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My Rantings Not for the faint of heart.

Information on Denmark.

Information on the Birds of Long Island and
Eastern New York - including New York City.

The Greatest Artists - according to me!. New!

Quote of the Month

All about Me.

My Resume.

My photo and artwork page.

My New York City info-page.

News and Information

CNNCable News Network.

PBS Online Public Broadcasting System.

Discovery Discovery Channel Online.

Newsday Long Island Newsday.

NYTimes The New York Times.


Slate Slate Online Magazine.

Friends on the Web
If you would like to be included here, email me at .

Inca Princess Ana L. Zevallos

Links to my school: SUNY at Stony Brook

An introduction to the University at Stony Brook.

Computing Instructional Computing at U.S.B..

Student Body Student Web Page Index.

Hot Links!
Try these ... The source for whatever info you really need.

Golden Key The Golden Key National Honor Society.

PBK Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society.

Yahoo! Yahoo! Washington D.C. .

Audionet Listen to and buy music.

Columbia House My CD Club...A guilty addiction.

Gamecenter Computer gameing (a C|net site).

KOEI The creators of some of the best PC strategy games.

CompUSA One of America's largest computer stores - order On-line.

Babbages Another site for computer hardware/software.

Lord British UltimaOnline - The ultimate Role Playing Game.

Map Quest Traveling? Get your maps here. Not only cheap airfares, but car rentals, hotels, cruises and packages as well!

TerraQuest Can't afford to travel? Take a Cyber-trip.

Pentium Intel, those funky Micro-processor folks.

2000 Gateway Computers, a company with a bovine fixation.

Microsoft The software company you love to hate.

Maricopa Wanna make a Web Page? Get some tips here.

Stars WebStar: The Web Developer's Virtual Library.

WebMonkey A great webbuilding resource.

Los Lobos 216 Color Web-Safe Pallette.

Umlats and Symbols in HTML code - a Webmonkey page.

Terrashare Okay, you've built you'r website, now add some goodies!

The Plane Page A site for Aircraft nuts, like me.

1,000 Pictures Tons of computer wallpaper, including aircraft...ofcourse.

C|net C|net : "Computer Network" TV Show site.

N.Y. Jets The New York Jets Homepage.

Boxster Porsche ...need I say more?

Star Trek Star Trek site.

Artists The Artists Index.

Ojibwas Trading Post Cheap cigs and stuff.

Angelfire, my favorite site for free home pages!

Angelfire Home Pages

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