his eyes once again returning to Angel, who had just finished his song.

"Shh," Cordelia said, "He's coming back. Anyway, ok, so I see what you're doing in LA. But what are you doing HERE in this karaoke bar?"

"Oh. I stopped by the office and you guys weren't there. Anyway, the women next door told me that she heard you guys talking about a karaoke place. I thought I would come and find you. That is, after they made me take down your Christmas Lights. Slacking off on the job?" Xander asked Angel as he returned to the table.

"Xander," Angel said, sitting down, wiping the sweat off his brow. " long have you been here?"

"Long enough to see your version of Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo. But don't worry I wont tell Buffy," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," Angel said, embarrassed.

"Although I did enjoy the show. When are you performing next?" he asked, grinning.

"Xander," Angel said.

"I know...I know," Xander said. "So how did they ever convince YOU to go to karaoke?" Xander asked.

"We were trying to cheer him up," Cordelia said. "So I forced him."

Xander smiled. "Ah, I missed that. The Good old Cordelia Chase Persuasion. No way of getting out of that," he said.

"Here here," Angel, Doyle and Jonathan said, raising their glasses in the air.

The End.

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