~I Want It That Way~
-The plane doesn’t always say Backstreet boys on it.
-Near the end of Nicks part, AJ is singing something totally different.
-At almost the beginning of the song(right after Brian says, “Believe when I say I want it that way.”), AJ throws his arm into the air and almost hits Brian in the face. You can see Brian slightly jump.
-When the guys are doing the first bit of choreography, watch Kevin, he almost trips over his own two feet.
-When Nick says “Don’t wanna hear you say…”really load, look behind him, Kevin almost trips again.
-Brian is the ONLY one looking down when they show the closeups of the guys.
-When the guys are with the fans, AJ is “Getting Jiggy with it”. (not really a mistake…but it’s cute!)
-When the guys are walking back towards the plane at the end, watch Nick as he throws his fist into the air, looks like he almost loses his balance.
~We’ve Got it Going on~
-Brian forgets to sing his part when they are by the woods.
-Why must Lou Perlman be in the video? (Yes, that was a big mistake!)
-3 people can fit in AJ’s sweater!
-Why are there weights in a night club?
-Isn’t the age limit for a club 18?
-When the guy s are in the woods, near the end of the video, Howie is fascinate with the ground and not really singing.
-When dancing on stage, Kevin stays standing up while the other 4 guys go down.
-At the end when they’re singing into the mics stuff, Brian forgets to sing HIS part!
~Get Down~
-When Nick sings the words “one for me” Kevin who is right behind them mouths it too (okay, it’s just cute).
-There is this one part when they’re doing a close up on Kevin, if you pause it at the right stop it looks like he’s sticking up his middle finger at the camera!
-Two words…MOSH PIT!!!
-Nick has to constantly make sure he’s still there by patting himself on the chest.
-Kevin keeps looking at all the others like they’re nuts.
-Kevin…going to pick that wedge! Go Kevy, Go Kevy!
-Brian is trying to find god in the ceiling.
-Is Nick havind a seizure on the floor?
-Near the end of AJ’s rap, for a split second, it looks like Brian got whiplash.
-Nick gets a little carried away with his dancing at one point.
-What’s with the floating people NE ways?!
-Howie at one point desides to do his own moves.
-AJ is up and Kevin is down, up down, up ,down…
-Brian forgot his moves again.
-While AJ is doing his rap part, as he’s ending he turns around to walk away but Brian’s right there so AJ quickly turns the other way.
-During the “jumping jacks” scene, Howie gets carried away and carries on after the rest of the guys stop.
-In the middle of the video Howie starts doing his OWN dance
-At the end of the video, it looks like Nick falls into brian when all the guys are jumping around.
-When Howie's with that one girl on the bridge, the one with all the balloons, it looks like she touches his butt.
-Nick, that vest just doesn't work!
-While walking along the beach in the begginning, Kevin seems to stumble.
-Part of the way through the video, to the far right of the screen, Howie seems to be attacked by a seagull!!!! (LMAO!!!)
-Near the end when Brian and AJ are running for the beachball, AJ trips!
~I'll Never Break Your Heart~ (1st one)
-At the begginning with those girls, the hot chocolate in there mugs don't move when they drink it or when they clink their cups together. (hmmmm)
-Apparently Nick hates snowmen.
-Brian and AJ, what's with the same sweater! You both look great but...still!
-Nick gets hit in the head by Brian with a snowball at the end, not really a blooper but i thought I'd mention it anyway.
-AJ is nowhere to be found when the guys are all sitting down eating.
-Brian goes to talk to the girl and has nothing in his hand and sunddenly he has a shiskabob (sp?)
-AJ keeps following the camera.
-Nick can't keep his hands warm.
-When they are on the terrace, you can see a camera man *accidently* appear in the backround.
-Nick almost knocks over a girl diving into a snowman, sweet eh?
-Kevin falls on his girl and *accidently* goes to her chest.
-At the end, Aj forgets to sing his part.
-When the five of them are singing on the "top" of a mountain all dressed very similarly, if you look close enough you can tell that Nick has a, ah...major boner, and so does kev, but you can notice Nick's sooooo much more! I thought the opposite happened when it got cold?!