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Dino's Page

The Nail Pussy

The Nail Pussy
is constructed out of a galvanizedstring of nail gun nails,
red velvet, leather and a wooden pedistal
on the back of the pedistal there is a poem:

One more nail . . .
One more nail . . .
One more nail
For our wood, for our would be houses never built
for our children never born to wombs which were nailed
un-wanton and not willingly ever since we grew hair
down there,
I dream of the nails, of the nights being nailed,
I dream they flip around and astound the next attacker
whose head meets sharp edge of those who’ve come before.
There is a war being fought upon the landscape
of a woman’s body there is a wound,
which is though never to heal,
and I am equipping it with steel,
I am stealing the old identity away
and turning this wound into a weapon.

currently the scupture is under the care of Joy