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Places Worse Than Sunnydale

E-MAIL: Email:
DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Joss "The Crackhead" Whedon, unless I made them up. The song "Elsewhere" belongs to Sarah McLachlan.
FEEDBACK: It gives me happies.
DISTRIBUTION: My site, if you want it ask.
NOTES: Response to a challenge on the BuffyChallengeFic list. Also, the place that I'm using in this story is actually where I live... :-) And it didn't take me too long to write this, so if I messed up on something, I apologize... :-)

Willow stepped off a bus, carrying only a small suitcase with her. People pushed by her, but she seemed to be frozen in place.

*And I thought Sunnydale was a blip on the map...* She thought to herself, glancing around. She had left Sunnydale, at first she was going to look for Oz, but she had changed her mind. He didn't want her anymore. If he did, he would have come back.

The truth was, in the past few months, Willow had felt like no one wanted her. Buffy had Riley, Xander had Anya, and Giles was Giles. It was as though to her friends, she no longer existed. So she packed and left.

She realized she was a hypocrite, yelling at Buffy for running away and then doing it herself. But she had no importance in their lives, right? It's not like she had to save the world from impending doom.

She had been dropped off in front of a shopping mall. A shopping mall across from a car wash and a Dunkin Donuts. Yeah, cuz that made sense. It was about three in the afternoon, and she decided she needed to find a place to stay.

Willow got a cab and pulled up in front of a motel about 15 minutes later. It was run-down, but she couldn't exactly afford to stay at the Plaza Hotel, so she tried to ignore the creepy feeling she got from the place. She walked into the front lobby, ringing the bell on the counter. A guy about 45 came out of the back room, receding hairline and not the kind of person you'd want to meet in a dark alley no matter what time of the day it was.

"Can I help ya, miss?" He asked, a heavy accent marking his voice. Willow couldn't exactly place it, but she tried her best to ignore.

"Yes...hi...I need a room..." She said, her voice quivering a little.

*Why did I leave Sunnydale again?* She asked herself. He coughed as he reached underneath the counter.

"How long will ya be stayin'?" He scratched the stubble on his chin, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not sure. Maybe just overnight." She glanced around the room as he eyed her, she pointed to a picture on the wall. "Betty White stayed here?" She asked. He turned around, trying to see what she was talking about.

"What? Oh no... I wrote her a fan letter once... and she sent me back an autographed picture. She's a doll, that one..." He came out from behind the counter, and Willow stepped backwards, startled. "I'll show ya to yer room..." He gestured for her to follow him, she adjusted the bag on her shoulder and followed him.

"Room 16. Best room in the place. Here's yer key..." He handed her the key and then left, she went inside. She flipped on the light and looked around.

"Looks clean enough.." She muttered to herself, she threw her bag onto the bed and looked around, bored. "Okay, enough of this..."

She walked around downtown, a lot of old shops made up the streets. Many had boarded windows, but there were still a lot of antique shops, pizzerias, and other places that she could go inside. A couple kids skateboarded by her.

"Hey - watch it!" The one kid yelled back at her, laughing. She rolled her eyes at him and looked across the street.

"They actually have a Starbucks here?" She questioned, amazed. It simply didn't fit in with all the other places they had there. She crossed the street and went inside. A group of people sat at the table in the front window, people sat in front of the fireplace and at the little tables.

"Can I help you?" A girl asked, Willow smiled at her.

"Yeah... can I get a tall caramel frappuccino?" The girl screamed across the counter.

"Tall caramel frappuccino!" She then turned back to Willow. "That all?" Willow nodded.

"Oh wait - can you put extra whipped cream on that?" Willow asked, the girl shouted the order to the person making the frappuccino. She paid, then decided not to stay inside to drink it.

She walked past the windows, and was almost knocked out by a women bringing a mannequinn outside of the thrift shop.

"Watch out!" The woman cried, Willow looked at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't you realize that this is an antique?" Willow raised her eyebrows at the woman. "Not the mannequinn...her dress!" The lady shook her head and adjusted it til she thought it was right, then went back inside.

"Cuz everyone says that Sunnydale is strange..." She sighed heavily and began to walk back up the street.

Willow turned the corner and continued walking, passing apartment buildings and then a YMCA. She looked in the window and saw a sign advertising country line dancing lessons. She walked inside and to the woman seated at the front desk.

"Hi." Willow stated, the woman looked up at her, bored.

"Can I help you?" She asked, putting down her nail file.

"Yeah. There's a sign up for country line dancing lessons?" She had wanted to take them for a long time, but had no one to take them with. Well, too bad. She'd take them now, by herself. And she'd have fun.

"Hmmm-hmmm. Wednesday nights, 8 - 9:30. You interested?" Willow nodded.

"Yeah... how do you sign up?"

"You fill out this form." The lady picked up a clipboard and slammed it on the desk, Willow's smile faded, but she took the form.

"Thank you..."

She stepped out of the YMCA a few minutes later, ready to start her country line dancing lessons.

Walking back to the motel, Willow wanted to call Buffy. Or Xander. But she decided not to. She could make it on her own... without anyone else. She could get a job here, and get an apartment, and maybe call them in a few days. Let them know she was still alive, and that she was fine. She opened the door to her room and laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I can do this..." She said, smiling. She reached over and turned on the radio, Sarah McLachlan's "Elsewhere" filling the room.

*I believe
this is heaven to no one else but me
and I'll defend it as long as
I can be left here to linger in silence
if I choose to
would you try to understand it

I would like to linger here in silence
if I choose to
would you understand it
would you try to understand...*


Okay, that's the first time I've answered a challenge be kind! :-)

Here's the challenge:

-Write a fic where one of the main characters leaves town permanantly. The only stipulation is I dont want a fic about Oz leaving in "Wild at Heart" or Angel leaving in "Graduation Day Part 2". The events in your fic must not have happened on the show.

Ok, and as always, please include 5 of the following 10:

-a mannequin
-a stolen painting
-an ET Reference
-a Sarah McLachlan CD or song
-someone taking country line dancing lessons
-someone going to confession
-whipped cream
-someone handcuffed to someone else
-an autographed Betty White picture
-a main character's impending parenthood. (Could be male or female)

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