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Fall, Falling, Fallen

Author: Little Faith
Genre: alternate universe, future, angst
Spoilers: None
Warnings: character death
Summary: Oh good grief, just read it.
Feedback: Pretty Please. Pretty, pretty please with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles and a cherry on top.
Disclaimer: The story you are about to read is fictitious. The characters are not mine. None of this is mine. Not even the disclaimer…wait, no, this is mine…but that's all. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other characters are property of Joss Whedon et al. Lyrics, I believe, belong to Melissa Etheridge, the song is Angels Would Fall


"Hey Jenny," Buffy called as she let herself into the small house. "I know he's not back yet, but I brought over a book for Giles, he ordered it from the store about a month ago and it finally came in." The television was on, turned to the noon news.

"He's coming back today, I hope traffic isn't bad from here to LA," Jenny Calendar-Giles replied as she emerged from the kitchen.

"Oh, that's right, he's flying into LAX…" Buffy remembered. Sunnydale had an airport, unfortunately no airline regularly flew from there. Giles and Willow had gone to England for his mother's funeral. Willow had volunteered to lend moral support. Jenny couldn't fly as she was currently seven months pregnant. "Are you sure you want to drive all the way up to LA alone to get him?" She asked, and noticed that Xander and Anya were making out on Giles's couch. "Hey guys," she remarked.

"Oh, he's got a car in LA, he'll just drive himself here," Jenny replied. Buffy remembered that Giles was still storing that ancient Citroen in Angel's garage. Buffy nodded and followed Jenny into the living room. Oz was sitting on the floor, leaving a chair available for Jenny. She sat down, smiling at him gratefully; Buffy joined him on the floor. "Guys, quiet," she said suddenly, turning up the volume on the television.

"The plane's engines apparently went out somewhere over the Rockies. Once again, it was flight 3371 New York to LA that went down earlier today."

Jenny paled. Her eyes widened, filling with frightened tears. "Oh my god…"

"No passenger information has been released."

"That was his flight…" Jenny whispered. She began to shake. "That was Rupert's flight…" She shook and rocked ever so slightly until all at once the tears came. She sobbed violently as the wide-eyed slayerettes looked on. Buffy seemed paler as well.

'Poor Jenny,' Oz thought. He didn't even want to imagine how he would feel if that had been Willow's flight. Sitting on the couch, he placed a gentle, comforting hand on Jenny's shoulder. The others had clustered around her. Buffy sat on her other side, holding the lovely young widow's hand. The news program continued then ended, giving way to a soap opera but no one took note. An hour passed and Jenny ranged from shell-shocked to hysterical. Then the phone rang. Xander answered it in the kitchen.

"It's him!" he practically shouted.

"Who?" Buffy asked, confused.

"Giles, it's him!" Xander shoved the phone in Jenny's direction. Still trembling, she took it and raised it to her ear.

"R-R-Rupert?" She asked uncertainly. The others watched her expectantly. "It's him," she whispered to them. "He just heard about the flight. He wasn't on it…" she trailed off, blanching again, she looked at the anticipative youths. "Oh god…"

"What?" Buffy asked, not liking the tone of Jenny's voice or the expression on her face. "What is it? He's okay, so what's wrong?"

"He…" The others had gotten to their feet. "He…" Jenny looked straight at Oz. "He traded flights with Willow…" A shudder raced through Oz's body at those words. The expression on his face was incomprehensible. Oz blinked. His mouth dropped open but he couldn't form words. From the look in his eyes, he couldn't form thoughts. Jenny offered him the phone and he took it, closing his mouth. Oz was silent, listening, for a long moment.

The rope that's wrapped around me
Is cutting through my skin
And the doubts that have surrounded me
Are finding their way in

The phone fell from his hand and he staggered backwards, dropping onto the couch. He sat there, trying unsuccessfully to speak. He couldn't even breathe; his throat had closed up. Pressure was building in his chest and his heart ached. Jenny picked up the phone.

"Rupert? Rupert, what's going on? What did you say to him?" Jenny demanded.

Her face went blank. "Oh…" she whispered breathlessly. "I'll see you then," she said as she hung up the phone. She looked at the others as they awaited explanation. "Apparently, there was a reason Rupert and Willow switched. He had some more business to take care of so he offered to take tomorrow's flight, the one she was supposed to be on. She wanted to get home as soon as possible to tell Oz that…she…" Jenny's speech slowed "was…pregnant." As she spoke the final word, shock spread over the faces of the slayerettes. A strangled noise escaped from Oz's throat, he got up quickly and fled from the house.

I keep it close to me
Like a holy man prays
In my desperate hour
It's better that way


[Cue Flashback…]

"When is your flight again?" Giles asked as he neatly repacked his suitcase. Willow sat next to it.

"Not until tomorrow," she groaned. "I can't wait to get home."

"Are you in some special hurry?" Giles asked as an idea struck him.

"Well…sort of…I really want…" She smiled shyly. "I think there's something I want to tell Oz but I'm not really 100% sure yet but I still want to get home and tell him what I think has happened and find out if it really did…" Giles gave her a befuddled look.

"I was only asking because, well, I'd actually like to stay on an extra day. I have a few more things I'd like to do while I'm here. We could trade…" he suggested.

"Would you?" Willow asked excitedly. "I…I may as well tell you. Yesterday I bought one of those tests from the drug store and I know they aren't always accurate but it said I'm pregnant…" She smiled broadly, giggling a little.

"Willow!" Giles gaped. "Congratulations. That's wonderful. You should get home right away."

"I know," she replied happily. "I just hope it's true…you want to trade flights?"

"You'd better start packing," he answered.


"The connection in New York is pretty tight, you'll have to hurry to catch the flight for LA," Giles reminded Willow as he saw her off at the London Heathrow Airport.

"Thanks, I won't miss it," she promised.

[End flashback]

So I'll come by and see you again
I'll be such a very good friend
Have mercy on my soul
I will never let you know
Where my mind has been



Oz pulled a locked steel box out of his trunk and slid it onto the passenger's seat before he drove off. He needed somewhere quiet; he needed to be alone and to think. He didn't want to think. He wanted to stop thinking. His chest ached; it was hard to breathe. There was a lump in his throat that he couldn't swallow and it was choking him. He drove past the Sunnydale city limits. The highway passed beneath his tires as he approached a place that could only be described as nowhere.

Angels never came down
There's no one here they want to hang around
But if they knew
If they knew you at all
Then one by one the angels
Angels would fall


Willow was bustled off the plane along with fifty odd other passengers. The backpack she used as a carry-on was slung over her left shoulder, her purse was slung over the right. As she checked the screen labeled 'Departures', she pulled her backpack onto both shoulders, distributing the weight from her books and magazines more evenly before she hurried off to find the gate for her flight home. Home, what a wonderful word. She wanted nothing more than to be there, with her friends, with her husband, with his arms wrapped around her. She smiled softly to herself as she took an escalator down to the train that would take her to terminal B.

She had arrived in terminal C, meaning that the train had to go to terminals D, E and A before it would deliver her to terminal B. She sighed impatiently. She got off and hastened to the escalator up to the gates.


Oz pulled off to the shoulder of the highway and put the car in park. He killed the engine and stared at the box on the passenger's seat. He thought of Willow; he could easily picture her beautiful face, her auburn hair gleaming in the sunlight. He had grown up in New York City and remembered vividly an annual car trip out of the city, into the countryside to see the foliage in the fall. That was the memory Willow had brought to mind the first time he had seen her and every time since. The autumn leaves that so perfectly reflected the color of her hair. Tears rose in his eyes and fell down his cheeks. Oz reached into the glove compartment and found a small brass key. He unlocked the box and stared into it.

I've crept into your temple
I have slept upon your pew
I've dreamed of the divinity
Inside and out of you


As Willow stepped onto the moving staircase, someone brushed past her, knocking into her backpack and sending her off-balance. The slight push combined with the movement of the escalator knocked the redhead off her feet. She fell gracelessly, cutting her head on the metal steps of the device. "Ow!" She moaned. She pressed her hand to her forehead and discovered that she was bleeding.

"Miss?" a grey-haired businessman said as he helped her to her feet. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you," she replied awkwardly.

"You might want to get your head examined, it's bleeding pretty badly."

"Oh, I'm alright," Willow insisted.

"You could have a concussion, I'm calling for an ambulance," he replied.

"No, please, I'm fine. I don't want to miss my flight." Willow tried to convince the concerned gentleman that she was uninjured, but her head hurt and it was bleeding.


Oz pulled the gun out of the box. He stared at it as though he had never seen such a thing before. Willow, his Willow, was gone. His hands trembled as he picked up a single silver bullet from the steel box and loaded the gun.

I want it more than truth
I can taste it on my breath
I would give my life just for a little death


The man insisted that Willow allow him to take her to the hospital. "I'll miss my flight," she objected.

"Dear lady, you'll miss more than that if you've got a concussion. I think I've already missed mine." Willow's eyes fell on a clock on the wall.


Nothing made sense anymore. Oz needed Willow, as long as she had been with him, everything had been alright. With her gone, nothing was right. He didn't think it was even possible for him to be sitting in his car by the side of a desolate highway with a gun in his hand. If Willow was dead, then he was dead, it was that simple. He was merely setting things right. He placed the barrel of the gun between his lips.


Willow sighed. She may as well go to the hospital; she had already missed her flight. "Okay," she said. "Thank you, let's go."


Oz pulled the trigger.


"I think we should try to find Oz," Buffy said.

"He needs a little time alone to sort things out," Jenny insisted. "It'll be okay, he just needs some time and some space."

"I don't know," Buffy replied. "He's very upset. I don't think we should have let him leave."

"Okay," Jenny submitted after some thought. "Let's go after him."


Willow sat in the emergency room waiting area; there was a television on. She was watching the news half-heartedly. She had been waiting for hours but at least her savior in a suit had stayed with her. He was very polite, very concerned. "Oh my…" she murmured as an image of a wrecked plane appeared on the television screen. At the bottom of the screen were the words 'Flight 3371 to LA'.

"What is it?" her companion asked.

"That…" she pointed to the screen. "That's my flight…"

So I'll come by and see you again
I'll be just a very good friend
I will not look upon your face
I will not touch upon your grace
Your ecclesiastic skin

"Looks like falling on that escalator saved your life," he remarked. Willow was too shaken to respond. Her flight had crashed. That meant…

"I have to call my friends," she said suddenly. Giles would think she was dead. She hurried over to the payphone, digging the number of Giles's hotel out of her purse along with her calling card. She dialed with trembling fingers. "Room 271, please." It rang. A voice answered. "Giles?" Willow asked, suddenly breathless.


"It's Willow," she said.

"Willow," Giles sounded stunned, he must have heard. "How…I mean, I saw the plane crash on the news."

"I missed the flight. I fell at the airport in New York, I'm still at the hospital here."

"Are you hurt?" Giles asked.

"No, just a little cut on my head. I wanted to let you know that I'm alright."

"You'd better call Jenny, I called as soon as I heard. I told her we traded flights…and Oz."

"Oh…my…I'd better call them right now, bye!" Willow hung up before Giles had a chance to say good-bye. She dialed Giles's house in Sunnydale but there was no answer. She tried her own home with the same results. There was nothing more she could do from the waiting area of a New York City Hospital emergency room.



"How long does he have be missing before anyone starts to care?" Jenny yelled at the desk sergeant. He hung up on her. "So much for Sunnydale's finest," she remarked bitterly. Buffy was still out searching for Oz but Xander and Anya had given up. They were making out on Giles and Jenny's couch. The phone rang and Jenny grabbed it before the sound had faded away. "Hello?" For a record third time that day, Jenny paled. "Oh my…Buffy, calm down. What is…oh…my…" Xander and Anya stopped kissing and looked up at her.

"What happened?" Xander mouthed.

"Where are you, sweetheart?" Jenny asked. "Where?" The answer was repeated. "Okay, we'll get right out there, it's going to be okay." She grabbed her car keys as she dropped the handset back into its cradle. "Come on," she said to Xander and Anya. "Buffy's at a gas station along Highway 43."


'Uncle Bob's Discount Gas,' the dusty sign read. Buffy stood beneath the sign, next to the payphone, leaning against the side of her car.

"Buffy!" Jenny parked and jumped out of the car, running towards the blond slayer. "Buffy, are you okay? What happened?" She had sounded hysterical on the phone and she looked the same. Her mascara ran in black rivulets down her face, her eyes were red and her face was tear-streaked. She was quaking violently.

"I…" She took several deep gulps of air. "I found Oz…" Her shaking finger pointed further down along the highway. She had backtracked to call them. "He…he's in his car…blood, he's…" Buffy began to stammer uncontrollably. "Dead," she spat the word out before collapsing into helpless sobs. Jenny picked up the payphone and dialed 911.

Angels never came down
There's no one here they want to hang around
But if they knew
If they knew you at all
Then one by one the angels
Angels would fall


An ashy pallor marked the stricken faces of the four friends. Their black garb did nothing to dispel the image of death warmed over that they brought to the minds of the other mourners. Buffy, Jenny, Xander and Anya stood close together. The funeral arrangements had been made quickly and Giles was unable to return to Sunnydale due to the shut down of British Airways. He had managed to get to Munich by ground transportation and was arranging a flight home from there. Willow had been treated and released in New York but had been unable to reach her friends. She developed a sudden fear of flying and was seeking alternate transportation cross-country.


Willow made it to Sunnydale. She walked across town from the bus station towards home but to her surprise the house was deserted. She headed over towards Giles's. She had heard about the airline difficulties but at least Jenny should be at the house. Willow knocked on the door a bit uncertainly as a bad feeling crept over her. She knocked harder. Jenny opened the door. Her jaw dropped. "Wi-Wi-Willow?"

"Jenny, I tried to get a hold of you before," Willow began. She entered the house and saw Buffy, Xander and Anya in the living room.

"Willow?" They all seemed so stunned to see her. "We thought you were…dead…"

"The plane crash, I know. I missed my…" she stopped. Something wasn't right. "I missed my flight, the one that crashed." Then it struck her. "Where's Oz?" Xander looked down at the floor. Buffy's lower lip trembled and she turned away. Jenny disappeared into the kitchen.

"I'll take you to him," Anya offered.

"Anya, no," Xander objected but she silenced him with an odd look. Willow was concerned. The others followed as the former demon led the witch across town to one of the newer cemeteries. The bad feeling in the pit of Willow's stomach grew and grew as they approached square of fresh sod. Anya stopped. Willow looked at her.

"Wh…" she stuttered. Anya gestured to the earth. Willow's eyes widened. "No…" she whispered. She looked from the ground to Anya then to the others. They all looked away except for Jenny, who held her gaze sympathetically. "No," Willow whispered again.

I'll come by and see you again
I'll have to be a very good friend
If I whisper they will know
I'll just turn around and go
You will never know my sin

"There's no headstone yet…I'm sorry, Will," Anya responded.

"No…" she wailed. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. "How?" she asked meekly.

The others exchanged glances. "Suicide," Anya answered. "He shot himself in the head…"


"He thought you were dead. We all did." Willow fell to her knees on the grave, unable even to cry. One by one, the others walked away. There was nothing they could do.


Willow balled her hands into fists; her fingernails dug into her palms, leaving little crescent moon shaped indentations. Her shoulders shook with sobs but no tears came as she rocked back and forth. She wanted to curl up into a little ball and die. "No-oh-oh," she wailed, her trembling broke the word into three syllables. She whimpered wordlessly. She made an odd, choked, low-pitched weeping sound in the back of her throat. "Oz," she squeaked his name and her tears were released. They flowed from her eyes like endless rains. She stayed at his grave for hours until at last the sun rose, disturbing her grief.

She stood and walked back to her house. It was the house she had once shared with Oz and it felt empty. The rooms were as cold as tombs; the house was as silent as a crypt. She went up the stairs and found a bottle of sleeping pills. She stared at them as if their label were written in hieroglyphs. She opened the bottle and looked at the baby blue pills inside. She put them in her purse and went back downstairs. Willow went to the kitchen next, acting without thought. She took two bottles of beer out of the refrigerator. These she put in the oversized pockets of her jacket. She put a bottle opener in her purse. After a moment of deliberation, she took a butcher knife from one of the drawers and carefully put it into her purse as well.

Willow left the house, not bothering to lock the door. She walked quickly and purposefully back to the cemetery and found her husband's grave. She looked at it for a long moment then took the knife out of her purse. She cut through the freshly laid sod and began pulling it up piece by piece. She tossed the clumps of soil and grass aside until the dirt of the grave was exposed. She wiped clean the blade of the knife and set it next to the patch of dirt. She pulled both bottles of beer out of her pockets and set them carefully on the cold earth. She sat down, not caring if the dirt ruined her clothes.

She took the bottle of sleeping pills out of her purse and set it on the grave. She opened one of the beers and pressed the bottle upright into the earth so it wouldn't spill. Then Willow picked up the sleeping pills again and opened them. She poured a few into the palm of her hand and, not bothering to count them, tossed them into her mouth and took a drink of the beer. The pills slid easily down her throat. She continued until both the pill bottle and the beer bottle were empty. She opened the other beer and drank it quickly.

Angels never came down
There's no one here they want to hang around
But if they knew
If they knew you at all
Then one by one the angels
Angels would fall

Willow laid down on the frigid brown soil and gazed up at the sky. She wanted to fall asleep, just to fall asleep and wake up in his arms. If she closed her eyes, she'd wake up in his arms and it would have been a nightmare. She stared at the pale blue sky. Dead, her husband was dead. She would never wake up in his arms. Willow reached over and picked up the knife; the redhead placed the tip of the blade against the pale skin of her chest, just left of center. A tear slipped down her cheek and ran towards her ear. "I love you," she whispered, closing her eyes. She pulled the knife into her chest. Lifeless, her hand slipped down, covered in blood, and rested on the earth of her husband's grave. Blood flowed down and mixed with the dirt.

The End

Author's Notes: I really must apologize. It's really a very bad, sadistic sort of thing…I can't seem to write a fanfic without killing, maiming, wounding or traumatizing Oz. Sometimes all of the above. It's really a VERY bad thing. But I'm good at it! *evil maniacal laughter* Er, sorry about that…We always hurt the ones we love.

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