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Head Over Feet

General Disclaimers
NOTES:I was listening to the raidio and this song came on and I was like "This is so Cordelia." As you may have guessed I don't own the song either. It belongs to Alanis Morissette.
It's a short happy fic. Not much point to it but...

Cordelia stood in the office across the desk from Doyle. "But I don't want to go to the Pizza Place for lunch." she whined. "It's fattening and greesy." She eyed him up and down. "You may let your skin go to waste but I certainly won't. I have an image to uphold."

Doyle searched her smooth skin for a blemish. He found none as he expected. "I think your beauty will uphold."

She was about to argue when she realized he had complimented her. She looked up at him through her eyelashes. "Beauty?"

Angel barged up the stairs ruining the moment.

Cordelia turned to him annoyed. "God, could you sound more like a cow? I thought you were supposed to be Mr. Stealth."

Angel skidded to a stop. "Sorry. I thought I heard that you guys were going for pizza. Could you get mushrooms on it for me?"

Cordelia sighed loudly. "Fine! Take his side."

Angel's mouth gaped open. "But..."

Doyle leaned against the desk. "I think what Cordelia's trying to say is if she's gonna get you pizza she wants to take your car."

Cordelia glared. "No I- Yes, I did. I want your car."

Angel shrugged. "Sure. Hurry back."

Cordelia caught the keys he threw to her and rushed out.

Doyle hopped into the drivers seat and she tossed him the keys.

"Not bad." she said impressed.

Doyle grinned as he started the engine. "I know what I"

Cordelia shook her head. "You're a big loser you know that?"

Doyle shrugged. "You love me for it."

"More like I love you in spite of it." Cordelia stopped realizing what she had just said. Love. But they were just fooling around. Right?

*I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it.*

Cordelia jumped out of her thoughts realizing they were at Pizza Place.

Doyle hopped out of the top of the car. He ran around to the passenger door and opened it for her. He held a hand out to help her up.

She looked at it her heart warming to the idea of a romantic relationship with this man. Why not? He was adorable smiling down at her.

*You treat me like I'm a Princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was*

Cordelia took his hand and let him pull her out.She leaned forward brushing herself against his chest.

His slight blush told her he was interested.

"Thank you." she whispered.

He nodded and led her into Pizza Place. He leaned against the counter ordering.

Cordelia watched him through lazy, bored lashes while inside her heart was beating wildly. What was wrong with her? This was Doyle. The guy who had waited forever to tell her he was half demon. The wierd Irish man who drank a lot. She didn't like him. He wasn't her type. Rich, handsome, famous, tall. Why was she so nervous around him all of a sudden. It was like in the past ten minutes she realized he actually was a man. A man that she found she wanted to be with in spite all his faults.

*You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault*

Cordelia nudged him. "Hey, wanna take a walk while they make that?"

Doyle shrugged. "Sounds cool." He looked at the cook. "How much time we got?"

The waiter looked at their order. "Half hour?"

Doyle nodded. "We'll be back." He put his hand on Cordelia's back as they walked out. "This was a good idea. I didn't notice it was so nice out."

She stared at him amazed at what she never realized about him.

"Yeah, I never noticed either."

He casually held his hand out. "Come here. I wanna show you something."

Cordelia took his hand like she had many times in the past but it felt different now. She felt a spark shoot through her body. She shivered in excitement.

*Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service*

She let herself be dragged to the park and toward the lake.

"What's so special about the lake?"

He pulled her to the dock. "This." He jumped off of it.

Cordelia watched him disappear near the water but didn't hear a splash. "Doyle?"

His hands came up. "Jump down."

She glanced around then took his hands. She let him lift her down to where he was. Her feet hit sand as she leaned against his chest to get her balance. She looked at the sand and small hide out. "I never knew this was down here. I thought it was just water."

His arms didn't let go of her waist. "Most people don't so only share it with few important others."

*You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault*

She looked into his soft blue eyes not moving away from their embrase. "Important?" she breathed her breath hot on his face. She realized she could kiss him now if she wanted. His lips were so close. She just needed to move forward a little but she chickened out. "So maybe we should bring Angel one day." She saw the disappointed look on his face that she usually brushed off. Now it made her feel bad. She didn't want to make him think he didn't have a chance with her.

*You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience*

Cordelia felt absolutely guilty. He had been so patient with her and she was still giving him the brush off. She decided to change that. "Doyle?"

He gave her his full attention. "Yeah?"

*You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long*

She stepped back toward him. "I was never one with words. I have a hard time trying to say exactly what I mean and I hate admitting I was wrong so... could you take this as a..." She brought her lips close to his. "Appology?" She kissed him gently.

*I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now*

Doyle kissed her with all his heart. After a moment he pulled away. "Princess..." He gently brushed his lips against hers. "Does this mean..."

"I want you?" She kissed him again. "What do you take it as?"

"I'm not sure. I'll have to do a little more research."

Cordelia smiled. "Search away."

Doyle pulled her tightly against him.

She giggled softly and nuzzled into his neck.

*You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault*

Doyle brought his lips to hers.

Cordelia dug her toes into the sand due to the electric sensations rippling through her body. She opened her eyes and smiled. "You're not that bad."

He grinned running his fingers through her wind blown hair.


She nodded. "I even like the demon in you. Adds mystery."

"So that makes this okay then?" He motioned to their closeness.


He went to kiss her again when she squealed. "Pizza!"

He looked at his watch. "Uh-oh."


Angel looked up as Cordelia and Doyle rushed in. "What took so long?" he complained.

Cordelia looked at Doyle with a secret smile. "You'll find out soon enough, just eat."

The group sat at the table.

Cordelia slid off her sandals and gently rubbed her ankle against Doyle's.

He returned the pressure with a charming smile.

Angel flopped down hungrilly. "I thought I would starve."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow. "I doubt it."

Angel looked toward the door in annoyance. "There's sand all over the floor. How did sand get in here? I don't know anywhere near here that's sandy. You guys?"

Cordelia caught Doyle's eye with a silent desire. "Nope. Not me."

He turned to Angel. "Me either. Want us to check it out."

Angel nodded seriously. "You'd better."

Doyle sent Cordelia a sexy grin. "We'll get right on it."

The End

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