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Dreamin' Of You

General Disclaimers
NOTES: Due to the great response to my fic 'Head over Feet' I decided to go ahead and write the sequal to it. So for all those people who gave me positive feed back this is for you...I don't own the song 'Dreamin' Of You'. It belongs to Celine Dion.

Cordelia finished a slice of pizza and slouched in her seat.

Angel studied her. "It's late. Doyle, Cordelia's tired. Could you take her home? The two of you should get some rest."

Doyle nodded and got up from his chair. "No, I don't mind." He turned to Cordelia. "You ready?"

She slowly climbed to her feet. "Yeah...night Angel."

Angel waved her away. "I'll see you in the morning."

Cordelia smiled and pulled her coat on. "See you." She walked out to Doyle's car shuffling her feet. "So..."

Doyle glanced at her. "So..." He got in the car.

Cordelia followed suit and sat down. She looked at her hands as they drove to her house.

Doyle parked in front of her apartment and got out. He walked her to her door and stood awkwardly.

She stood just as awkward. Was he going to kiss her? He was allowed.

Doyle waited for Cordelia to incline that she still wanted to be with him but she stood silent. He couldn't think of anything to say to her. For the first time ever he was uncomfortable around her and he didn't like that feeling. Especially when she was involved. Finally he did what he felt necissary. He asked. "Do you want me to kiss you good-night?"

She shrugged not wanting him to think she was stupid. "If you want."

"I want to if you want to."

Cordelia shrugged again. "I don't care."

"I'm going to kiss you then." Doyle said but neither moved closer. They both stood staring at each other.

Cordelia crossed her arms and waited. Nothing. She sighed. "This is wierd."

Doyle nodded his agreement. "I know. I want to but I...I feel wrong about it."

Cordelia took a step away from him. "It feels like when I kissed Wesley. All wrong...maybe we should..."


"Not do this. Forget we kissed. I think we were better as friends. I felt right about it."

Doyle felt a pang in his heart but she may be right. He had felt more comfortable earlier. "Maybe you're right."

"Friends?" she asked uncertainly.

Doyle nodded. "Yeah...I'll see you later..."

Cordelia nodded back. "Okay..." She went into her apartment closing the door. She listened to him in the hall. It was better this way. She changed into her pajama's sadly. It didn't feel better. She had found something special and once again chickened out, but she couldn't take it back. Doyle had agreed it was better when they were just friends. Was she disappointing to kiss? Was that why he thought that? Had she not lived up to his expectations?

She turned out the light and crawled into bed. "No more thinking about him." she scolded herself. She had a long day at the office tomorrow and she needed her sleep but every time she was about to drift off he invaded her thoughts.

Why hadn't he kissed her? Had she botched up another relationship? As much as she didn't want to admit it she wanted to be with him. She did like him but was it too late? Did he return her affection?

She rolled in her bed restlessly.

Was he thinking of her right now?

*Lyin' in my bed
Thoughts in my head
Visions of you
But I can't get through the night*

She sighed rolling over again. She hugged her pillow and fought tears. "I want him." she whispered to no one. "Why didn't he stop me?" A tear slid down her cheek. "I wanted him to kiss me." She wimpered angrilly. "What's wrong with him?!" She sniffled. "He should be home by now...I could call him. I could confront him and maybe..." She snatched up the phone. She dialed his number and waited. It rang and rang. No one answered.

*So pick up the phone
I know you're home
You're playin' with my heart
And you know that it just ain't right*

Cordelia slammed the reciever down. She flopped onto her bed with a sigh. She fell back into her pillow exasperated.

*It's just a game of love, love, love
And even though it's hard, baby
I can never give you up*

Cordelia glared at the cieling. "Dennis,he didn't kiss me." She pouted. "I should be hating him right now for being a bad date but..." She punched her pillow. "When he did kiss me it was so good. I can't stay mad at a charming Irishman that can kiss like that. Maybe he's just shy? Maybe her really did want to." She closed her eyes remembering how good it felt when he first kissed her.

*You're the one I'm dreamin' of
I can't live without your love
And it's you that I adore
You're the one that I live for
Of you, I'm dreamin' of you*

Doyle sat in his car fuming. "You blew it, man. She wanted you. She kissed you and you blew it." He punched the seat. "I'm such an idiot!" He started the engine. "Maybe it's better this way. Maybe I do only like her as a friend."

He drove down the road and switched on the radio. The song that blared through the speakers was the one he and Cordelia had sung to Angel on his birthday. Some crazy eighties song. Doyle flicked it off angrilly and threw the car into park in the middle of the road.

*So I got in the car
But I didn't get far
'Cause the radio played
Every song that I sang with you*

Doyle sat there indecisively. He wanted to go back and kiss her like she deserved to be kissed but would she want him to? Had she meant what she said about just being friends? It was killing him not knowing.

*Yesterday's gone
And it may be true
But you know that
I'll never get over you*

Doyle groaned in frustration. "What should I do?!" He slumped his head to the steering wheel. "God, I want her but what if she doesn't like me? Is she just leading me on or does she want me like I want her?" he asked no one in particular.

*It's just a game of love, love, love
And evn though it hurts me baby
I can never give you up*


Cordelia let out another long sigh. Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the door. She felt her blood swirl frantically in her viens. She had it bad. Was it him? She knew it was. She swung open the door.

Doyle stood looking at her with longing eyes.

Nothing needed said.

She stepped to him and he pulled her close in one motion. Their lips crashed together with an urgency that made her weak in the knees.

*Cause you're the one I'm dreamin' of
I can't live without your love
And it's you that I adore
You're the one that I live for
Of you, I'm dreamin' of you*

Doyle pulled away realizing she was in her night wear. Breathlessly he asked. "That's all you sleep in? You'll catch a cold."

Cordelia looked at her skimpy nightgown. "Not if there's someone else's body heat beside me I won't."

Doyle wrapped her in his arms. "Can I be that some one?"

Cordelia let him lay her down in her bed. "Yes." she whispered into his throat.

*You, you gave me love
Love gave us hope and strength
To carry on and
You, you gave me faith
When I was fallin' down
You would pick me up, my love*

Doyle held her close to him and pulled her blankets over them both. He ran his hands over the silky pajama's covering her hips.

Cordelia hugged around his waist. "I like this."

Doyle kissed her hair inhaling her scent. "I do too."

*You're the one I'm dreamin' of
I can't live without your love
And it's you that I adore
You're the one that I live for
Baby, baby, baby, baby*

Cordelia leaned her head tiredly against the pillows. "Don't ever believe me when I say something that stupid again."

Doyle kissed her cheek. "Agreed. And don't let me ever walk away like that without kissing you."

Cordelia closed her eyes and held onto him tightly. I won't. I like it too much...this is a nice way to wake up for work."

Doyle took a last look at his princess before closing his eyes. "It's a nice way to fall asleep too. Knowing you're right here beside me."

*You're the one I'm dreamin' of
I can't live without your love
And it's you that I adore
You're the one that I live for
I'm dreamin' of you*

Cordelia drifted off to sleep in a state of bliss. It payed off to be sensitive every once in awhile.

Doyle's breathing slowed and matched her own as he fell asleep in her arms. Things were finally all right.

The End

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