Letter to Lance

Dear Lance::

I know that I have this habbit of picking on you. I know at times I can be down right mean. But I got nothin' but love for you baby! Well, I used to think that way.......

On September 3, 1999 I attended your concert at the Blossom Music Center in Ohio. I don't expect you to remember me, (or to even read this letter), but I was sitting in the fourth row to your right.

I was having a good time. I was enjoying myself emensely. I watch you do your little head dance thing during 'That Thing You Do'. Thats a time usually reserved for Jc, but not this time baby. For some reason you got my attention. Until Giddy Up....

You all did your thing. You sang Giddy Up and had your fun. Then it happened. You walked to the back of the stage and you grabbed your water gun. Then you headed my way....

It was cold that night. Do you remember that baby? I didn't want to get wet, but you had other plans. I shook my head no, but you just laughed. You got the girl in front of me and the girl to the left of me. You then got my girl DJ. And as I was standing there shaking my head no....you proceeded to squirt me RIGHT IN THE FACE!!!! But it didn't end there.....

You got me again at the end of the concert. You got me good boy. And not only that...Joey also came over and completely soaked DJ and I. I expected this kind of thing from Joey, but not from you baby.

I don't expect anything from you on this subject. I'm sure you don't even realize the damage you've caused. Don't get me wrong here, I still got mad love for you. I just want you to know you done wrong boy

:: Much Love ::
