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Island Adventures

Author: Shannon
Rating: PG.
Feedback: Yes please!
Spoilers: None, I don't think.
Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm just babysitting until their daddy Joss stops being so evil.
Author's note: For Madame X's challange. I'm sorry she was having an icky day. I hope this made it better. :)

Willow and Oz sat cuddled on the deck. The sun was shining warmly, and the waves gently pushed the couple closer to each other. Every time she fell into Oz, Willow let out a little giggle.

It was a celebration, sort of. Giles had booked them all passage on a cruise ship. Of course, that was because some dope had named the ship "The Salamander," and the fire sprites for which it was named were fighting tooth and nail with the water fairies.

But with a little, okay, maybe a lot of help from Willow, Giles was able to quell the elementals' anger, and the rest of the week had gone smoothly, and was reserved for a little Scooby Gang funness.

Well, sort of. It had been two days since the peace between the elementals, and this was Oz and Willow's first uninterrupted moment together.

"We should do this more often," said Willow.

"Do what?" asked Oz.

"The cruise...and the smoochies."

"I'm with you on the smoochies, but I'm not so sure about the cruise."

"Smoochies are definitely good." They kissed. "But why not?" Oz looked at her, confused. "Why not the cruise?" she explained.

"Hey, guys!" called Buffy, crossing towards them happily.

Oz looked at Buffy, then back at Willow. He must have gotten his message across, because all Willow could say to that was, "Oh."

"Sorry I took so long. Xander's in the dining room throwing up all over the place. You told him last night not to eat the crab, but would he listen to you, Oz? No, of course not."

Willow looked panicked. "Is he going to be okay?" After all, Xander had been Willow's best friend for as long as she could remember. She clung to Oz's arm like a lifeline.

"Giles said he'll be fine, he just needs some rest. He also says that we should go and have fun anyway. So I was thinking we could start with breakfast, then we could take our SCUBA lesson, then some time at the pool, ooh! And then we could go to shore, and shop, and the beach! And then we can go to dinner, and there's salsa dancing tonight, if you want to come." Buffy's beeper went off. "Oh. That's my Mom. I'll be right back, I've just got to give her a call."

Willow followed Buffy with her eyes as she walked away. "I see what you mean. She must be stopped."

Oz let out a little chuckle. "Give her a break. She feels out of place."

"I know. And it stinks that the Initiative wouldn't let Riley come, and I'm sorry she feels alone here. And I totally get that she wants to try everything, and that's cool, but..."

"But does she have to drag us into it?"

"Exactly. We've got to get out of here."

Oz gave her another kiss. "I'm for it."

Willow smiled. "Really?" Oz nodded. She started to get excited and fidgety. "Were are we going? Oh!" She threw her arms around Oz's neck.

"Boat," he said.

"We're on a boat," she said laughing.

"There's a little island coming up, about halfway between here and where we're going to shore."

"Ooh! If we leave now, we can stay there for a couple of hours, then we can meet up with everyone before they get back on the ship!"


"Think anyone will miss us?"

"Only one way to find out."

Willow smiled.

After about five minutes of rowing, Oz dropped the anchor of the little stolen lifeboat a few feet off shore.

"You're sure it's safe?" asked Willow.

Oz took a long sniff at the fresh air. "It's deserted."

"Ooh, Oz! A deserted island all to ourselves?"

He grinned. "Looks that way."

She jumped out of the boat and ran towards the island, pulling a laughing Oz along behind her.

She dragged him onto the soft sand, and they tumbled to the ground. "'s just you and me...all alone here...what do you want to do?"

He rolled on top of her and kissed her. "This...for starters."

"Oh?" she giggled. She pushed him off of her. "You've got to catch me first!" she teased.

Oz groaned good-naturedly. Willow just laughed as she ran through the sparse trees of the island. "Come on, Oz!"

"I'm gunna' get you!" he yelled, laughing. If anyone else was around he never would have been laughing so hard, or running around so uninhibited. But for Willow...he would do anything. Besides, he was having a whole lot of fun.

"Yeah, not if I can--Oh!"

And then Oz couldn't see her anymore. "Willow!" he yelled in a blind panic. "Willow, where are you? This isn't funny!"

"Oz?" her voice sounded small and far away. He followed it anyway. Relief filled his face when he saw her lying on the ground. "I hurt my ankle. I fell."

He knelt down beside her, helping her to sit up. "You okay, baby?"

"Yeah," she said, but she still winced when she tried to move her ankle.

"How'd you fall?"

"I was running, and I wasn't looking where I was going, and I tripped. What did I trip over?"

"Looks like a bank's safety deposit box. It's a little rusty."

"What's it doing here?"

"Got me." He picked it up and began to examine it from every angle. "Think anything's in it?"

"Ooh," said Willow, all smiles again. "Maybe there's a map to a buried treasure! Or jewels, or gold, or the lost manuscript of some famous author!"

"Or maybe a whole lot of cash," said Oz, looking into the open box on his lap.

"That would be fun, but it's not very exotic."

"It's a whole lot of cash," said Oz, looking into the box in shock.

"What? Oh! Oh my God, Oz! We-we're rich!"

"It's not ours."

"But you said the island was deserted, and if the money still belonged to someone, wouldn't it still be in the bank?"

"I guess," he said, still not convinced.

"Plus, think of what we could do with the money."

Oz's brain went straight to the future. Willow dressed in white, him in a tuxedo. All of their friends and relatives were there. Somewhere in the background, there were strains of "Sunrise, Sunset." Oz laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" asked Willow, pulling him out of his fantasy.

"What? Sorry..." but he was already even deeper into his and her future. Willow in a hospital bed, beautiful as ever, holding a tiny baby girl, as gorgeous as her mother. Him, the proud father, beaming as he holds up a video camera.

Now the camera is still trained on their daughter, receiving her college degree. Beautiful. He's so proud.

"Oz! A wolf!" cries Willow.

The daughter doubles over in pain. He reaches out for her, surprised that his own arm isn't covered in fur. He passed his curse to her, and now she has to pay. "Oz! Help me!" she screams in her pain. She sounds so much like her mother.

People run in every direction, screaming, "Run! A Wolf! Help!" But he can't move. All he can do is stare.

Meanwhile, not in the daydream, Willow was scrambling to stand up on her swollen ankle. "Oz, come on! Oz! The wolf! We've got to go! Now!"

The large mammal watched it's prey greedily from the shadows. It knew the female saw it, but she was injured...she wouldn't get far...

Willow slapped Oz across the face, and he finally came to. "What?"

"Wolf-over there-have to go-now!"

"Not good. Can you get up?"

"Help me."

That's when the wolf attacked. They hadn't thought to bring any weapons. Willow threw the safe box at it, hitting it in the head. The wolf growled. Oz growled back. Something flashed through his eyes. Something dark, ice cold, and animal.

The wolf sniffed the air. Something was wrong. There was something unnatural about the male. With another growl, the wolf turned and disappeared among the trees.

"Let's go," said Willow.

"What about the money?"

"Leave it."

Oz picked up his lithe girlfriend and carried her to the boat. He headed towards the others.

"Where were you guys?" asked Buffy. "I was worried. What did you do to your ankle?"

"We had an adventure," said Oz simply.

"Well, okay...for now. Let's go eat."

"And then salsa dancing!" said Willow.

Oz looked at her sternly.

"Not for you," said Buffy. "You will stay in your room and stay off your ankle."

"What about your itinerary?"

"Well, looks like Willow's just going to miss out. Oz, can you...I hate to do this, because it *is* your vacation too, but Xander expects me to...and...could you kind of take care of Willow and make sure she stays in bed?"

Oz's eyes sparked. "Ill miss out on the fun, but you're absolutely right." He nodded at Buffy sagely, then turned to flash Willow a huge grin.

"You're such a good guy."

"I try."

So that's how Willow and Oz ended up in the cabin, sitting at the foot of the bed, and listening to the salsa music being blasted all over the ship.

"Let's dance," begged Willow.

Oz smiled. "You're supposed to stay in bed. Doctor's orders."

She slumped back down on the comforter, hanging her head. "But there's nothing to *do* in bed," she said pouting. She watched Oz out of the corner of her eye for his reaction. He didn't answer, he didn't move. He didn't even blink. Defeated, Willow let herself fall back onto the bed, head hitting the pillow.

No sooner was she laying down than Oz was leaning on top of her. He kissed her passionately. "There are *some* things to do in bed," he reminded her.

The End

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