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Knowing Is Half The Battle

Author:Linda Gentile
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Summary:A poem from Doyle's POV in which he reflects on things before and after his "death"
Disclaimer:All characters belong to Satan er- I mean the crack monger er- I mean Joss McCrackmonkee er Joss Whedon and his evil minions including :Mutant Enemy, 20th Century fox, WB etc.. But not me cuz if they did Doyle and Cordy would be togther as would Giles and Jenny!!!(Shutting up now)
Feedback:Always a nice thing. Not as nice as seeing Doyle every week ,but nice still the same.
Spoilers:Through "Parting Gifts"

Knowing Is Half the Battle

I did what I had to do
Now looking down on you
I see how dense I could be
You really did love me

I watch as you cry
Can't help but wonder why
When I would stare
In your eyes I never saw it there

From the first day you opened that door
I knew I could never love anyone more
When I saw your face
My heart began to beat at a rapid pace

As I began to see into your soul
With myself I made one goal
To break down your wall
So in love with me you would fall

He told me about your broken heart
Swore I would never tear it apart
That promise I didn't keep
Now I sit here watching you weep

Everyday I knew I could meet my doom
Never did I forsee causing so much gloom
Even after I gave you that kiss
Wasn't sure if me you would miss

Doyle you got yourself into a fine mess
Have to leave my little princess
Angel has to continue the fight
So I must die tonight

I send Angel flying to the ground
Atonement I have finally found
Looking at you one last time
I wish I could have made you mine

With my death so near
I should be filled with fear
Knowing that you will thrive
Makes it easier to take that final dive

No body left behind
A way to say good-bye you must find
I'm here watching you by the sea
As you empty into it the bottle of whiskey

Now I see what was on your mind
When you speak of me with words so kind
You say I was your dearest friend
And it wasn't fair for my life to end

I wish I could change fate
Take you on that date
Give our romance
It's rightful chance

Today Angel came by
His request to bring me back The PTB did deny
Knowing what I know now
Mark my words Cordelia I will get back to you somehow

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