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All My Heart Can Give

Author:Linda Gentile
E-mail: or Email:
Rating:Nothing worse than the show
Summary:It's my Christmas Story. Angel calls the gang to help cheer up Cordy
Disclaimer:All characters belong to Satan er- I mean the crack monger er- I mean Joss McCrackmonkee er Joss Whedon and his evil minions including :Mutant Enemy, 20th Century fox, WB etc.. But not me cuz if they did Doyle and Cordy would be together as would Giles and Jenny!!!(Shutting up now)
Feedback:Always a nice thing. Not as nice as seeing Doyle every week ,but nice still the same.
Spoilers:All eps of BtVS and ANGEL so far
Notes:This is my first attempt at a somewhat happy story. I happen to be like Satan with most of my stories and I will be back to that soonly! :-)
Dedication:To Emmy who had a bad week and has been really stressed out and without her constant nagging I prob wouldn't have been done for like another month! :-)I hope this will give you some happies and I hope your mommy feels better really soonly!
Distribution:Hopefully Em's sight Doyle's House of Pies anyone else ask and ye shall receive.

Cordelia is sitting alone at the office; Angel is out on another case, and the only help he will allow her to provide is with research. Angel lost one friend and he won't let that one down by losing another. There is a knocking at the door, Cordelia answers it; on the other side is a delivery man. She signs for the package and brings it over to her desk wondering what could be inside; she decides to open it. Her eyes widen with shock as the realization of what is in front of her sets in; she had completely forgotten. In her hands she now holds a shot glass with the name Doyle engraved on it in a fancy script, his Christmas present. She ordered it about a month ago.

The shot glass that should be filled with single-malt scotch is now filling with something else, Cordelia's tears. She wipes her face, places the shotglass back into its box, and then places that box into her messenger bag. Later that night she doesn't know what makes her do it, but she wraps Doyle's present.


The next day Cordelia is hanging around the office, pretty much bored out of her mind; this isn't a good thing because if she isn't busy doing something her mind tends to wonder to Doyle. Angel is in his apartment brooding as usual. Cordelia hears voices and some kind of commotion outside; then their is a knocking at the door. Cordelia thinks to herself as she opens the door ; and in come Xander,Willow,Giles,Jonathan, and Buffy bearing a Christmas tree along with ornaments and decorations. Cordelia turns around to see Angel leaning against the doorway with a smirk on his face

"Guys what are you doing here?"

"Spreading Christmas cheer!"

Xander chimes as he finds a place in the corner to place the tree. He is afraid to look at Cordelia and see more pain in her eyes. There is a silence for a moment , no one wanting to say the real reason they are there. Willow breaks the silence.

"Angel called and told us about Doyle; he thought you could use some friends. So here we are."

Cordelia hugs Willow then proceeds to give everyone else hugs. Angel takes the ornaments from Giles and Jonathan placing them on a nearby desk. Cordelia wraps her arms around Angel whispering a thank you in his ear. For a split second Buffy is jealous, but then she realizes that they are all each other has had since Doyle's death. Angel starts to leave the room, but Cordelia stops him.

"Where do you think you are going brood boy? You're the one that brought this upon me and there is NO WAY you are getting out of it. Start with that box and get on with the falalalaing buddy!"

Angel can't argue with her he goes over ,grabs the box, and heads for the tree. Everyone follows his lead. Jonathan pops a tape of Christmas music into the stereo. Before they know it everyone is singing and having a great time. Jonathan is spreading tinsel on the branches; Willow is dispersing candy canes on them; while Giles and Buffy are sitting on the couch making popcorn Garland to go on the tree , although most of it is ending up in Buffy's mouth; and Angel is in the kitchen fixing tea and hot chocolate. Xander and Cordelia are placing ornaments on the tree when his favorite song comes on: I'm Gettin Nuttin For Christmas; he begins singing it in a mock child's voice. Everyone rolls there eyes, then start laughing; Jonathan starts throwing tinsel at him; Buffy and Giles follow his lead with the popcorn.

Angel is coming into the room carrying the tray of snacks and beverages when he sees the thing he has missed for so long; Cordelia happy, having a good time, Angel resumes carrying the tray in , just when an ornament is knocked off the tree by Xander who is trying to fend of projectiles. Angel trips sending the tray into the air which brings all of the beverages crashing back down on him. Everyone screams at Xander.

"Angel! Are you alright?"

"Ok that hurt. I am fine thanks Buffy."

Angel can see everyone fighting back laughter. Xander and Cordelia are the first to crack, the rest burst out into laughter as well.

"Look Angel I am really sorry."

"Xander that apology might sound more sincere if you weren't laughing your ass off. It's not funny! It's not!."

Angel can't help himself he too breaks out into laughter. Cordelia smiles at him ,helping him clean up the mess. She is having a wonderful time, she didn't realize how much she missed her friends. Most of all Xander.


The tree is now complete and they are decorating the office. Xander and Jonathan are conspiring something in the corner, and they call Giles over. Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia watch the men wondering what they are up to. Giles can be seen shaking his head furiously ;and the other two men can be seen persuading him into whatever it is they want. Giles gives in and the three disappear into the other room, with some bags.

"They have been in there for like an half hour? What are they doing?"

"Don't look at me Wills they're guys! Angel?"

"Don't look at me I just live here! I stopped trying to figure out that Harris kid a long time ago."

"That's true Xander is a very complex boy. To think I went out with him! Buf wishing you had slayed some sense into me."

The three of them start laughing when Jonathan pokes his head through the door calling Angel over. Angel cautiously enters the room, shutting the door behind him, and bursts out laughing when he sees what is in front of him.

"Giles how did they get you to do this? And thank-you so much for not involving me."

"Cordelia. The things I do for you people. As for not including you, thank Xander. After what happened earlier we figured you went through enough humiliation for one day."

"Hey Angel, we need you to put this tape in for us."

"Why do I feel so scared all of a sudden?"

"You should be afraid, very afraid."

Jonathan replies as he hands Angel the tape. Angel disappears into the other room; the girls have their eyes trained on him. When he places the tape in the stereo Cordelia, Willow, and Buffy exchange 'What the hell is going on?' glances. The music starts and out comes Jonathan, Xander, and Giles, but as they have ever been seen before.

Jonathan is wearing bright pink pumps matching his bright pink leather mini skirt, along with a stuffed glittery silver low cut shirt. He has jet black pantyhose on that match his waist length striaght black haired wig.

Xander has on a short ,tight, purple leather dress, along with red go-go boots that match the shoulder length red haired wig.

Giles is wearing an orange boustier (stuffed) , along with a lime green mini-skirt that match the lime green pumps over his nude pantyhose; a blonde curly wig falls to his chin.

Mascara can be seen on all of their faces; along with bright shades of lipstick, and dark shades of eye shadow. They each pick up garland and wrap them around their necks as boas.

The song starts as Xander walks up to Cordelia, Willow, and Buffy lip-synching:.

Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree, for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, a 54 convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you dear Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Xander steps back and Giles strolls up to the girls who are in hysterics:

Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas I haven't kissed
Next year I could be just as good
If you'ld check off my Christmas list

Jonathan and Xander stroll up beside Giles; they all blow a kiss:

Boo doo bee doo

Xander and Giles step back, now it's Jonathan's turn;

Santa honey, I want a yaught and really that's
Not a lot
Been an angel all year
Santa baby so hurry down the chimney tonight

Xander walks up rubbing the boa (garland) across his butt; he walks up to Cordelia putting it around her :pulling her near as he lip-synchs:

Santa honey there's one thing I really do need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa baby so hurry down the chimney tonight

Xander steps back while Jonathan walks up to Willow wrapping the boa (garland) around her neck and lip-synching:

Santa cutie and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks
Sign your X on the line
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Xander strides over to the Christmas tree lip-synching:

Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some gifts bought at Tiffany's

Xander walks over to Cordelia staring into her eyes

I really do believe in you

He kisses her on the cheek

Let's see if you believe in me

Jonathan and Giles chime in:

Boo doo bee doo

Giles strides over to Buffy tripping over his heels. Willow falls to the ground laughing ,tears streaming down her face. Giles continues lip-synching pointing out his ring:

Santa baby, forgot to mention just one little thing, a ring
I don't mean on the phone
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Jonathan and Xander walk over and wrap their arms around Giles; they all start doing the can-can lip-synching the final words:

Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight

Buffy and Cordelia are now along side Willow on the floor; laughing so hard their sides hurt to much to stand-up. Their eyes are so blurry they don't even notice when the guys rip off their clothes to reveal different outfits underneath. A familiar song causes Cordy to look up.

"Jonathan you dork!"

Cordelia shouts as she runs up beside him; playfully smacking him on the arm before joining the dance.

"Come on guys, everyone knows the Time Warp!"

Cordelia shouts to Willow and Buffy who exchange looks before running up and joining in. Angel takes a seat in the corner , not wanting any part of what is going on. Cordelia looks from Jonathan to Giles and back to Jonathan, they both burst out laughing remembering their conversation.

Angel watches Cordelia dance and doesn't want the song to end; he has missed seeing her smile. It has been a little over a month since Doyle's death and a little over a month since the last time he saw Cordelia smile. Now she is smiling and laughing; he is thankful to everyone for coming and distracting Cordelia, but that's all it is. It's only a matter of time before her mind drifts back to Doyle.

The song stops and Giles gives Cordelia a hug before disappearing into the other room to get changed. Cordelia pulls Xander and Jonathan into a hug.

"Thanks guys. Now get changed you look like a bunch of retards!"

Cordelia is having a great time, but something is missing. Actually a someone, a someone who loved a good party, a someone who would be having a great time just watching her. Cordelia thinks to herself fighting back tears.

Buffy sees the expression on Cordelia's face and pulls her aside.

"Cordy it hurts, I know, but don't keep it inside, let it out. I didn't and wound up causing my friends unintentional pain. So talk to someone we are all here for you. We might understand what you're going through more than you think."

"She's right you know. We have all experienced loss on different levels, you aren't the only who has gone through this. Willow and Xander lost Jesse, Buffy lost Angel, and I..I lost Jenny."

Cordelia wipes back a fallen tear trying to be brave in front of them. She then looks over to Giles with pleading eyes.

"Giles do you ever get back that piece of your heart that they take with them?"

"Cordelia I wish I could tell you want you want and need to hear that one day you'll wake up and forget all about the person you lost and with that you will forget the pain, your heart will be whole again. That doesn't happen though and I'm not going to lie to you and give you false hope. Your heart does start to mend with time, but it never becomes whole again. You will always be missing a part and nothing can get it back. Doyle has that part of your heart with him, so that you will always be with him; and you have the part of his heart he lost when leaving you, so he will always be with you."

Cordelia hugs Giles, he realizes she is trying so hard to be strong for them; and he decides it is time for them to leave.

"We should really start heading back."

"Giles is right. I am supposed to be helping my mom prepare our Christmas festivities tomorrow. Cor, if you need anything call."

"Anything either me or Buf should be there. Call even if you don't need anything; I could use someone to badmouth Oz to and make me feel better."

Willow gives Cordelia a hug as does Jonathan.

"I have to get back home, my parents are kind of making a big deal out of Christmas this year because of what happened. 'Damnit Cordy I love you'!"

"Understanding, thanks for everything Jonathan. You should come out and visit sometime; there is a theater downtown that shows RH."

"Try and stop me Cor."

Giles, Buffy, Willow, and Jonathan start heading out the door; they look back to Xander.

"Cordy.. do you..uh..think that mabey I could possibly stay here? I am not really up to dealing the Harris family Christmas tradition."

Cordelia wants everyone gone so she can be alone and cry herself to sleep. Truth is she really isn't going to be alone because of Dennis. Cordelia has a connection with Xander; she feels it's aliright to lose herself in front of him. She tells Xander that he can stay at her apartment. The rest of the gang say good-bye to Xander and head out of the office, back to Sunnydale.

"Angel I am kind of tired; I think I am going to head back to my apartment. Is that okay with you Xander?"

"Yeah, I am pretty tired too. Being a dork takes more energy than it looks."

Xander, Cordelia and Angel start heading towards the door when Cordelia stops.

"Wait I have to do something, it will just take a minute."

Cordelia heads over to the tree taking two wrapped presents out of her bag; she then places them under the tree; only after holding one for a long moment before doing so.

"Merry Christmas my little Irish man."


While Cordelia is placing the presents underneath the tree; Angel thanks Xander for coming.

"I haven't seen her smile like that for weeks, I really missed it. Xander I know how you feel about me and you probably think I don't care about Cordy, but I do. I hate seeing her suffer. You are right to hate me all I do is bring the people you love pain. It means alot to me that you could put your feelings for me aside and come to help Cordelia."

"Angel it is no secret how I feel about you, that's true; but you have done nothing to harm Cor while she has been in L.A. The way I see it you have most likely saved her life a dozen times. As much as it pains me to say this and mind you I will never repeat it: None of it was your fault ; it's not like you planned on going all soul-less; or falling in love with Buff; or Doyle sacrificing his life for yours. Besides I am the one who hurt Cordy and I am the one who has to make things right."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Oh your welcome for me saving you from total embarrassment."

"Thanks Xand."

"What are you thanking this doof for?"

"For keeping him out of a dress. Ready to go Cor?"

"Yeah, now that would have been a sight!"

Cordelia and Xander walk out of the office leaving Angel alone to brood. They are on the way to Cordelia's apartment in Xander's car when he hears something. He turns at a stoplight to look at Cordelia who is now sporting a tear streaked face. If she was wearing mascara it would be running, but she isn't; in fact she isn't wearing any make up at all. He hadn't really noticed before because Cordelia is always beautiful to him, make up or not. The last time Xander saw her without make up was when he visited her in the hospital. With each tear that streams down her face; Xander feels a stabbing pain.

When Xander pulls up in front or Cordelia's apartment she is still controlled by sobs. Xander walks around to her side of the car, opens the door, scoops her into his arms, and carries her inside. He then carries her into her bedroom; places her in bed, and covers her up.

"Xander I miss him so much I really do. He actually made me feel special, and wanted and needed. I haven't felt that way a long time. But I was to damned scared; I didn't want to get hurt again. I never told him how I felt."

"Cor I am so sorry; so sorry for everything."

"I mean am I that much of a horrible person that I can't be happy? Did I do something so wrong that I was cursed like Angel so that when I come to close to true happiness everything goes kablloey? Is that it Xander? Because if it is tell me so I can fix it! I can't take to much more of this!"

"Cor you didn't do anything wrong, you are a great person. That's why I love...loved you and that's why Doyle loved you."

Cordelia succumbs to another fit of cries. Xander gets into bed next to her, pulling her into his arms, and rocking her.

"'s going to be alright."

Xander's love for Cordelia is so strong that he would do anything for her. 'I hurt Cordy once before and that was enough. I am going to make everything right; tonight I am going to give all my heart can give.' Xander thinks as he rocks Cordelia to sleep.


Xander also falls asleep, he wakes up with Cordelia in his arms around four A.M and sneaks out of the house. Before continuing on his journey, Xander leaves a note for Cordelia and Angel at the office. After doing that he doesn't know how but he finds them.

"What brings you here mortal?"

"I am here on the behalf of Allen Francis Doyle."

"Quite the popular one isn't he?"

"Yes sister, Angel already come to us on his behalf and we refused his request. Why would you think that we would grant that request to a mere mortal?"

"Because I have something to offer you in return."

"Go on."

"You denied Angel's request saying Doyle died so that he may live, and he lives so that others may correct?"

"That is correct."

"Well I offer you my life so Doyle may live, so that Cordy may, so that others may. Cordy has been through alot, and I don't know how much more she can take. Do you honestly think Angel can continue to fight if something happens to her?"

"Let me see if my brother and I understand you correctly. You wish to give us your life for Doyle's so that Cordelia and Angel will be happy and without guilt?"

"I guess so."

"You do not think they can work without him?"

"I know they can't. Cor has tried to take her own life once before, and I wouldn't be surprised if she tries again. Angel already refuses to let any help him. How long do you think he will last on his own. Take Cor away and he has pretty much nothing left, his guilt will become to strong...."

"My brother and I understand where you are going with this. You wish to give us your live to keep all of that from happening?"


"Are you positive young man?"

"Yes I am. I wish to give you my life so that Doyle may have his back."

"So shall it be done."


Cordy walks into the office it's around 8:00 A.M; she notices Doyle's shot-glass on the desk and flips out. How could they open his present like that?


Angel comes running into the office wondering what is wrong with Cordelia.

"Is everything alright?"

"How could you?"

"How could I what Cordelia?"

"Open that present? It wasn't yours!"

"I didn't."

"I am going to kill Xander! XANDER!"

"He's not here Cordy, I found a note saying he was out getting our Christmas present."

A familiar voice makes them both stop in their tracks. It couldn't be he is dead. Cordelia thinks to herself.

"Don't do a think like that. I opened it; I thought it was mine princess. After all it did have me name on it."

"Ok all those years in Sunnyhell finally got to me. Angel call up and reserve me a padded cell."

"Doyle? How?"

"You see him too?!"

"Why wouldn't he princess? Hold that thought."

The phone on Cordelia's desk starts ringing and Doyle answers it:

"Angel Investigations our 'rats' are low...What?!....Yeah.....I'll tell her...Yeah...Ok thanks...We'll be right there..See you in a few.... Thanks again....Bye."

Angel and Cordelia both notice that Doyle's expression totally changed during that phone call; something is seriously wrong. Doyle walks over to Cordelia taking her hand squeezing it; he looks from Cordelia to Angel and back to Cordelia again.

"I think I know how I got back now, damn kid. That was your friend Oz; there was an accident and your friend Xander is in the hospital. Cordy it doesn't look good."

"I should have known he would try something like this."

"I don't follow you guys."

"Princess the present that your friend was getting you; that present was me. It looks like he exchanged his life for mine. He must really love you. Enough talking I promised your friend I would bring you over right away."

"Sorry I can't go Cordelia; bursting into flames becoming an issue."

Cordelia nods, then lets Doyle lead her out of the office. She is in a complete daze; nothing is registering with her. This has to be some kind of twisted nightmare; she can't possibly be given Doyle back just to lose Xander.


They arrive at the hospital and ask a nurse where they can find Xander. Pacing outside his room is Oz; he instinctively wraps his arms around Cordelia pulling her into a hug. He then steps back realizing she probably blames him for Xander's condition. Cordelia slaps Oz straight across the face; Doyle pulls her back and tries to calm her down.

"Cordy I am so sorry; he came out of nowhere; I didn't mean to hit him. I can't tell you how sorry I am; if he dies I don't know what I'll do."

"I know that! Xander did this to himself! I slapped you because I can't exactly slap Xander or Doyle and I had to hit one of you guys! What is it with men? Huh? Can someone please tell me?! What is it with this noble crap?! You say you do it to protect us, but all you do is cause us pain!

I mean Will loves you, but you're afraid that there is some remote chance that you might hurt her, so you leave! Boy! Howdy! What do you think she is feeling right now?! She knows the dangers and loves you anyway! She knew the risks when she signed on! Now she cries herself to sleep wondering what she did to make you leave! I am sure she is so glad you were 'noble'!

Then there is this guy here who goes and dies on me! He did the 'noble' thing; sacrificed his life for those half-demons and for Angel and for me! He didn't help me, I have no life without him! I was empty and hollow and so alone.

Then Xander decides to go all 'noble' and sacrifice his life so I could have Doyle back! He gave me back one part of my heart just to rip out another one! I love him he is one of my best friends! Didn't he realize the pain he would be causing?!

Then there is Angel and his let's turn back time; erase the happiest day of Buffy's life from her memory! Again 'noble' , but completely unfair to us!"

"Don't mind her; she is still a little dazed from me coming back from the dead and all. She's talking gibberish; Angel turning back a day? Isn't that funny? Honey why don't you go and check on Xander?"

Cordelia nods, gives Doyle a hug, and then enters Xander's room. The first thing she notices is how fragile he looks; hooked up to machines and monitors; tubes running through his nose; all bandaged and bruised; scraped, cut and unconscious. He is her angel, her slumbering angel. He was so strong for her the night before; so sweet; so caring; so loving; so full of life.

"Damn you Xander; you knew the whole time what you were going to do. You told me everything was going to be alright. Did you actually believe that you leaving me would make everything alright? Did you honestly think I would be the same without you here making me laugh?"

Cordelia squeezes Xander's hand and runs the back of her other hand against his cheek.

"You know I never thought anyone would love me the way I dreamed of being loved. After that night at the wharehouse I was sure you didn't love me, atleast not as much as I loved you. Now I realize how wrong I was, you are willing to give up your life so I will be happy. I never thought anyone would care about me enough to sacrifice their life happiness for mine; then you and Doyle came along. I don't know what I did to deserve your love, but I am grateful for it. I love you so much..."


"Doyle?!...How are you....what...I don't....explain."

"Hold on a second Buffy. Maybe you guys should sit down and I'll explain everything."

The gang sits down and out of instinct Oz takes Willow's hand. Willow looks from Doyle to Oz and back to Doyle again; she tries to grasp on to what is happening, but it is too hard. How is she supposed to comprehend why the man she loves who left her is sitting next to her ,clutching her hand so tightly? How is she supposed to comprehend that the man her friend is in love with who died is standing right in front of her? How the hell she is supposed to comprehend that her best friend is dying? Before Willow knows it she is buried in Oz's chest sobbing hysterically and Oz does what he is meant to do, comfort her; he strokes the back of her head.

Everyone sits in shock trying to absorb what Doyle just told them. Xander a hero? They are trying to figure out if what Xander did was the greatest thing he ever did or the stupidest. The truth is that even though Xander doesn't always act so swift his heart is still made of gold. If someone he loves is in danger he will do whatever is in his power to erase that pain. Taking that into consideration they can't really be surprised or upset with him for what he did; it was just Xander being Xander. Anya breaks the silence and she doesn't feels the same as the others.

"Are saying that Xander gave up everything for that little skank?"


"What Giles? I am just trying to understand what is going on. Come on everyone knows that Cordelia has had her share of men and I know it's because of her great personality..."

"That is enough miss Anya was it? I understand that you are upset, but you don't have to attack Cordy. She is a very sweet and caring young lady who has experienced alot of pain in her life...."

Doyle is interrupted by a sound coming from Xander's room and Cordelia's screams. Everyone jumps up and runs into Xander's room. Doyle runs to Cordy's side wrapping his arms around her. Doctors rush in and clear everyone out except Doyle and Cordelia who are huddled in the corner.


"Are you positive you still want to go through with this mortal? My sister and I can give you your life back and reclaim Doyle's."

"I am positive"

"We will ask you one last time. Do you wish to give your life so that Doyle may have his back?"

Xander looks down at the doctors that are trying to get his heart to start beating again; his gaze drifts to the couple in the corner. He sees the way the man is looking at the woman and he recognizes the look in his eyes; and he knows what he is doing is right. Cordelia will hurt ,but Doyle can fix her and give her the love she deserves. Xander returns his gaze to the oracles:

"I give you my life so that Doyle may have his life back."

"So shall it be done."


"We got a rhythm! He's waking up, Do you know your name? Do you know where you are?"

"Whoa one question at a time, I am hyena boy."

The doctors exchange worried glances. Cordelia runs over to his side, followed by Doyle.

"He's back."


The doctors check Xander and say that he appears to be alright; they can't explain how quickly he recovered; and they call him a pretty lucky kid.

The gang is all in Xander's room; he has to stay overnight for observation. Cordelia is on Doyle's lap on the chair to the right of Xander's bed; while Willow is on Oz's lap in the chair to the left of Xander's bed. Buffy and Jonathan are sitting in chairs by the edge of his bed and Giles is leaning against the windowsill. Anya is nowhere to be found.

Xander lays wondering what is going on, he should be dead. Don't get him wrong he is very thankful to be alive, he just doesn't know why he is. A second later Xander screams out in pain grabbing his head.

"Get a doctor!"

"No Will, I think it's ok. I think he is just...."

Just as Cordelia is about to say the words she gets one herself. The rest of the gang just stares at them not knowing what the hell is going on. Doyle finishes Cordelia's sentence for her.

"Getting a vision."

Xander lays back down rubbing his head. Cordelia relaxes a minute later pulling Excedrin out of her bag; she hands some to Xander. Doyle pours two glasses of water; Cordelia takes one and hands the other to Xander.

"Ok that was what!?"

"A vision from the PTB tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."

"Where's Anya?"

"She got pretty upset when I told everyone what happened. What did you see Xander?"

"Anya, some big ass vamp Claw and a sign Dewey's."

"Him again?!"

Jonathan and Cordelia shout in unison. Doyle looks at Cordelia wondering how she knows this vampire and worried that if she has had a run in with him before he might be following her. Doyle isn't going to let anyone mess with the woman he loves; he is going to hunt down this Claw guy and kill it himself.

"You know this vamp?"

"Me and Jonathan had a run in with him and his wife last year."

"It was more like his wife had a run in with Cor's stake. Then he was like you haven't seen that last of 'CLAAAAAAAAW'....."

"I'm on it."

"Your what?!"

"Calling Angel to take care of it?"

"That's what I thought; here's my cell."

Doyle smiles at Cordelia and takes the cell phone. He has missed that don't-you- even-think-that-buddy look she reserved for him. He dials Angel's number; he must have been waiting right next to the phone because he answers after half a ring.

"Hey it's understandable...he's fine for now... no,no,no ....he'll recover, but powers help him when he gets out of the hospital....yeah she is...the both of them...right Xander had a vision....that place on Arquette BLVD...that's the one...some vamp named Claw and that Anya girl...yeah...hahaha....ok bud I'll tell them....later."

"Tell us what?"

"Jonathan was it? He wants you guys to stay the night at his place."

"Ooo a sleepover at Angel's could be fun. What?! I didn't mean it that way!"

"Anyway can we please get back to me and my mind splitting headache that Doyle so graciously gave me; thank you so much love."

"Why don't ya kiss me and give them back? Did you call me lo...."

Doyle is interrupted by the pressure of Cordelia's lips on his. This kiss is special, it is filled with so much more passion. Don't get him wrong their last kiss was intense, but it was also filled with sorrow because it was a good-bye. This kiss on the other hand is backed up with love, longing, needing; this kiss is the beginning.

"First question: wish I could. Second question: what do you think?"

"I think what do you mean ya wish you could, love."

"My latest fun loving vision; those oracle people told me that me and Xander we're keepers. Because he was so 'noble'."

"Watch out people she is going to slug someone."

"Sorry about that Oz; but with everything that has been going on with Doyle dying; the thought of losing Xander; and Angel taking..."

"So much time moping."

"Actually I was thinking about when he took that day away from Buffy's memory, but that too."


"What? Opps."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Visiting hours are over, Mr Harris needs to rest."

"Hear that Xander needs to rest and Doyle and I have some lost time to make up for. Have fun at Angel's everyone. Bye Xander see you tomorrow."

With that said Cordelia kisses Xander on the cheek, grabs Doyle , and disappears out of the room. Buffy is left standing with her mouth agape wanting to know what the hell Cordelia was talking about. Everyone says their good-bies to Xander and head over to Angel's place.


Doyle walks into Cordelia's apartment and sits on her couch; one of the few things she kept from her old place. Cordelia lays down placing her head on his lap; Doyle runs his fingers through her hair.

"Remember that time we fell asleep on this couch when we were researching for Angel?"

"Sure do, that was the best night of sleep I had in a long time ; it felt so right."

"Well after you left I used to cry myself to sleep here and pray that I would wake-up with you again."

"Oh, princess."

"It didn't happen and each time it didn't happen the more I hated myself for not telling you how I felt. Doyle I am so sorry for the way I treated you. I was...."

"My princess, Cordelia I fell in love with you exactly the way you are insults and all. There is no need to be sorry for what was said and what wasn't said; because we are together now. We can say everything we never got a chance to; things like the reason I got up every morning was to see you. After Harry and I broke-up my life wasn't the happiest; it pretty much sucked. I was like a zombie ,my life had no meaning. That's when I got into gambling; to chicken to kill myself I figured eventually I wouldn't be able to pay and they'ld end themisery for me. Then you came along and changed everything; so beautiful; so special; so caring; so straight forward; telling it like it was about everything ,but yourself. You're mystery, one I wanted and still want to unravel."

"Doyle I was just so scared of being hurt again; there were so many times I wanted to open myself up to you, but I just couldn't. You made me laugh; made me smile; made me feel safe; made me feel like someone cared. When I finally felt like I could let you know my feelings it was to late; you were gone. I never got a chance to say I'm falling in love with you; well atleast I was."


Cordelia erases any worries from Doyle's mind when she kisses him. Identical tears stream down their faces, tears of joy. Neither of them ever imagined being this happy.

"I love you Doyle."

"I love you Cordelia."

Cordelia and Doyle lean against each other and drift off to sleep with smiles stretched across their faces.


Cordelia and Doyle awake the next morning the same way they did the last time they fell asleep on that couch; by Angel slamming the door.

"Cordelia I can't believe you told Buffy!"

Cordelia hears Angel, but she is afraid to open her eyes; she is afraid that if she does so it will all have been a dream; she will wake-up alone on the couch once more. A soft yet passionate pressure on her forehead tells her it's ok. After placing a soft kiss on Cordelia's forehead Doyle whispers into her ear:

"We've got company princess."

Cordelia opens her eyes to see Doyle's gazing into hers. She then turns to Angel who she knows is upset, but she can't help being happy because Doyle is by her side; this can be seen in the smile stretched across her face.

"What? Oh sorry it just came out. I didn't mean to hurt you or Buffy; it was just a totally crazy day yesterday."

Angel sees how happy his two friends finally are and he can't stay mad at them.

"Well you didn't cause to much trouble; me and Buffy stayed up most of the night talking things out. It turns out she had a dream kind of like her prophetic ones only this time it showed her the past; parts of our day together. She understands I did what I had to she wasn't exactly happy , but she understood. I have to admit I do feel alot better not having to hide what happened that day from Buffy."

"So it all worked out, ya? What happened with that girl?"

"Yeah it all worked out. Anya? It turns out she was more trouble than the vamp. He was trying to find you Cordy; and Anya was more than willing to tell him, but I stopped her. You're not going anywhere alone at night Cordelia I'm not taking any chances..."

"Yeah ,yeah, yeah. I've gone up things alot nastier than that 'CLAAAAAW' guy. So what's the dish on Willow and Oz?"


"Alright guys I promise no wandering around by myself at night. Angel spill!"

"That's better. The 'dish' on Willow and Oz I guess would be that they spent the night 'talking' in Oz's van. They seemed very happy this morning before they headed back to Sunnydale."

"They went home with Xander in the hospital?!"

"They all went to see him first thing this morning and the doctors said he is doing fine; he is going to be released tonight."

"I am so glad he is going to be alright. Cordy try not to put him back in the hospital the second he gets out."

Cordelia smiles at Doyle watching as his eyes light up; while she playfully punches him on the arm. Angel sees the way they are looking at each other and picks this moment to be stealth boy. Cordelia and Doyle redirect their attention to where Angel was only to see an empty space.


"You go in I want to pick some stuff up for him; ya know a get well, thanks for giving me back my life type thing."

"Ok see ya in a few princess."

"Not if I see you first."

Cordelia kisses Doyle then heads off to make Xander's care package. Doyle enters Xander's room very cautiously not wanting to disturb him in case he is sleeping.

"It's ok I am awake Giles, Jonathan and Buf left like twenty minutes ago. Where's Cor?"

"She went to get something for you. Looks like we are gonna have a man to well half man talk"

Xander squirms in his bed a little then sits up facing Doyle.

"Yeah I wanted to talk to you about those visions. Tell me they get less um I dunno pain ridden ,please."

"Wish I could pal; painful bitches ain't they. They aren't all that bad though; one of those visions brought me to Cordy."

"Are you saying that I will have a vision of some chick and fall madly in love? Like some sort of work man's comp or something? Cuz that might not suck."

"Could happen; I think you're already in love though."

"Anya? It was fun while it lasted; but I am pretty sure we're over. Plus it wasn't really love as much as it was not being alone."

"Not with Anya; with Cordelia."

"Cor? No...she...I...we. Why would you say that?"

"You have to love Cordy very much to do what you did. I mean giving up your life for someone you don't even know; you don't do that for just anybody trust me I know."

"I love Cordy. I had a chance to be with her and I messed up."

"Why did you help me? I mean me out of the picture; her suffering; you could have been her rock; made her fall in love with you again."

"I don't deserve Cordelia you do. I hurt her so much; she almost died because of me. You died for her. The math is even easy enough for me to do it."

"What did you do to her?"

"A long story she will tell you one day if she wants. It wasn't intentional; I didn't beat her or anything. Doyle do me a favor."

"You did bring me back to Cordy so tell me what you want."

"Protect Cordelia; make her happy; give her the love she deserves; the love I couldn't give her."

"You got it kid."

Cordelia walks in holding a bag and some balloons; she ties the balloons to the side of the bed and places the bag on Xander's lap.

"Got what? What are you boys up to?"

Cordelia sits on Doyle's lap as Xander rummages through the gift from Cordelia. He yelps with joy pulling something out.

"Twinkies! Oooo and chocolate! Cor you know me so well. This hospital food is yuck and coming from me that is real bad."

"The jello looks good."

Xander and Cordelia exchange glances and then burst out laughing. Doyle eyes them both not understanding what is so funny.


"Nothing just if you went to good ole Sunnydale High you tend to be a little skittish about jello. I will fill you in later we have time. Doyle do you think you can give me and Xander a few minutes alone?"

Doyle kisses Cordelia's forehead; then heads down the hall to the vending machines seeing all of Xander's goodies made him hungry; he can really go for some Swedish Fish.


Cordelia takes Xander's hand and then looks into his eyes.

"Thank-you; this is the best present I have ever received. I have been driving myself crazy trying to think of what I can give you that can even begin to compare to what you gave me. I think I finally figured it out."

"Cor I don't need anything really; seeing you happy is the greatest gift; but if you insist on giving me something else through in a Clark bar and we'll call it even."

"You're wrong you do need something; you've needed it for a long time."

"What are you talking about? You're not going to give me a kick in the teeth or something are you?"

"No, I am going to give you all my heart can give: Xander I forgive you for that night; what happened to me wasn't your fault and I don't blame you. I realized that I have moved on, and didn't have any harsh feelings toward you, but I've never said the words. Xander I forgive you and I love you; you taught me so much and will always hold a special place in my heart. I can't imagine living without you in my life. Merry Christmas."

Tears fall from Xander's eyes as he pulls Cordelia into a hug. He has longed and needed to hear Cordelia say those words for so long; as Cordelia spoke them Xander felt a tear in his heart being sewn up.

"Thank-you. Merry Christmas."

Doyle leans against the doorway finishing the last of his Swedish Fish; he clears his throat to announce his presence. Cordelia and Xander break from their hug turning to face him.

"Hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No it's ok me and Cordy were just finishing up. Now you crazy kids get out of here."

"You sure Xan?"

"Yeah I'm pretty tired."

Cordelia and Doyle take each others hands as they walk out of the room; before exiting the room Doyle turns around and winks at Xander who smiles.

"Doyle don't you have something to say to me?"

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks that I know. Don't you have something to ask me?"

"Oh yeah we kind of got interrupted: Cordelia Chase would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date?"

"Alright ,but let's go to the movies."

"Princess, a first date? I'm a better kisser than I thought."

"You wish! I have to do work on you before we are seen out in a public lighted place together. I do have standards you know...."

Doyle silences Cordelia with a kiss; she stares into his eyes smiling.

"Maybe we can try your way too."


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