The Rain Man: Long Distance Lowdown From Gregg Rainwater!

Teen Machine, Holiday 1990

The phone rang and it was Gregg Rainwater. No, really. This Young Rider dialed YM to tell us what’s shakin’ in his life now that the show is galloping into its second season, leaving most everything else on TV in the tumbleweeds. Naturally, Assoc. Ed. Andrea popped a tape into her recorder and let Gregg speak. We mean, how could she say no?

TEEN MACHINE: Where are you calling from?

TM: Are you at home?
GR: Yeah.

TM: What room are you calling from?
GR: Bedroom.

TM: Oh yeah? What does it look like?
GR: We don’t want to discuss that right now. It’s not looking too good! I have been home three days this month. It was sort of left…uh…the way I left it.

TM: How do you dress when you’re sitting around the house?
GR: I am wearing, I call them yoga pants. They’re tied at the ankles. I picture people meditating in them. And that’s what I’m wearing.

TM: If you had to run out of your house because it was on fire, what would you take with you?
GR: Um, I would have to let my lizard go. I have one lizard. I could not let him perish in the fire. It’s very hard. I used to know exactly what I would take. I wear this sort of medicine bag that I had, with special things in it that people had given to me.

TM: What kind of things?
GR: The very personal kind of simple things—rocks, gems, crystals, little wooden bead men that a friend made…it fit around my neck.

TM: What happened to it?
GR: It was sort of stolen. In L.A., in the back of my rental car. Someone broke in and took it. That was the most important thing I owned, and that’s gone.

TM: Gee, that’s awful.
GR: I’ll find other things.

TM: Have you visited any of the Indian reservations near the set in Arizona?
GR: I am going to a couple of them around Tucson. There is a young girl coming from the organization that grants wishes to kids who are ill. She wants to go to some reservations.

TM: What made you want to get involved?
GR: I was on an airplane and had this little vision, riding on my horse with a kid with leukemia. When I was a kid, I had a dream to be on a show like this. I figure there are probably kids out there who would be interested in coming on to the Young Riders.

TM: Gregg, do you sing in the shower?
GR: Always! I once gave a two-and-a-half hour concert.

TM: What did you sing in the shower today?
GR: I did not take a shower. I had to get up and do interviews. Today was not a conducive day for singing. I have actually driven my roommates crazy. I just sing whatever hits me.

TM: Have you ever had your palm read?
GR: Yep!

TM: Did you believe what they told you?
GR: Yeah, I mean, a lot of things have not come to pass. I was told I will have a career change at 45. Marriage? I would assume so, there were kids involved. I have a strong life line.

TM: Finish this sentence: "Love is…"
GR: Love is never having to say you’re sorry. Love is a cheesy comic strip from the ‘70s. I am still trying to figure out what love is.

TM: Yes. We all are. Do you remember your first kiss?
GR: Yes I do. In the second grade. Behind the school, behind the incinerator.

TM: Who kissed who?
GR: Me!—kissed her.

TM: Have you ever seen a ghost?
GR: Um, I’ve had some bizarre experiences. I do—you know—believe in different planes. I have been in rooms with spirits, energies. Definitely had some serious experiences.

TM: Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?
GR: Let’s see. Either Kate Bush or Sinead O’Connor or Ricky Lee Jones.

TM: We’ll see what we can do. Thanks for calling Gregg! You’re a sweetie!

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