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"the Fortune"

for suny new paltz residents

as seen in "she realized it was wrong "


My fortune cookie said
"join the majority"
and I thought those triplet sisters
are playing another cruel trick on me
'cause I'm just not ready
I'm not ready to become part of the crowd
I want to be unique (just like every one else)
but sisters' fate are passing me a hint/clue
laughingly telling me to
"join the majority"
oh and that cookie tasted too sweet & slightly stale
and the message glare up at me in bold type
even though it's meaning is positively pale
the worst part was the note accompanying it on the table
the note proclaiming that this would be
"the truth revealed"
the true is that the authorities, the powers that be are so scared of individuality
that they are hiding subversive subliminal
messages in fortune cookies
feeding this garbage to the college students
trying to coral us into neat little categories,
so we can file into nice little cubicles
where we will push paper work at some economical beast
that eat's it's children and never sleeps
" oh America, America land of the free"
but god damn this fortune cause it ain't the path for me
and I don't care if it's hubris the death of me
cause I would rather be a starving artist then a feed drone
I'd rather stand alone in my beliefs
then be lost in someone else’s ideals
so next time sisters
when you think you've got some
"truth to reveal"send it to some one else
to end their sugar coated meal


  Nadine Lewis 9/99  


Our vast gratitude to Moyra, the creatrix of this webset.

Website by
Tween the Shadows and the Stars