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Fairy Wings

My Fairy wings are made out of coat hangers and nylon stockings
They are brown and flutter slightly as I prance around
For fun i sometimes wear them into town late at night
this usually illicits interesting responses from the drunk people
" OOOOHHHH your soo adorable " (jeff the most adorable flamer from the second floor of my dorm)
"wow man she's got wings on"
" hey honey where is your halo" (if a girl's wings does't have feathers she's a fairy! not an angel!)
(a more ignorant jock type muttered ) " i want to be slapped upside the head with a big cock"
" wow do you really have wings on or am i seeing things?" ( your seeing what really is there the stockings are an illusion though)

These are the wings i wore to the cave reading in rosendale



  Nadine Lewis 9/99  


Our vast gratitude to Moyra, the creatrix of this webset.

Website by
Tween the Shadows and the Stars