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Ok this section HAS been updated as of 9/29/03. I'm getting all the individual picture pages underway so keep checking back to see what's been changed! Also new pix have been added and the dedz have been updated!

Dallas: What can i say except.. I love you dearly! I honestly think i've found the right one. You've done so much for me that i would never have expected you to do.. Like coming over my house and staying til 6AM and then having to sit through morning rush hour traffic.. I'll never forget the first conversation that we had, or the first nite that we met.. Memories i'll never forget.. I remember our 1 month anni. That was just nice. I could never have picked out a more perfect nite! Hey, the good thing is that i know how to get to ur mom's house! You got me lost the first time i tried to find it.. Dammit! LoL! Remember when i cleaned ur dorm? Haha i was bored! Well, ok so i didn't deep clean it like Jessica did, but dammit i got all ur laundry back in the drawers! As soon as i get my brakes fixed and get my license back, i'll be back at the barraks to see you and spend many more nites! Anywho sweetie, you mean so much to me and i'm never gonna let you go. Love you alwayz.. Linny: Girl this is gonna be a long dedication... You're my best friend, sister and i'm sure somewhere down the line we're really related.. It seems like yesterday we were in Mrs. Murphy's English class getting in trouble, or Mrs. Greene's gov't class copying each others homework and passing notes.. Memories of school... Hmm.. there was the time we got pulled over while driving Ashleigh's car during lunch... Or the countless times we skipped out of 2nd and 4th block! Do yourself a favor and DUMP DERAK! C'mon i know you can do it! Hey, remember our LiL adventure up to NY back in June of 2000?? Wasn't that fun?! Ahh, memories i'd love to forget about sometimes! Hey, we're still suppost to work on Mr. Pitz's webpage... Damn, how long ago were we suppost to work on that thing?? It's been a while! Hey, remember Wally~World that nite when all those dudes got kicked out?! LoL.. All over a damn football! Oh oh, and what about the guyz in the Honda that were honking?? Or the ones in that blue Camero?? Some people.. Go figure right?? It's always the wrong ones i spose! Oh Oh Linny, remember the other nite when you were racing the guys in the red truck? And who did we end up shoving in the back seat of ur lil car? Ahh those damn marines... LoL! Wnder if we'll ever see them again or if i scared them away by being "Miss Biatch"? haha, if i did scare them i'm sorry. :) Good luck with your Son. I know he's gonna be the greatest! As long as he's nothing like his daddy!! Ok well this is long enough.. Love ya much sis!!
Shawn: Hey girl! it's been interesting working with you. Between all your dancing and doing funny stuff goes, you've been a hoot! Definatly uplifting when i'm feelin' like doodoo. LoL! You're kool as hell and i'ma miss you when i go to claims. I'm gonna miss burning CDs for ya! LoL!! Hope all is well and keep on sending those kool letters!! Latea girl! :) Marissa: Girl you're f*ckin' nuts you know that right? Yeah ok so you're my couzin so i guess that means i'm suppost to be nice to you.. Blah! Man i wish you woulda stuck around for easter ya lil bum. You know i wanted to go to Hershey's Park!! Haha, maybe this summer we can do something or you can get your rear end down here! Hope things between you and Damien work out. He seems nice and all, juss don't scare him off! haha! Behave now!! Holly: HOLLY!! You have definatly been a great source of amusment! Between all of those joke e~mails you send me and that day we got to hang out and drink and you drank more than me.. I think the seafood ruined it for me or i woulda drank more with ya! Anyway, i've known you since '99 when we worked at that hell hole.. Yuck! I'm glad you're doing something better with your life! Making that BIG money now! Oh and thank you for teaching me how to eat crabs!! That was interesting! Damn $1 for a lil cup of tea... Thanks for letting me know refills weren't free.. Oh oh and hey remember the pool hall?! It was kool being your girlfriend for all of 10 minutes! LMFAO!! Too funny!! We gotta hang out more often! Love ya!!
Heather S.: Wow, it's amazing how we've been friends for soo long! Since what 4th grade i've known you? Seems like forever! You've always been an inspiration to me. I can always look up to you for advice on something, or know that if i'm ever upset that your sence of humor always makes me smile! Keep it up in LongWood and i'll see ya when i see ya! Rassina: Wow i don't even know what to say about you. You are definatly an original! Ok so you're from England, so maybe that's your excuse for originality!! Where to being, i met you in Billing 'cause of crazy Shawn. We've had some fun. Been to IHOP to get some crepes, been to the movies. It was great hanging out with you and Dallas! Oh yeah, and what about your nails. NEVER AGAIN WILL I GO WITH YOU TO DO THOSE!! You are crazy! Hey, when i came to your house for the first time and my car ALMOST got towed?? That was some sh*t!! Got me all paranoid now when i come over.. Aside from that we've been through quite a lot.. All those times i've taken you w/ me to go see Dallas... Haha! Good times :) You really have been a great friend and i'm glad we got to talking! You're too kool! Ok, well, good luck to you and all, and hopefully you'll come to claims!! Peace out girl! Chicago: Hey hey dude how are ya? You've been a rather interesting person to say the least, but none~the~less you're kool. I still think that you need to some to claims cause it is much kooler down there! Rassina wants to join me! Anywayz, we're gonna tip some bottles eventually when i get some time off! That's gonna be interesting, what do you think? LMFAO! Anyways dude, good luck with Lauren :)
Anna: Hey girl! Well it's been nice knowing you for as long as i have. It was great having you in my web design class for that lovely semester. Sucks you're going to school all the way out in Texas though :( Thanx for introducing me to FTJ! I found the love of my life! Oh yeah, isn't my car pimp?! LoL!! Hope you've enjoyed all the CDs i've given ya! I know how ya like my style and all.. LoL! Oh and remember the trip to the mall and to Fridays?? Good ice cream!! Latea girl! Ashleigh: Hey! I forgot to put you back in here and i'm sorry! I remember when we first met sophmore year.. Well, i spose you were a freshman then.. Remember all the Jesse drama?? Ahhh, memories.. Anywho, thanx for letting me and Linny borrow your car on those occations we wanted to go to lunch! It sux that you're all the way in Front Royal now... I miss you!! Oh and by the way, good luck with the baby! Lemme know how everything turns out :)
Jennifer B.: Hey hey there!! You know, i'm glad you got out of that sinkhole we called Orange and managed to get out there in the world! Woodbridge rocks! Haha, i'm sorry our whole appartment thing didn't work out right. Kinda sucks cause i was looking foward to that. Oh well, i'm sure you and Mindy will think of something right?! Keep in touch i know you have the number!!
Ryan B. : Ok so you want me to write a lot of nice stuff about you eh? Well.. Ok.. You are one of my FAVORITE peeps up there! Haha! It's nice to come up to Mason and joke around with you.. Even though you're hardly ever there. Hmm.. Wonder why? LoL!! Oh yeah, here's a fond memory.. Remember when i stalled your car?? oops! It was a mistake i tell ya! LoL!! Hope the C++ is going well for ya! Oh yeah, you need to resign my guestbook cause i'm not wit Bobby anymore! Hmm.. what else can i out in here and say about you that would make this dedication longer.. Um.. ::putting on my thinking cap:: *oops* looks like my thinking cap blew a fuse! Sorry this is all i'ma write! Hope ya liked it! Have a great year at school and you know me and Stacy are gonna come up and pay a visit like always. Save the alcohol!! Lateaz! Kwambe: Yo Yo Yo Kwambalina! Dude you know i couldn't forget to put you in here! My best bud since 4th grade! Definatly someone i can trust with any problem i might have. Thanx for all those countless rides to school every morning senior year! Ya got me off that damn bus with all them LiL bebe kidz.. haha! Sorry bout the appartment idea.. I'm going back to NYC since Bobby was being a jerk. Oh well, i'm movin' on since he wasn't all that anywayz. Good luck in Mason this year! I betchya can't wait til ya graduate! Or can you? Live it all up while you're there big bro! Oh yeah... That was one sweet car!!! Thanx for letting me ride in it.. I'll prolly never sit in one or drive one again! Me and Dallas are gonna keep visitin' ya so ya don't miss us too much!! Oh yeah and don't worry about you know who, you were too good for her anyway! You got potential and thats gonna get you places! You're the greatest! Love ya! Amer: Hey you! Well you know i just hada stick you in here somewhere! You're definatly a great guy and i'm glad i got the chance to meet ya that nite! Hmm... Lemme see, what can i say about you.. Oh yeah! "What's the number for Papa John's? Oh wait there it is.." LoL! You're sucha dork! Next time you call infomation, check the fridge for the number first! Haha! Anywho, thanx for the nickname... Yeah i guess i was askin' for it, but it's all good cause you're still a Stinky 'LiL Puppy Dog! It's also been nice talking to ya on AIM just about every nite. You're just too much!! Hey i got two words for ya... AIR FRESHENERS!! LMFAO!! Aight lemme end this cause it's gettin' long. Hey your 21st B~day ROCKED! Even if i got there late. Seein' you drunk was a once ina life time thing!! 1 Luv.

Sherry: Sherry you are just the sweetest person in the world! It was great working with you when i did. I hope everything in the land of Billing is working out for you. You really ought to consider coming to claims! It rocks down here! I hope everything w/ you and that guy works out. You need someone sweet and caring in your life. You deserve it! Hope your girls are doing good. They're lucky to have a mom like you! Look, you and me need to hang out sometime. We need to go shopping!! Call me girl, you know the number and if you're working, i'm only a floor below you! Vist me! Talk to you soon girl!!
Sarah: Girl what can i say, you really are a sweetheart! I've known you for about 5 years and change now and boy has it been interesting to say the least. Between writing hate mail back and forth, to putting up sad songs in the AOL profiles... We were idiots, but i'm glad we don't hate each other anymore. You've helped me out when i was stressin' over stupid stuff and i thank you for that. Thank you for all the tags and what~nots, you rock!! Hanging out rocked when you came down! We HAVE to do that again!! Hey, you really should move to Va. It'd be kool!! Oh yeah, we're gonna have some fun in May when i come up there! Ahhh, can't wait! Anywayz, take care of yourself and good luck w/ Pete! Peace out girl!!
Brian: Hey you! Didn't think i forgot about you did ya?! How's the college life been treating you? Blah you still owe me pictures of your art project!! Remember the chair? I still wanna see!! SO when are you gonna be coming back to the 'Burg? We gotta go bowling! I haven't bowled with you since i quit the league almost 2 years ago! It's been a while. Hey, i still have that lil Pokemon you drew me in my bowling bag! Keepin' him for good luck! Anyway you know where i'm at online so hit me up! Take care!