A Tribute to Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a great show that portrays real life and fictional situations all in one episode. It's metophorically weaved into the show. Like, lets use the example of the episode, 'Go Fish'. In 'Go Fish', the SunnyDale swim team is doing unusually well. Also some swim team members are missing. Xander goes undercover, literally, and finds out what's going on. Yadda yadda yadda. The end of it is in the steam room a gas form of a steroid that is actually fish DNA to make the swim team members swim faster. It was made by Germans and not perfected so the swim team actually turned into big fish, shedding their skin. It's like instead of steroids, it's the fish gas and instead of death they shed their skin and become a big fish. Just to make a point hehe. In my opinion, thats what makes Buffy such a great show. It also involves monsters, and scary stuff. Also life-changing things. As I said before, its real life handled differently so it doesn't seem like real life to us, but if you look at it a different angle, the plot of the episode is portraying something totally different then what was taped.

The Cast


Angel, if you haven't watched it, is a spinoff of Buffy. It is more darker then Buffy and is directed more towards adults and older teens. It is a show not only for Buffy fans. Meaning that you don't have to know what happened in the earlier seasons of Buffy to know what's going on in Angel. I love this show and I think it will be on for a long time. Joss has chosen well in writing it. The show has cool plots and I love the camera action. Angel is on Tuesdays at 9, after Buffy. What also is good is that people who aren't into Buffy tune in to wait for Buffy and they start to like it.

Those are the main characters and I listed them 'cuz I liked the pictures! LoL

These pictures were provided by the screen captures of http://www.sunnydale.simplenet.com/ Thanx!!!!!

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