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All Star 2000: Vince Carters 1st All Star Game All Star 2000 Vince Carter Interview
Q. Vince Carter - - Steve Francis and Tracy McGrady were asked if they were fighting an uphill battle. Was there pressure on you because of that?
CARTER: I didn't feel any pressure. I approached it as just an opportunity to participate and have a little fun with my cousin (McGrady) and some guys that I've played with. Just have some fun and just show the world some of my talents, and some of the dunks that I didn't really know that I could do. Honestly, I made some of these dunks up on the fly, before I actually did them.

Q. As long as you want to participate in this event, is this a battle for second place?
CARTER: I don't know. Honestly, right now -- what happens next year, I could lose. I could lose for the next three years. But right now I have won. And I have this one championship under my belt, and next year, you never know.

Q. Vince, would you say that given the performances in this contest, will this be remembered as one of the great dunk contests of all time?
CARTER: I hope so, because I will, definitely. You just look down the list and you just look at what these guys have done in games, Larry Hughes on down to Stackhouse, Tracy, Ricky Davis, Steve and myself. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. I can't let it sink in yet, it's having trouble. It's still hard for me to believe that I was just in the NBA dunk contest. I remember back in the days me and my friends used to tape them and watch them all, just watch them over and over again.
Teammates to Assist Slam Dunk

Slam dunk participants and their assisting teammates are as follows:

Team Dunker Teammate
Pistons Jerry Stackhouse----Grant Hill
Hornets Ricky Davis----Eddie Jones
Rockets Steve Francis----Cuttino Mobley
76ers Larry Hughes----Allen Iverson
Raptors Vince Carter----Tracy McGrady
Raptors Tracy McGrady----Vince Carter

This marks the first time Slam Dunk contest will incorporate teammates in the competition's 15-year history.

Vince Carter

Find out more about the ALL-Star Weekend at ALL STAR 2000.