Get A New Hobby

Get A New Fuckin' Hobby! page is hosted by Angelfire, same as GFN. I must be copying off of them!

Recently there has been a little bit of a squabble on the message board. Apparently i've been accused of stealing material from another humor site. First of all its all a bunch of bull shit. It made me angry at first (hence the title of this page) but now i'm finding the humor in the situation.

Here are a couple of the messages:

* Subject: Wow, isn't this just like the GFN? Posted by Em ::

Like, exactly the same. Go you, for your damn originality. And props about the whole "I made this up, so don't you go around stealing it" disclaimer on the bottom of the main page.

* Subject: You copied BIG time Posted by anakin ::

It's just like the "GFN" page, and my friend had the same name for her 'n sync humor site

And here's what they said on the GFN message board:

*Um, does Wendi know your "friend" stole all her material and layout? Just wondering. (n/t)

*yea, i kinda was wondering bout that too (n/t)

Here's my view point on the situation...To be perfectly honest, yes, i did "borrow" GFN's layout. It wasn't exactly the same..but they were very similar. Wendi over at GFN is very gifted in the HTML department so no matter what she does it will always look better than what my humble site produces. HOWEVER all material on this site is completely original. All comments are my own and all page ideas are my own. You have to realize that theres just so much you can make fun of these guys about and if you look around at different humor pages chances are some will have similar material.

Bottom line is this: Until Wendi or Heather contact me reguarding the situation i will continue to go about my business and run this site. I find it to be humorous that you people are getting so defensive about a site thats not even yours! You have nothing to do with the creation of GFN so go get a new fucking hobby.

Here are two people who stuck up for us:

Subjecy:yeah, you're right....all hail to the motherfucking GFN, Posted by alisha in reply to "You copied BIG time" ::

You're right. Any good site ever made was copied from GFN. MY ASS!! The layout is all that's the same. And you may be to far up your ass to notice but, alot of pages have black backgrounds with blue arial text. Kiss my ass and the webmasters too.

Good lord people. It's not like Wendi has the only humor site on the net and frankly it is not the end all be all of 'N Sync Humor. Quit being so defensive about something so trivial. It's lame.