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November Tips & Crafts

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Hair Fun with Scrunchies

If you have some plain scrunchies, you can dress them up in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas to get you going. You might find that putting the scrunchie onto a can to stretch it and hold it in one position will help with the decorating.

What You Need

Scrunchie Glue gun or needle and thread (see directions)
CHOOSE from the following:
12" long ribbons
1-3 small fake seasonal flowers (or fall leaves)
2 wide ribbons
Fimo or Sculpey clay
Fabric paint

How To Make It

Select from the choices below and decorate your scrunchie!

1. Take some 12" long ribbons, fold them in half, tie a knot in the center, and string a few beads on each end, and tie that off. Sew to the scrunchie, adding a few beads or a special button to cover the knot.

2.Use hot glue to attach 1-3 small fake seasonal flowers (or fall leaves) in a cluster to the scrunchie. Be very careful with the hot glue gun!

3. Take a couple of wide ribbons, put one on top of the other, and make a bow. Sew the bow to the scrunchie, making sure to stitch through the center of the bow so that it will not untie.

4. Make a special button or bead with Fimo or Sculpey according to manufacturer's instructions. Then sew the button or bead to the scrunchie.

5. Use fabric paint to decorate the scrunchie with squiggles, dots, or small designs like pumpkins, ghosts, stars, etc.