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Together Again

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. except for ones that I created.

Chapter One: The Letter

Buffy walked into her dorm. She had just seen Angel, and fussed him out... for helping to save her ass. *God I'm such a fool! I had one chance to try to be his friend and I blew, damn whats wrong with me?* She sighed *I know whats wrong, I'm still angry in my heart for him walking out on me. And because he went to the Oracles to take away our day. I'm gonna say I'm sorry.*

Buffy sat at her desk and pulled out a peice of paper. She wasn't sure what to write. She could write him telling him she remembered, but that would be terrible for him.


I need to tell you I'm sorry for the way I acted. I showed no emotion towards you, and I was somewhat cruel. I know it was hard for you being here. I thank-you for coming. You saved my ass once again. I shouldn't have been angry ,though, I should have been thankful. I.. it's just still a fresh wound that has yet to heal, and I don't think ever will between us. How can we forget? I mean we had something special, and how can I move on if I can't settle anything between us? I guess what I am trying to ask you is if we can be friends.. it should be somewhat easy because we don't see eachother regularly anymore. I think thats the only way I can do what you ask of me... to move on. So instead of just saying 'We're done, move on.' maybe we can form a friendship. I really need you in my life... cause not matter what happens I'll always love you. Could you atleast consider it? Well I need to go slay now...

Love Always Your Girl Buffy Summers

P.S Please forgive me for being angry with you... It's just hard.

She got up and put it in an envelope. Buffy would go to LA tomorrow, and give it to him.

Willow walked in the room.

"Hey Buffy!"

"Hey Will."

"Whats wrong?"

Buffy sighed "Nothing.. I'm peachy."

"Buffy something's wrong.. is it because you saw Angel again?"


"Well you need to just get over him.. I mean he's not coming back. Riley would be a great boyfriend."

"Willow please give me time. God."

"Buffy, we've given you time.. "

"Oh yeah.. a couple of months to get over the love of my life Willow. And then a week to have to kill him when Angelus was around. Oh yeah.. thanks for the time."

"Buffy don't be angry.. come on. You need to get dating again.. normal guys."

"Jesus! Don't any of you people get it. I may complain I want normal.. but if normal doesn't give me Angel then I don't want it, any of it! I've got normal now and I hate it. I'm the slayer I'll never be normal. And I am going to die and young, and now unhappy. Atleast when I had Angel I could have died with a smile on my face. I gonna go slay... see ya later."

Buffy grabbed her stakes and left.


Buffy walked into Angel Investigation's holding the letter.

"Hi Cordiela."

"Buffy what are you doing here? We just saw you yesterday."

"I wanted to make peace Cordiela. With you and Angel. The way I acted yesterday.. was terrible and I'm sorry. Could you give this to Angel?"

"Buffy.. he's in his room.. downstairs."

"No.. I can't face him not after the way I treated him yesterday."

"He's asleep.. just go."

Buffy sighed in defeat.

She made her way downstairs. She looked on the bed and saw him laying there asleep. Buffy layed the letter on his nightstand and turned to leave, but instead turn around to him. She pulled the covers up on his some and kissed his forhead, then his lips.

Angel sleeping, thought it was a dream. Buffy pulled away and whispered "I love you Angel, always and forever."

"Yea.. I love you too." He mumbled. Then dozed back off. Buffy walked away.

Chapter Two: The Call

Angel awoke when he heard the lift. He thought it was Cordiela waking him, so he opened his eyes and saw that it wasn't coming down, but it was going up.

*Strange.. maybe she didn't want to wake me.* He thought.

Angel sat up and rubbed his head. He looked at his nightstand and saw an envelope titled : Angel.

*She was here.*

Angel picked up the letter and opened it.

As soon as he finished reading it, he grabbed his robe and ran upstairs.


"Where is she?"


"Cordy, where's Buffy?"

"She just took off.. she said she wasn't feeling well."

"Well, did she say anything? I mean, besides whats in this letter?"

"She wants to make peace Angel. She's hurting really bad."

"I know that, but I'm trying to do what's best for her." Angel took an unneeded breath and sat down.

"Well what you think is best may not be right.. what your doing is killing her."

"How do you know?"

"Have you looked into her eyes lately... except for the day that wasn't when she was thrilled you were human?"


"She is dieing.. she can't handle what you left her with."

"What did I leave her with besides and oppertunity?"

"Angel.. you left her with the hellmouth.. the forces of darkness to fight alone.."

"She has friends."

"Yeah that can't fight... listen you left her with her worst enemy, her fears, a shattered heart, and a Xander that could do something to 'make her feel better.' Angel come on... atleast be her friend."

"I know I should.. I really left her with all that?"

Cordelia nodded.

"All right. Should I call her or write her?"


"I'm gonna go get dressed and eat.. you hungry?"


Angel went back to her apartment. He opened the fridge and saw ice cream.

*Uh? Everything was supposed to be erased.*

Angel pulled it out, and pulled blood from the fridge too.

He sighed. Angel opened the ice cream and began to eat it. He couldn't really taste it, but he remembered the taste and how Buffy had licked it off his chest.


Buffy walked into her moms house. Joyce was out of town for a week, and Buffy didn't want to deal with Willow right now. As Buffy went into the kitchen the phone rang.



"Okay please whoever keeps calling and hanging up stop, because stalking is out."




"HEY! Did.. uh.. did you get my letter?"

"Yea I did that's why I'm calling."

*Oh boy here it comes.*

"It was touching Buffy. It must have taken alot to bring it down here."

"Yeah it.. I hope I didn't wake you when I came down."

"No.. just when you left."


"Don't worry about it..So umm... about the letter, I think we can be friends. And not because he don't really see eachother... I think we should."

"Really?" Buffy sounded hopeful.

"Yeah.. we do the friend thing.. talk or whatever they do."

"Friends talk, hang out, fight evil together." Angel chuckled.

"You laughed!"

"Yea.. I did."

"I guess LA is really helpin' ya uh?"

"Kinda... Cordelia is making me get 'involved' with the lost souls... but I remember when Whistler came after me.. told me not to get involved."

"So why did you?"



"I saw you at Hemry... sitting on the steps when Merrick came to call you.You were 15 then and I couldn't not get involved."

"You serious?"


"Aw thats sweet.. you don't follow the rules for little 'lo me." There was a slience.



"Um.. if we're going to do the friend thing.. I'd like to see you sometime, and well.. I think it might do us both some good if we talk about our old relationship. Might help heal some old and new wounds."

"That sounds good."

"Okay.. umm one more question."

"Go ahead."

"Were you the one that keeps calling? I wouldn't be mad at you.. its just I was in a hoping they were you."

"Yea they were. I just needed to hear your voice."

"Well you can call anytime. You know that now right?"

"Yea I do.. and if you need me or just want to talk same for you."

"Okay I will.. but I got class in 15 minutes, so .."

"Alright.. talk to you later.."

"Of course."

"Bye Buffy."

"Bye Angel..You don't have to say anything back but I need to say this."


"I love you."

"I love you too... now go to class."


With that she hung up. Buffy smiled. *He still loves me! WOW! OH YEAH!"


Angel got off the phone and was grinning, he turned to see Cordelia.

"Go well?" She asked.

"Yes it did..."

"You gonna brood alot?"

"Not if I can help it."

"So whats gonna happen?"

"We're friends.. and we're gonna do friend things.. hangout, talk, fight evil together."

"Like a relationship with no kissing."


"Okay well come on buddy Doyle just had another vision."

Angel grabbed his coat and they left the office through the tunnels.

Yes.. everything would turn out right.. one day. Just maybe.. they still have a chance

Chapter Three: The Friendship

*One month later.*

Buffy was on a bus to LA... for more than one reason. The demon activity had gone down in Sunnydale somewhat.. except it went up in LA, so Buffy went there alot to help. Then there were her friends... none of them wanted her to be friends with Angel, they said it'd hurt too much, when actually it was helping her. Sure it didn't look like she'd be getting over him soon, but she was happy she atleast had him her life.

Buffy fiddled with her ring. The one she had gotten on her 17th birthday, the night Angel confessed his love, the night the made love, and that was also the night her life would change forever. Angelus had come out to play, and her Angel was gone.

She sighed at the memory... who would have known that an innocent act of love could almost destory the whole world?

The slayer stood up and pulled the little bell thingie above her head, telling the driver this was her stop.

Buffy grabbed her duffle bag and got off. She walked inside Angel Investigations and saw Cordy at her desk.

"Buffy! Hey."

"Hi Cor."

"I thought Angel told you not to come this time?"

"He did... but you know me I never listen."

Buffy looked through the window into Angel's office and saw a young woman with blonde hair.

"Who's the girl?"

"A cop."

Angel and the police woman walked out of the office.

"Okay Kate I'll take a look and see what I can do."

"Thanks... you saved my ass alot."

"No problem... Buffy.. hey."

"Hey Angel... " She turned and looked at Kate "Buffy Summers."

"Kate Lockley."

"Buff- I though I told you not to come this weekend your sick."

"You know me better then that.. I never listen."

"I thought you'd listen to me."

"Did I listen when you told me to go away last Christmas? Nooo... did I listen when I first came to Sunnydale and we decided to be nothing more? Noo."

"Your his girlfriend?" Kate asked.

"The ex. Were just really good friends."

"Oh.. so he's not taken."

"Physically no.. mentally, emtionally, and soulfully he is."


"We're trying to get over eachother.. a break-up from a three year relationship."

"Oh..." Kate turned to Angel "Well.. call me sometime then."

With that Kate walked out.

"Who's that?"

"A detective I help out."

"Do I smell possible girlfriend."

"No. She's just a friend... I don't think of her that way, and she doesn't think of me that way either."

"Right, thats why she smiled when I said you weren't taken and said 'call me sometime'. She totally wants you, but the again with that body I don't blame her."

"Me neither..." Cordelia said. Both girls laughed.

"Okay down to business.. whats the demonage today?"

"We have Morha Demon Hell." Codeila said.

"Ouch... okay well I'm here to help, send me in their direction and I kill."

"Not so fast. You haven't called me in two days, you just show up, and we still have to figure out where the demons are. Right now you are coming with me downstairs to do the friend thing..." Angel said.

Ever since they had become friends Angel had lightened up, because more human.

"Okay... let's go."

"Cordelia you can have the rest of the day off, unless Doyle has a vision."

"Good.. I'm going."

Cordelia left, and Angel and Buffy went downstairs.

Once downstairs, Buffy put her bag on the floor and went to the kitchen.

"I'm getting a drink!" She yelled to Angel, and he moved her stuff to the closet.

Buffy came back with OJ, and blood.

"Here ya go." She tossed him the bag. He looked at her.

"Come on Angel.. you can eat.. or drink infront of me. I'm okay with that. Besides if it did bother me, do you think I would have kissed you with the vamp visage when the Order of Taraka came after me? Or let you drink me blood to save you life? Come on."

Buffy took a sip of her OJ and watched as Angel began to eat.

"If this makes you sick just tell me." He said.

"It doesn't."

There was a silence and Buffy broke it.



"Stop eating for mintue, but stay vamped for me."

He did as asked.

"I still don't think you should see me like this."

"And I still hardly notice, and still don't care."

"Why did you want me to do this?"

"Close you eyes."

Buffy relized that was what she said right before she killed him, but he seemed not to care and did it. He still trusted her.

"Keep them closed for a minute. " She sighed and crawled onto his lap. Angel went to open his eyes..

"No.. Angel for me."

He kept them closed. They both shifted alittle to make it more comfortable.

Buffy moved his hands to her sides, then she lifted his chin. He was still in vampire visage, but she kissed him. She stuck her tounge in his mouth, and he did the same. At first he went to back away, but couldn't. Who could back out of a kiss from the love of their life?

Angel felt himself starting to want to bite, and he knew he could either pull away or unvamp. He began to pull away, but Buffy pulled him closer. She then puctured her tongue on his teeth, and he sucked on it. Then he unvamped and continued kissing her. Buffy wished at that moment she didn't have to breath, because she knew that once the kiss ended they wouldn't do it again.

Angel began to pull away knowing Buffy would need air. But instead once again she pulled him closer like a desperate plea for help. Then air being a necssictiy got in the way, and they both pulled away, but not with out whimpering alittle first.

Buffy sat on Angel alittle while longer.

"What was that for?" He asked.

Buffy trying to catch her breath replied "I never got a goodbye kiss."


"All we did was break-up. I wanted a goodbye kiss. I got my dance, but what I needed, and still did need, the kiss I never got."

"Why did you just tell me?"

"I wasn't sure if you would."

"I would have... why did you pucture your tongue, and why did you want to kiss me with the face on?"

"Because I wanted you to know that you being a vampire never bothered me, and still doesn't. And if you asked I'd still let you sink your teeth into me.. even if it was just because you wanted to."

Buffy climbed off of him.

"Thank-you." She said after a moment.

"For what?"

"Everything. And for trusting me when I said close your eyes."

"I've always trusted you."

"Me too. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure.. your pick."

"Uh... Interview with the Vampire?"

"Sure.." Angel replied.

He liked the cheesy Vampire movies. Him and Buffy made fun of alot of them, except Interview with the Vampire. It was just too cool.

"And how about the cheesy movie Muffy the Werewolf Slayer."

"That works."

"I think the show is funny. How she kills demons and things.. kinda like me, except mostly werewolves she takes care of, and then she goes and falls in love with one.. she her friends aren't happy."

"Kinda sounds like s slayer I know.."

"Yea.. except I fight vampires... and I'm Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

They both laughed and went to get the movies.

Chapter Four: Slayage Time

*A few hours later*

"Okay movie time done.. I say we go get some work done, figure out where the Morah demons are."

"I could do that.. but then we'd have to get Cordiela and Doyle and Gunn."


"Cause we're all a team."

Buffy couldn't help, but feel hurt at that statement. It just showed even more how much Buffy wasn't apart of his life.

"Okay, lets give them a call and bring them over here."

"Alright, I just page Cordelia."


"Yeah?" He said going to the phone.

"Do you have any idea where these demons would be."

"Not really."

"Have you thought about the tunnels? Or by the ocean?"

"No I haven't, but that sounds like the place they'd be. How did you know?"

"Uh.. uh.. your not the only that reads up on demons and such."

"I'll call everyone and have them come over."

Buffy nodded.

Angel paged Cordelia and put in his number. The phone rang a few minutes later.

"I'll get it." Buffy said getting up.


"Did someone page?"

"Yes.. Angel and I did."

"Well what do you want?"

"We have somewhat of a lead on these Morah demons. We wanted to get you, Doyle, and Gunn over here."

"Okay.. but couldn't you guys have called later?"

"Doyle's over there isn't he?"


"Okay, okay.. you guys come now... you get to do whatever tonight."

"You'll be here."

"No.. I won't."

"Stayin' the night with Angel?"

"No I am not staying the night with Angel in the way you think."

"Where you going to stay then?"

"My dad."

"Isn't he gone?"

"Yeah, but I know how to break locks.. I'm good."

Cordelia laughed.

"See you in a few."

"Okay, bye Cor."

"I'll bring Gunn, and Doyle. Bye."

They hung up.

"Whats going on?" Angel asked once Buffy came back to the couch.

"Cordy was mad."


"Doyle was there."


"Angel... Cordelia is a young woman, who felt the need to be a non virgin a little while ago and not with Xander."

Angel just chuckled.

"How mad was she?"

"Angry.. until I told her she could do whatever she wanted tonight."

"Aren't you staying there?"

"I was."

"Where are you staying now?"

"My dads."

"I thought he was in Rome?"

"He is."

Angel just looked at her.

"Thats the same house I live in when I was the slayer there.. I know ways in and out of that house no one even thought about."

"So your going to break in?"


"No.. you can stay here."

"I can't.. I'd be all invading."

"No.. it's okay. I'd like for you to stay."



"But there's one bed."

"I'll take the couch, I've slept on worse."

"On no you don't Mister."

"We'll work something out later..."

"Yes.. later. But for now lets go kick some ass!"

Buffy and Angel went upstairs.. grabbing weapons on their way.


"Come on Doyle."


"We are needed."

"But.. but."

"I know.. we can do this later tonight, Buffy won't be here."


"Yep.. so come on the faster we get rid of these demons, the faster we can get back to my bedroom."

Doyle quickly got up and got dressed.

"Well come on princess."

Cordelia couldn't help, but laugh.


Half an hour later

Cordy, Gunn, and Doyle showed up.

"So whats the plan?" Gunn asked. "And look at you cutie.. we met before?"

"I don't think so." Buffy replied.

"Well I've must have seen you somewhere before 'cause I do remember seeing your beautiful face."

"Gunn she's the one in the picture." Cordelia said referring to the picture Angel keeps of her.

Gunn looked at Angel. "Sorry Man."

Angel glared at him. "We have work todo." was all he said, trying to keep out of an arguement.

"Hold on we can go in a minute... I need to get Mr. Pointy from my bag."

Buffy ran downstairs, when she got the stake, a disk fell out.

Being curious she put it in the computer Angel had in his room.

When she opened it, she couldn't believe what she'd seen.

' Retreving a Lost Soul and Having it Stay'

Angel's curse.. with it permanent.


' How to make a Vampire human with strenth.'

The Soul spell was dated Febuary 7, 1998 and the Human was October 29, 1999.

Buffy gasp. She couldn't believe this. Willow had been hiding it... *No, no.. she wouldn't do that, maybe she just lost the disk, or forgot.*

*Should I take this straight to Angel? No.. wait until we get rid of the demons.*

Buffy walked back upstaires, trying to remain as normal as possible.

"Okay ready to go."

"Buffy you okay? You look like you just seen a ghost." Cordelia asked.

"Mmmm... fine. Come on lets go.."

She led them out the door.

"Angel?" Buffy asked going down the tunnels.


"Do you know how many of these thingies there are?"

"Atleast ten."

"TEN?! Last time..."

"Uh.. last time?"

"Oh nothing.. just getting this demon confussed with another. How about we split up.. I mean with them, because we're the super hero's."

"Okay... how do you want to do it?" He asked as he got on the ground.

"I'm going with Buffy." Gunn said.

Angel looked at Buffy. He just couldn't stand the thought of guys hitting on Buffy. Thats when he came to a realization... Buffy wanted him... and how he broke-up with her was wrong. he wanted her back... if she'd have him.. and they'd find away around his curse.

"I'll be good. Besides if he tries anything I'm a big girl... I'll just do the womanly thing and beat him up."

Angel grinned.

"Do we need to seperate Doyle and Cordelia?" Buffy asked motioning to the two of them kissing.

"Doyle.. if you two don't stop you'll be seperated and..." Angel looked at Buffy then to Cordelia "Buffy will be staying with Cordelia for the next three days."

The both of them jumped two feet away from each other.

"We each take half... and if there are more than ten Angel we need to get them outta here."

He nodded.

The both of them led the group as one, until the reached the ended of the tunnel where water came through. The Morha demon's were there. Ten from where they could see, but probably more.

Buffy turned to the group.

"You guys kill and get out. If you get hit and hurt, get out of here not questions asked."

They all nodded. Then Buffy looked at Angel.. telling him her and Gunn were going their own way.

She motioned Gunn to follow. He did.

As Buffy turned a corner she was hit in the face by a demon.

"You did not just bruise my face!" Buffy yelled, and the fight began.

Gunn went in his own direction, but stayed close.

Angel, Doyle, and Cordelia did the same.


Buffy's Fight:

Buffy threw jabs and kicks at him or it. Catching it's face, and somewhat knee caps.

The Morha punched her face, and her chest, sending her back, then it decided to put its fists in her back.

Buffy not liking this turned the tables, grabbed Mr. Pointy and smashed the shinny jewel in his head.

"Next!" She called.

Two more came her way.


Angel's Fight:

Angel was fighting two. Back to back. He'd been fighting these for a few days now, and knew their pattern's. He just hope everyone else was okay, and knew how to kill them.

The Vampire ((that we all love, admire, and worship)) took blows to the chest, and to his knee's. He soon enough vamped, and killed the two easily.. with:

A swift kick, jab, punch, shattered the jewel.


Doyle and Cordelia's fight:

They were both having a hard time with one. Getting hit, and beat, they had a hard time beating it.

"How do you beat these things?" Doyle asked.

Angel was about to answer, but Buffy did before he could.

"See the jewel in its head? Smash it."

Doyle smashed it.



Gunn's Fight:

Gunn handled his well. He was doging, and hitting it. But then again this was a small one.

Over hearing how to kill the things, he smashed the jewel and moved on.. to a much bigger one, that easily kicked his ass.


Buffy had two... she knew what would happen if her blood mixed with the demon's... her would be a normal human. Buffy watched as Cordelia got cut on her arm, while the demon was cut too and was ready to hit her.

"Cordelia MOVE!"

Cordelia looked at Buffy and didn't move, Buffy left her two demons and ran of and knocked Cordelia down.

"What the hell?"

"Everyone! If their blood is with your you will die, you will become weak, Doyle you'll have the strenth of a girl.. Everyone out! OUT!" Buffy shouted.

Gunn, Doyle, and Cordelia looked at her then too Angel.

"Do as she says!" Angel yelled back.

"You guys go! Unless you want to be dead. GO!" She yelled at them.

They followed instruction, but left their weapons.

"Go to the office, we'll meet you there." Angel yelled to them as they left.

Angel looked at Buffy. They moved together.

"How many's left?" He asked.

"Four... really big ones."

They looked at eachother as the demon's came near. They knew what todo, they would dance.

Both went at all four demon's together. Buffy punched one in the gut, which caught him off gaurd, and then kicked him in the same place, he regained himself, and went after her, slamming her into a wall. Another one came, but Angel took it off her hands, and now had three.

Buffy once again turned the tables, and took the demon's head and slammed it into the wall smashing the jewel's. Then she ran over to Angel, and the two of them went against the three big one's.

One of the Morha's claws dug into Buffy shoulder causing her to scream out in pain. She fell to the ground. Angel had his hands tired with two and couldn't help her. The one on the slayer, was the biggest of them all. Buffy thought this was the end. She was done for, Buffy only hoped Angel knew she loved him.

Angel was able to quickly get rid if the two he had, and came to Buffy's rescue. He pulled the demon off, but was slammed into a wall and his head busted open. He vamped and fell to the ground, Buffy ran over to him.

"Get up!" She yelled "Damn it get up!" Angel opened his eyes, no way in hell was this the end, not like this, not without her knowing he wanted her back.

Angel got up, and they both went after the demon at full force, with every once of strenth they had left. Buffy spin kicked it, and Angel did a doible round house kick to the chest area, then they looked at one another and backed away... both ran up to it, jumped in the air, and used their shoe's to brake the jewel.

"The end is near... and the child shan't survive." We're its words before falling to the ground dead.

"Is that all you guys ever say? The end is near.. and what child?" Buffy shook her head. Then looked at Angel. She smiled some.

"We did it.. we lived." Buffy said with a laugh.

"Yea we did."

"Okay I need to..." Buffy fell to the ground.

Angel scooped her up in his arms.

"Please be okay beloved. I love you."

He kissed her lips, and walked out of the tunnel.

AN: Want another part? Review and maybe you'll get it. No you'll get it anyway. Please review, the next part is I think called uh.. its called The Talk .... Will Buffy now tell Angel about the spell?

The End

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