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Most of the owners of pictures here are designated on the page with the * symbol. Many images and backrounds are uncredited. If any of your work is uncredited here please e-mail me! Many of the main images on the pages and several on the pictures page were donated by Marny. The owners of fan pictures are listed on the site. I would like to take the time to apologize to Pete for a mix-up. A friend of mine stole some Cabaret pics from Pete's site and sent them to me. I didn't realize the pictures were stolen until just now. Thanks for being a good sport about it, Pete! All photos with white frames around them are also from Pete. Special thank you to Sammy, Jesse, Marny, Heather, Pete , Ali, Jessica, Etta, Diana, and all of the other site contributers! Love you guys!

This page was launched September 19, 1999 and was last updated November 21, 1999. Its design is by Shannon Leigh Allen and Samantha Ilise Gutterman. We do not own any of these pictures or backrounds but we would prefer that you don't take them without permission. Have a nice day and come back soon!