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Quote of the Month

June 2002

  • "A diplomat is someone who
    can tell you to go to hell
    in such a way that you look
    forward to the trip."
    - Cashie Stinnett.


  • "Art is the signature
    of civilizations."
    - Jean Sibelius.


  • "Illegal aliens have always been
    a problem in the United States.
    Ask any Indian."
    - Robert Orben.


  • "Put your hand on a stove for a minute
    and it seems like an hour.
    Sit with a pretty girl for an hour
    and it seems like a minute.
    That's relativity."
    - Albert Einstein.


  • "When I wake up,
    I have coffee and a cigarette.
    That's all I really want out of life.
    That, and world domination."
    - Ryan Adams.

    January 2002

  • "Among those whom I like or admire,
    I can find no common denominator,
    but among those I love, I can;
    all of them make me laugh."
    - W. H. Auden.

    December 2001

  • "Man's main task in life is
    to give birth to himself,
    to become what he potentially is."
    - Erich Fromm.


  • "To obtain a man's opinion of you,
    make him mad."
    - Oliver Wendell Holmes.


  • "There is only one success-
    to be able to spend your life
    your own way."
    - Christopher Morley.


  • "Life can only be understood backwards;
    but it must be lived forwards."
    - Soren Kierkegaard.


  • "We don't have to hate,
    we can create,
    we can change."
    - Shimon Peres, former Israeli Prime Minister.


  • "A leader takes people where they want to go,
    a great leader takes people where they don't want to go
    but ought to be."
    - Rosalyn Carter.


  • "Maybe this world is
    another planet's hell."
    - Aldous Huxley.


  • "Courage is when you know you're licked before you begin
    but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."
    - Harper Lee, 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.


  • "You will find something more in woods than in books.
    Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters."
    - Saint Bernard (1091 - 1153), Epistle.


  • "America may be unique in being a country which
    has leapt from barbarism to decadence without
    touching civilization."
    - John O'Hara.


  • "Red meat is not bad for you.
    Now blue-green meat, that's bad for you!"
    - Tommy Smothers.

    January 2001

  • "You can pretend to be serious;
    you can't pretend to be witty."
    - Sacha Guitry.

    December 2000

  • "Laughter is the shortest
    distance between two people."
    - Victor Borge.


  • "What good fortune for those in power
    that people do not think!"
    - Adolph Hitler.


  • "Beware of the lollipop of mediocrity,
    one lick and you suck for life."
    - Anonymous.


  • "The only reason some people get lost in thought
    is because it's unfamiliar territory."
    - Paul Fix.


  • "Many a man's reputation
    would not know his character
    if they met on the street."
    - Elbert Hubbard.


  • "Where facts are few, experts are many."
    - Donald R. Gannon.


  • "Democracy is a process by which the people are free
    to choose the man who will get the blame."
    - Laurence Peter.


  • "Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent."
    - Euripides.


  • "What lies behind us and
    what lies before us are tiny matters
    compared to what lies within us."
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


  • "Painting: The act of protecting flat surfaces
    from the wind and exposing them to the critic."
    - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary".


  • "Blessed is he who expects nothing,
    for he shall never be disappointed."
    - Jonathan Swift.

    January 2000

  • "Nostalgia isn't what it used to be."
    - Peter de Vries.

    December 1999

  • "We must believe in luck.
    For how else can we explain the
    success of those we don't like?"
    - Jean Cocteau.


  • "Say what you will about the sweet
    miracle of unquestioning faith.
    I consider the capacity for it terrifying."
    - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.


  • "He who lives without principles
    dies without honor."
    - Norse Proverb.


  • "To arrive at the truth,
    the Germans add,
    the French subtract,
    and the British
    change the subject."
    - Peter Ustinov.


  • "Setting too good an example
    is a kind of slander seldom forgiven."
    - Benjamin Franklin, "Poor Richard's Almanack."


  • "There are two types of people
    in this world, good and bad.
    The good sleep better, but
    the bad seem to enjoy the
    waking hours much more."
    - Woody Allen.


  • "No one can be
    caught in places
    he doesn't visit."
    - Danish Proverb.


  • "Always do right.
    This will surprise some people
    and astonish the rest."
    - Mark Twain.


  • "Love is the ability to attribute favorable
    characteristics to someone that
    he or she does not have."
    - Hugh Clay Paulk.


  • "Thinking is the most unhealthy thing in the world,
    and people die of it just as they die of
    any other disease."
    - Oscar Wilde.


  • "If I have any beliefs about immortality,
    it is that certain dogs I have known will go
    to heaven, and very, very few persons."
    -James Thurber.

    January 1999

  • "It is dangerous to be sincere
    unless you are also stupid."
    -George Bernard Shaw.

    December 1998

  • "When the mind is ready, a teacher appears."
    -Traditional Zen proverb.


  • "I shall never cease to be amazed at the infinite
    capacity of the human brain to resist the
    penetration of useful knowledge."
    - Starratt John Burgess.


  • "No bird soars too high,
    if he soars with his
    own wings."

    -William Blake.


  • "Public opinion is a
    harlot that must be
    driven with a whip."

    -Andre Tardieu, French Premier, 1929-1932.


  • "Experience teaches us
    that, generally speaking,
    the most perilous moment
    for a bad government is
    when it seeks to mend
    its ways."

    -Alexis De Tocqueville.


  • "Nowhere do people lie more
    than before a wedding,
    during hunting or
    after campaigning."

    -Otto Von Bismarck.


  • "It is often said that men are ruled by their imaginations;
    But truer to say that they are governed by
    the weakness of their imaginations."

    -Walter Bagehot, "The English Constitution", 1867.


  • "The eye of the master
    will do more work than both
    his hands."

    -Benjamin Franklin


  • "It is better to travel well
    than to arrive."

    -Tibetan adage.


  • "A good listener is
    not only popular everywhere,
    but after a while he gets
    to know something."

    -Wilson Mizner


  • "There are two motives for reading;
    One, that you enjoy it;
    The other, that you can boast about it."

    -Bertrand Russell

    January 1998

  • "War is not merely a political act,
    but also a political instrument,
    a continuation of political relations,
    a carrying out of the same by other means."

    -Carl von Clausewitz, "On War", 1833.

    December 1997

  • "I shall pass through this world but once.
    If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show
    or any good thing I can do, let me do it now.
    Let me not defer or neglect it,
    for I shall not pass this way again."

    -Stephan Grellet.


  • "In the beginning
    The universe was created.
    This has made a lot of people very angry
    and been widely regarded as a bad move."

    -'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe'


  • "Think globally,
    React Parochially."

    -Jim Borgman, Cartoonist


  • "Who saves his country,
    saves himself, saves all things,
    and all things do bless him!
    Who lets his country die,
    lets all things die, dies himself ignobly,
    and all things dying curse him!"

    -Sen. Benjamin H. Hill Jr., 1893

    August 1997

  • "If your mother says she loves you,
    check it out."

    -John Bremmer, Editing Professor,
    The University of Kansas.

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