The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

the GOOD, the BAD, & the UGLY


NAME: Joshua Scott Chasez

AKA: JC, vein boy, spaz...

The Good :

He's just what I need (if you know what I mean). Damn that boy is fine! Also, he has the most amazing singing voice I've ever heard. He's good stuff

The Bad :

Have you ever heard him speak? He says a lot, yet doesn't really say anything at the same time. Also~ he's way too hyper. He needs to lay off the crack

The Ugly :

His teeth. The yellow thing just isn't working for me. Jc~ you're rich! You can afford bleach you know.


NAME: Justin Randall Timberlake

AKA: Curly, Mr. Smooth, the young conceited one, jailbait magnet...

The Good :

This boy makes me think impure thoughts. Physically, he is perfect. That hair, that smile, those arms. And have you seen his hips move when he dances? Excuse me...i need to go take a cold shower

The Bad :

There's nothing worse than a guy who is gorgeous and knows it.

The Ugly :

Ebonics doesn't work well for a white kid from Tennessee. Justin seems like a smart kid...he should talk like one


NAME: James Lance Bass

AKA: Lance, Lanceton,mississippi albino, Ellen, pony boy....

The Good :

He's sweet, he's kind, he has good morals and when he talks in that deep out! Out of all the guys Lance is the one I would pick to marry. (not that i would ever have that choice)

The Bad :

His choice in clothing. He needs someone to help him out in that department.

The Ugly :

Lance resembles a female without even trying


NAME: Joey Anthony Fatone

AKA: Phat one, disease infested whore, the walking STD.....

The Good :

I don't like saying anything nice about him, but: Joey has a really nice singing voice. The other guys should let him sing more often. Plus he looks like he would give really great hugs. (just as long as he wasn't trying to grope me in the process)

The Bad :

His hair, his personal style, his morals, HIM

The Ugly :

The fact that he has to grope every female with a pulse. (Its like Lance said, "Are we talking quality or quanity? He's the best when it comes to quanitiy, and the worst when it comes to quality")


NAME: Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick

AKA: Lucky (good name) , that old guy with the funky hair, the man who refuses to grow up......

The Good :

Chris is really funny. There's nothing sexier than a man with a great sense of humor. Plue he's nice and cute.

The Bad :

His hair. Right now it looks good, but the beads and extensions don't normally look good on him. He looked good in the Teen People pictures when he had all that crap out of his hair.

The Ugly :

He's a grown kid. It makes me wonder if he'll ever settle down and act his age ***********************************************************

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