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(march 2001) i'm currently in new zealand
for updates on my life check out my journal

(Feb 2001) I'm headed out for New Zealand and Austriala
and not really sure when i will be headed back,
i'll be attended Victory university in Wellington
I will up date when more in knows

(dec 2000) A good friend Jennifer Folster, died of lukiemia on dec. 5th
she was well loved and will be missed by all
her poetry is being collected
and hopefully will be published in an up coming book
who's profits would go toward cancer and pcb research
for it is believed she contracted this fatal situation
from living in new paltz dorms when the transformers blew

(august 2000) Art-x a free publication
put out by suny new paltz art education program
has a 14 page spread of my poems
derived from my book "damning the muse"

Ok my name is realy nadine

i am 21 yrs old,

i go to Suny New Paltz

and well i am still growing, so here are a few up dates on my life

(july) i am on my way to toward being blissfully unemployed for a month
I have been publishing little books of poetry
intitled Monday nights, these are collections of poems,
by a group of writers from the new paltz area
(June 2000)
i am crazy busy, got published in the chronogram this month,-the chronogram is a publication available in the hudson valley which list local events and displays poetry and local art- the piece is called "exit 18"
(jan 2000) i am traveling through arizona currently
spending time in tucson, hanging out on fourth ave.
taking lots of photo's and coming up with new art progects
and suffering from a sever case of heart ache
but it'll all be good
i leave for cali on the 5th
and i will be back in the good old hudson valley on the 20th

i am a sort of accomplisped poet now i have read in the city
at a place called "bar 13" it was an open mic
but hey we all got to start some where
and i read in the widow jane mines
(all in the same week end)
and i am an art student
right now i am dabbling in cartooning
but i also do portaiture, painting, sculpture, a little of this a little of that
makes the world go round right?

Our vast gratitude to Moyra, the creatrix of this webset.

Website by
Tween the Shadows and the Stars