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Leaf Messages

A new project

suggestion on documantation needed
ok here's what i am doing,
i have been writing messages
of incouragement, enlightment or simple praise
on the back of leafs and placing them under windshield wippers

the point of this project is to spread the joy
and to hopefully lighten sprites
mesages are simple things like :
" the sight of this car makes poeple happy, since it has been battered but is still beautiful. . . "
this was left on a car whose passengers door had been replaced
and rather then trying to matching the paint colors
someone painted an angel on the replaced part
"the creative mind is rarely tidy"
is a message i left in the back of a red yellow and green leave
and places it on a car obviously belonging to a art student
the seatbelt was hanging out door,
a partually painted canvast lay in the back seat amongst many books, papers, bottles

please i need responces about this
do you think it is a worthy cause?
do you think i should attach a name to the to these messages?
what would you feel if you recieved one?

comments from my wonderous readers :
"I say do it for the sake of doing it!
If it has a positive effect on some one who gets it,
then that's a bonus" -Carl Weldon

"That is SO VERY BEAUTIFUL Nadine Lewis!!!
I would Love a Catskills leaf with your words on it.
That would make me so Happy!"-Mattie Lou Dickson

"I like your leaf message idea.
Don't sign your name. It is beautiful!"- Ruth vanVeenendaal