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Relax and take a deep breath.

This isn't all that hard. I learned to do this and so can you.


Logging into the Site

Go to angelfire's main page at

Hit the button that says "login".

In the box that says "directory name" type in: fl2/groveatshady

Under "password" type in our password. Hit the "submit" button

This will bring you into a screen which shows a listing of all the files in the website.

I have created the extra sites because that will allow us to have a higher volume of photos as well as room for individual pags.

Alternatively, you can log into our other sites:




to add information and photos to those. For the sake of simplicity, I have kept the password the same on all the sites. It's best that you work only on your own pages and sites, but anyone can add to Grandma's House or to Other Vales.


Uploading Images

Your website info should be stored on your hard drive in a folder labled "groveatshady." Inside that should be a folder labeled "images," which contains your image files. You can write out info -- letters and poems ahead of time and keep them in a text or document file.

To upload image files, click on the "Browse" button where it says "File Upload" (If you do not have this, you will need to follow the directions near the bottom of the screen.)


Find your file on your hard drive. This search box will initially say "Files of type: HTML Files." If you are uploading an image file, you will need to change that (using the drop arrow) to "All Files (*.*)."

Click "Open." on this window. The File name will appear at the "File Upload" on the browser.

Click "upload." The file should now appear in the list of files on the browser window.


Adding Pictures to the Doccument

It is important to understand that we have a limited amount of space on the site and that the more pictures you have, the slower things will load, so it's better to put a few pictures up and leave them there for a few weeks & then replace them with other picutures.

The Image

Your picture files should be in .gif or .jpg format. They should be reduced to as small a size as possible without losing clarity. If you have a scanner, .72dpi resolution is suggested for scanning.

The name you give your image should be as descriptive as possible to make it easiest to locate when putting it up or pulling it down or writing code. "eatingbirthdaycake.jpg" is much better than "janette3.jpg" because with the latter you need to rack your brain, "now is that one #3 or that one?" Image names should be in lower case only -- that includes the .jpg and .gif extensions -- if your program puts those in CAPITALS, you should change that, using "rename" or a similar feature. Image names should only use letters, numbers or the - or _. Using wild card symbols such as $%* etc, will wreck untold havoc.

Writing the Code

Go into your Notepad or Word Processor to write the code. This way you can get it right and then add it to the website.

This code will add a picture to your page:

<IMG SRC="images/thenameofyourfilehere.jpg" border="0">

You can copy and paste exactly this text -- it is important that you leave the word "images/" in there as that is the directory the image files live in. Replace "thenameofyourfilehere" with your file's name. It is best, by the way, to give your image as descriptive a nam

If you wish your page to load faster, it is also very helpful to have the height and width of your file. (Many photo programs will give you this info.) In this case the code would be:

<IMG SRC="images/thenameofyourfilehere.jpg" width="##" height="##" border="0">

The pixel size should replace the ##. It is also important to keep all the "" quote signs in there.

Adding Code to the Site

Once you have the code written out, do this:

Login to the website. In the browser window, highlight the name of the page where you wish to place the picture. This should be the name of your page followed by . html. Click on "create/edit" button.

This will bring you to another window with text which you can add to. Go to where it says that you can add photos here.

Go back into your word editor program and highlight your code. Hit your "copy" button. Go into the website code and click your cursor in the appropriate spot. Right click your mouse and hit "paste."

Hit the "preview" button and check out your work. If it looks okay, hit the "save" button to save your work.

Ta DA! You have just added an image.


AddingText to the Doccument

This is even easier than adding a picture.

Write your text into a word doccument or text file. When you're done writing, go to the top of the words and type <BR>. Go to the bottom of the text and type <BR> also. If you have any paragraphs, type <BR> Between each one. The <BR> puts a line break where the code is written.

Highlight your text and hit "paste." Go into the code where it says that you can add text. Place your cursor in the appropriate spot. Right click and hit "paste."

Hit the "preview" button to check out your work, and if you like it, hit "save."





My vast gratitude to Moyra, the creatrix of this webset.