Bye Bye Bye

To the readers of TGI;

Well, from the title of this page I think that you can gather what's coming next. I am resigning my post as editor of They've Got Issues . (yeah, try to hold back your tears).

There are many reasons for this decision, the main one being that I've been having a lot of medical problems lately and i must devote my time to getting better. This was not an easy decison to make. It was always a lot of fun for me to sit down at my computer and let my creativity flow. I've met some of the most amazing people because of this page. However this page can be time consuming and I just don't have the time. The only thing i'll be doing is spending a lot of time with doctors and sleeping. (sounds like fun, eh?)

On the subject of mail...the two hotmail address that have been set up for the site will no longer be checked so don't bother sending mail there. If you want to contact me you can email me at If you want to IM me, i use two screen names: Shell7279 and Mjthug84 . I invite you to still send me mail and to IM me. I love hearing from all of you.

I'll still keep the page up for memories sake and i'll still check the guestbook when i get a chance to do so. Maybe once all this passes i'll be able to come back and resume my role as editor..but not until i've recieved a clean bill of health.

Much Love Always,
