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Ahem...drum roll please...(chac chac chac chung)...thanks you:) Welcome everyone!! I am glad that you've come to visit my little home here at Angelfire. I guess that you have seen my Photo Album, and I hope that you enjoyed it. The last stop will be this little page and it's all about the owner of this little joint...(I wonder who that is...*wink wink*). So please sit back (good) relax and enjoy. Feel free to write your comments.
Name: Anh Thu* Vu~
Nick Name: Nhi
D.O.B: March 29, 198tra(m ho^`i ddo'.
Location: Syracuse, New York. Yay for Orange!!
Status: Taken by someone weally weally special.
Height: Tro*`i o*i..tha^'p la('m muh. Ma'c co*? wa'.
Weight: Hihihih, kho^ng no'i dda^u. Ban. doa'n thu*? coi.
School: Nottingham High School. Yay, Bulldog Rules!!
Blood Type: Hmmmmm, I have to check that out.
Birth Place: DaLat, Lam Dong Viet Nam
Favorite Subjects: Nah, don't think I have one. Maybe I like them all.
Favorite Flower: Carnations
Favorite Color: Depend on what it is, but mainly I like Blue.
Favorite Season: Winter, it is so romantic.
Favorite time of the year: It has to be X-mas. Wanna know why??? hihihihih
Favorite Drink: Powerade( Mountain Blast)
Favorite Foods: Ay da, must you ask?? you might be sorry:) Let's break it down shall we?........Nah, let's just say that mo'n nao AnhThu cung thich het. Nhung ma ho?ng co' thich Spicy Food ddau nha.
Favorite Songs: Wow, too much, can't write them all.
Hobbies: Listening to music,eating,singing,drawing,dancing,skating,shopping,chatting,fishing,doing homework......NOT y livin' la vida loca..
Personality: Quiet( yeah rite), shy(not), friendly( yeah, I think so),athletic(hahahha), sweet( as if) =)...
Religion: Catholic
Family: I only one sister, My Hanh, that is it. Hu hu hu, J/K, she is all I need.
Career: hihihi, I have no idea, neu ma` biet thi` se~ ba^.t mi' cho ca'c ba.n bie^'t lie^`n.
I don't know what else to put in my profile. If you would like to ask me anything, feel free to email me.Please give me some comments or advices in my guest book about what else to put or what to do to improve my page. Thanks for coming:) Oh , one more thing, sowwie to those who have a problem reading this page cuz some of it is in Dzietnamese...

You've come all this way, and if you still haven't signed my guest book, I'm gonna..
Da~ coi homepage to*'i dda^y roi ma` khong sign guest book thi` AT se~....
Lo^'i na`y ddi dze^` nha` ne`.