The 10 Commanments of Lance

The 10 Commandments of Lance

Lance needs some guidence. Not only because he's in a business where so many people throw away their morals, but also because he's wearing a Braves jersey and everyone knows that the Yankees are the greatest team in baseball. Someone get that kid a Yankees jersey! Anyway.....

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X :: Thou shalt no longer be friends with Joseph A. Fatone

IX :: Thou shalt stop looking like Ellen (or any other female for that matter)

VIII :: Thou shalt spend more time learning to dance

VII :: Thou shalt always speak in a deep voice

VI :: Thou shalt stop thous mother from acting like thous girlfriend. (its just not right)

V :: Thou shalt be JC's speaker for JC can not speak for himself.

IV :: Thou shalt always wear the afro wig for it is amusing

III :: Thou shalt get over the death of Toby

II :: Thou shalt no longer let the other members of *N Sync get away with making fun of thou. Its time to get ruthless and mean boy!

I :: Thou shalt not wear tight clothing ever again for it is disturbing Go Back to Lance