Laugh Already! Its All In The Name Of Fun

Humor isn't such a bad thing, ya know?


(*sigh* yes...unfortunatly we must have one )

Try to follow here, ok? Its a relatively easy concept to master....

You may be wondering..."What is wrong with these girls?" Well...besides the fact that we have too much time on our hands...nothing! I personally do not believe i will ever meet, let alone marry or procreate with any member of *N Sync. (although i'm not so sure about Kelly..she has this habbit of being delusional). So before you start sending mail and making me feel like less of a person, remember that this site is all in good fun. So plese read with an open mind.

We really do like *N Sync. We're not obsessed or anything, but we do enjoy their music. They have phenomenal talent. However, (and yes, there must be a however), we also enjoy making fun of them. Its not out of malice..its more or less out of lack of anything better to do.

I should warn you that every once in a while there is a scattered cuss word, so if that kind of stuff offends you then you might want to turn around now. Also, if you can't stand to see *N Sync talked about in jovial manner you should proceed to exit.

If you do find that you have a sense of humor then please stay, look around and sign the guestbook on your way out. Above all have fun and take what we say with a grain of salt. We do love *N may not seem like we do, but we do!

Go forth and laugh