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The Birds of Maryland

Lindsey Brown's photo of Canada Geese in flight.
Canada Geese in flight, a common sight year round in Maryland.
Photo by Lindsey Brown.

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker, long thought extinct has been re-discovered in the Big Woods of Arkansas! Find out more at

Due to my recent move to Maryland, this page is in the process of "moving" from New York to Maryland with me, so will be a bit of a hodge-podge for a while until the "move" is complete.
For now, this page contains:

  • Bird of the Season - A short essay on a bird found in the State of Maryland - This Winter, the Fox Sparrow. (Sorry, the Spring bird is late this season - must be the weather!)
  • Under Construction: Where to Bird watch in Maryland.
  • List of Birds found in Maryland. (Last Update: Aug. 2, 2003)
  • Links to websites devoted to Birds.

    Return to:

  • Homepage

    Bird Links

    ABA The American Birding Association.

    Birding on the Web

    Birdwatching Dot Com

    The Bird Watching Forum

    Birding Pal Link-up with birders around the U.S.

    Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.

    North American Rare Bird Alert

    FNYSBC Federation of New York State Bird Clubs.

    NAS National Audubon Society. International Birding Information Resource.

    NBHC Rare Bird Alert.

    Peterson Online .

    The Virtual Birder Online birding magazine.

    GORP Great Outdoor Recreational Pages: Birding.

    Bird Photography by Don Baccus.

    Birds as Art Photographer Arthur Morris' website.

    HMBC The Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club.

    USGS Birds of NY Checklist as compiled by the Federation of New York State Bird Clubs.
    also of interest:

    Cape May Bird Observatory, New Jersey

    Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania

    Bosque del Apache N.W.R., New Mexico

    Crane Creek S.P., Ohio

    Return to my Homepage

    Return to List of Maryland Birds

    Go to Rantings , Denmark, Photos and Artwork , or all about Me, or Cool Links.