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Photo and Artwork Gallery

Animated Bar

This page contains the following:

Animated Bar

All of the images on this page are protected by natural copyright.
Any and all use of these images without the explicit consent of the owner, Lars H. Hansen, is strictly prohibited and will result in a great deal of powerless foaming-at-the-mouth by their owner.

Animated Bar

Baby picture of Lars Hansen
Here is the first picture ever taken of me !

Picture of Lars sometime in the Late 60s
Poster Boy for the Hitler Youth - Joke!
Photo of Lars in 1969
This is me in 1969, the year man first walked
on the Moon and the Jets won the Superbowl.
Picture of Lars in Sixth Grade
This is me the year I won my first election,
President of the Sixth Grade in P.S. 115 !
The Inca Princess and Demon Spawn
My friends, Ana and Nydia,
at graduation in May 1999.
The Great Dane and Powerhouse
Me and my friend Daniel at
graduation in May 1999.
Charlie Heineken!
Another friend, Charlie Heineken ... er, Silva.
Allen making plans
Allen: "Is revolution possible on f**ked-up Long Island?"
Katrine and Lars
My sister Katrine and I on the occasion
her high-school graduation in the Spring of 2000.
Elsinor and Lars
Me and our new pup, Elsi.

Animated Bar

Drawing entitled 'Eva and Bamse'
This drawing, entitled 'Eva and Bamse', is typical
of my fantasy artwork.

Drawing of a Male Blue-Winged Warbler
This is a drawing I made of a male Blue-Winged Warbler.
Drawing of a barbarian female holding the severed head of a man
By design, a Freudian could get
a lot out of this!
Drawing of a Male Nashville Warbler
"Male Nashville Warbler"
Drawing of a woman on an anti-gravity bike - her sponsor is Team Hansen!
Well, a boy can dream can't he?
This is actually the second drawing in a planned series of four
depicting a futuristic road-race.

Animated Bar