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The Simpson's Page
Homer Simpson: (_8(-)

Marge Simpson: @@@@:-)

Some things Bart Simpson wrote on the chalk board:

  • I will not waste chalk
  • I will not aim for the head
  • I will not skateboard in the halls
  • I will not barf unless I'm sick
  • I will not burp in class
  • I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty
  • I will not instigate revolution
  • I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge
  • I will not draw naked ladies in class
  • I will not conduct my own fire drills
  • I did not see Elvis
  • I will return the seeing-eye dog
  • Funny noises are not funny
  • I will not call my teacher "Hot Cakes"
  • I will not snap bras
  • Garlic gum is not funny
  • I will not fake seizures
  • They are laughing at me, not with me
  • This punishment is not boring and meaningless
  • I will not yell "FIRE" in a crowded classroom
  • My name is not Dr. Death
  • I will not encourage others to fly
  • I will not defame New Orleans
  • I will not fake my way through life
  • I will not prescribe medication
  • Tar is not a plaything
  • I will not bury the new kid
  • I will not Xerox my butt
  • I will not teach others to fly
  • It's potato, not potatoe
  • I will not bring sheep to class

    Remember the time at the dinner table when Lisa said she was now a vegatarein?

    DO RE MI DRINK, by Homer J. Simpson.

    *ahem* La la la la.... *ahem* LAAAAAAA!!

    DO...... the stuff... that buys me beer...
    RAY..... the guy that sells me beer...
    ME...... the guy... who drinks the beer,
    FAR..... a long way to get beer...
    SO...... I'll have another beer...
    LA...... LA LA LA LA LA beer...
    TEA..... no thanks, I'm drinking beer...
    [That will bring us back to...]
    (Looks into an empty glass)


    THE END!
    Thanks for visiting.