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    Suicide - Just do it!

    For thousands of years, ‘civilized’ society has disapproved of and illegalized suicide. This, in my humble opinion, is insane. If people can’t cope with life and are miserable, why not let them do themselves in? Surely, our lives are the most intimate property we have – the state has no business legislating on whether or not we chose to live. If people are so miserable (or ill) that life is a torture for them it is uncivilized to force them to continue. Those of us who want to live are in no way inconvenienced by the early death of those who hate life.
    One could argue that suicide should be illegal because of the emotional impact it has on survivors. This is the most egotistical argument there is against suicide. If the ‘survivors’ had made an effort, the suicide might not have occurred in the first place. A prime motivator of suicide is a feeling of loneliness and isolation – “nobody cares, nobody will miss me.” If people did care, the suicide would be avoided by timely intervention. Concern is useless, active help is called for. Unfortunately, this help often is lacking – this is because the suicide is right – the people who care don’t care enough.
    Dr. Kevorkian is a man ahead of his time – in the future, I am sure; he will be hailed as a hero. But his case brings up a new set of problems. If we ever mature enough to accept a person’s right to die by their own hands, how do we set up society and institutions to administer this ultimate expression of personal freedom? I propose the creation of a hospice, where individuals can take their lives without medical intervention. For a fee (paid in cash), individuals can check in and bodies can be removed in an orderly fashion for burial / cremation. Other services could be offered – family notification, testament (last will) advice, pre-arranged burial arrangements etc..
    Until society is ready, I urge those considering suicide to ‘Just do it!” – but please notify the authorities so your body can be picked up before it constitutes a health hazard for the rest of us – also, don’t throw yourself in front of a vehicle, off a building or shot yourself – this is messy and involves others, it is very inconsiderate to the rest of us (myself included) who intend to go on living!

    Danes reject the Euro

    On September 28th 2000, the majority of Danes voted on whether or not to replace the Danish Krone with the new European Euro.
    Over 53% voted to reject the Euro. The international press, especially those on the conservative right, renounced the vote as an expression of Danish bigotry and backwardness. More reliable sources pointed out the true source of this historic defeat for the Euro: European, and Danish, politicians are far more enthused with the idea of a United States of Europe than are the citizens of their countries. This fundamental disconnect has first come to expression in Denmark, one of Europe's wealthiest nations, because the Danes (in contrast to their European compatriots) were allowed to vote on the question.
    The Federalist schemers in Europe were treated to a stinging defeat because the European Union (or EU) is undemocratic, corrupt and based on an elitist concept not shared by the general public. The Euro, the ultimate expression of the elite's will, has been shown up to be about as trusted as a Monopoly money.
    The clever Danes have done the rest of Europe a great favor - they have empowered the majority of Europeans who want the drive for integration to be slowed until the European Quasi-government can prove itself reliable and responsive to the people.
    One example of how the EU is becoming even more distant from the public interest is the elimination of the National Veto proposed in the Nice Agreement. If passed, this would make the EU less responsive to its smaller members - allowing Germany and France alone to dictate policy to the rest of Europe. The vote on the Euro is a wake-up call to slow or stop the hasty forced unification of Europe and the premature dismantling of the nation states.

    Greenback Blues

    Let's face it, the U.S. dollar is among the most ugly currencies in the world. The old-fashioned greenback is totally out of step with the times. It is an understated emblem for an extravagant nation with a colorful history. From a modest beginning as thirteen backward colonies, the United States has risen to become the greatest power on the planet. And all this over the, historically speaking, short span of just over two hundred years. It has done so with the support of an indomitable people and a vast wealth of natural resources. One would never know by looking at the dollar.
    This is the land of Cecil B. DeMill, Dolly Parton, The Sodbusters, Bob Hope, Cowboys, Al Capon, Madonna, Chief Sitting Bull, fast food, Hollywood and Disneyland. Its natural beauty and variety is unparalleled. Its culture is vibrant. Its influence unquestioned. Yet its currency is boring.
    Give us liberty from bureaucratic green and gray. Why not show the world a majestic Bald Eagle soaring over purple mountaintops? Honor the Native Americans who paid the greatest price of all for this country's greatness by saluting their ancient cultures and proud leaders. Remind the world of the Mayflower, conestoga wagons and the first man on the moon. If you must have green, depict the Marines raising "Old Glory" on Iwo Jima. If you must have green, celebrate the nation's immigrant roots with the Statue of Liberty greet ing "the huddled masses" that would make this country strong.
    This country's past is too colorful and its future to promising to be represented by the drab and modest greenback.
    It's time the Buck got a Makeover.

    Epilogue: Since I wrote this, the Dollar did indeed get a makeover - in green and gray!

    A Euro Gestapo is Born

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands- The passage of open borders as stipulated in to Schengen Agreement combined with the proposed federalist enhancements of the Amsterdam Treaty creates a dangerous situation, especially as it applies to the creation of Europol, the federal secret police arm of the European Union. These agents would be immune from prosecution in the countries in which they operate. Essentially a modern form of the Gestapo or East German Stazi.
    The Amsterdam Treaty only affords the right of "appropriate judicial review" to the national courts, no provision is made for prosecution should that review find that a serious crime was committed. Thus, Europol is for all intents and purposes a lawless agency with potentially Gestapo-like powers. With the passage of the Amsterdam Treaty, Europol looms large in the future of defenseless citizens throughout Europe.
    One would have thought that during World War Two, the Europeans had enough experience with the jackboot of German police to be alarmed at their possible return in the form of Europol gangsters.

    What do you think? I welcome your Email, send it to - Please indicate whether I can reproduce and cite your thoughts here.

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    Additional Links of Interest.

    ISN ISN International Relations and Security Network.

    SOSIG Social Sciences Information Gateway.

    FedWorld A guide to the U.S. Government's sites on the internet.

    Europa The European Community.

    I*M-Europe More on the European Community.

    The Euro Love It/Hate It? - here's the EU's official Euro-page with lots of cool features.

    NATO Homepage of the NATO Alliance.

    UN The United Nations.

    Newslink American Journalism Review.

    Germany "Germany This Week" - Useful for keeping up-to-date on Germany (Updated Weekly).

    ClickAfrique A great resource for information on Africa. Europe.

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