This page is dedicated to the Accelerant Detection Dogs. Just to show the respect they deserve. If you have a accelerant detection canine or know of one and would like to have their picture on here please submit it to me.
This is the Accelerant Detection Canine Memorial at The New York State Academy of Fire Science at Montour Falls, New York.
Of Our Partners Who Have Passed On
It is so hard to lose a pet you have had for years,and only a pet owner will understand that. But to lose a K9 partner can only be felt by other k9 handlers. The k9 and you started out by training together,and eventually working together and being together 24 hour a day 7 days a week.You and your partner then worked together, played together for years. It seemed as though you could know what your dog was thinking and after years of working together your partner knew what you wanted before you had to tell them.Only K9 Handlers know this feeling.To all the working k9's who have crossed the "Rainbow Bridge" I salute you. And to all handlers who have experienced this loss I send my condolances.
Click dogs name to view their picture.
"Candy" was owned and handled by Bill Tolhurst. She worked for the Niagara County(NY) Sheriff's Dept. and also did trail work,cadaver,article search,narcotics and was Bill's hearing impaired dog.Candy received theBig T Multi-Purpose Award for the year 2000
"Paul" was owned and handled by Bruce Ludemann and worked for the Niagara County (NY) Fire Service. Paul also did Cadaver, Trailwork,and Article Search.
"Jed" was owned and handled by Steve Richert. He worked for the Erie(Pa)
Fire Department. Steve is a Lieutant with the Erie Fire Department and also is a Detective with the Erie County(Pa)District Attorneys Office. Steve is also past president of CADA the Canine Accelerant Detection Association.
"Spanner" was owned and handled by Captain Carrie Heinger of the Los Angeles(Calif) County Fire Department. Spanner was a multi-purpose dog trained in search and rescue and accelerant detection. Spanner was killed in a tragic automobile accident.
"Misty" Misty was handled by Steve Hatchett of the Maryland Fire Marshals Office.Misty was a cross trained accelerant/explosive dog.You can see and hear more about Misty by going to
her Page.Steve's new partner is a Black Lab that is trained in just explosives,here is a photo of "Gilda"
"Margie" Born 6-27-88 and passed away on 8-1-01. Margie was an accelerant/cadaver detection dog. and worked for the Niagara County(NY) Fire Service. I am very proud of the accomplishments of "Margie" In 1998 she received the"Big T Multi-Purpose Dog of the Year Award"She was an excellant work dog.
"Gypsy" was born on April 15th,1997 and had to be Euthanized on November 8th,2001. She had contacted glomerulonephrihs amyloidosis a incureable Kidney Disease. She was the partner of Bruce Ludemann and was a former Narcotic Detection Canine prior to the retirement of "Margie" and she then became a fine accelerant detection canine."Gypsy" was sponsered by The Niagara County(New York) Fire Chiefs Association. See more of Gypsy on:Gypsy's Page
Blaze was Handled and Loved by Owner Robert Leonard C.F.E.I..To see the memorial Page on Blaze Blaze and Robert worked for the firm of: Blaze Fire Investigations & Consulting Service in Dousman, Wisconsin. To Learn more about Blaze Fire Investigations or how to contact them go to there site Blaze Investigations
"Ruger" was forced into an early retirement because of going blind. "Ruger" is living with his owner Capt. Mike Gabany of the Hampton Fire & Rescue in Hampton,Virginia.
"CODY" "Cody"is the 4th Accelerant Detection Canine belonging to Bruce & Dorothy Ludemann of Lockport, N.Y. Cody was trained in accelerant detection after the passing away of his kennel mate "Gypsy". "Cody" is also trained in Tracking/Cadaver work.To see more of "Cody go to his page
"Montana" is owned and handled by Carl Greene of the Niagara County Sheriff's Dept and was "Gypsy"'s K9 partner.
"ZORRO""Zorro" is the present partner of Capt. Mike Gabany of Hampton Beach, Virginia.For more information about "Ruger" and "Zorro"
look at:
Mike's Page
"Ben" is the present partner of Lieutant Steve Richert of the Erie County(Pa.) Fire Department. For More go to:
Steve's Page. Steve has started a new Accelerant Dog Named "Ellie Mae"
"Tipper is the present partner of Bill Tolhurst in Lockport, New York
See more of Bill & Tipper at:
"Home of The Big T"
"Hayley" and Detective Joe Guidice are with the Rockland County(NY)Sheriff's Department and started working as a team in May of 2001.
"JETTA" Both "Bronson" & "Jetta" are owned and handled by Garry Lee in Muscanet,Iowa. You can see more of "Bronson" & "Jetta at:
Garry's Page
Moe & Captain Alan E. Brockhohn,CFI are with the Bureau of Fire Prevention,Investigations of the Cedar Rapids(Iowa) Fire Department.
Buck is a Accelerant/Cadaver Dog & is handled by Chris Kitts and works for the Richland County Fire Marshal's Office in South Carolina. He also works with both the Richland/Columbia Fire Services and the Richland County Sheriffs Dept."Buck" located the body of a homicide victim in a 6 foot grave,and led to the arrest of the individuals responsible.
"Blaze" "Blaze" and Scott Tebo are with the Country Club Hills (Illinois) Fire Dept just south of Chicago. Scott has been with the Fire Dept. for 8 years and has been an investigator for 4 years.
Goldi worked for the Texas State Fire Marshals Office from December 1994 to March 2000. And is now employed with the Tarrant County Fire Marshals Office.
You can learn more about "Goldi" by going to Her Page
Tom Petty and K9 Hunter are from Harris County Texas they are a K9 Team for the Fire & Emergency Services Department.
Lieutanant Tom Arnold and his K9 partner "Onyx" work for the Lancaster(Pa) Bureau of Fire for both the City and County of Lancaster.
Firefighter Marty Persinger & Ben are from Alabama.They are also involved in Search & Rescue and Cadaver Recovery.
Investigator Richard Jones & Emma are from Lousiana
Fire Captain Joanne Sellars and her K9 "Annisette" are with the Oklahoma State Fire Marshals Office.
Firefighter Chuck Geno and his partner "Logan" are with the City of Dearborn(Mich.) Fire Department.
Coming Soon A Picture of "Bosco" A Accelerant detection Canine from Denmark.
Fireman Harley Poulsen and "Bosco" are from Krusaa, Denmark and work also in neighboring Germany since they are on the border. "Bosco" is a Lab/Golden Retriever and is the first Accelerant Detection Canine in Denmark.You can learn more about "Bosco", Denmark's first Accelerant Detection Canine by going to His Page
This is a page of links done by Steve Richert that is an excellant page.