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DORK keeps going and going and going......

SOME WRITINGS ******************************************************* ~ Alienation , by Jessika~ For my first two years of highschool,i have done almost all that i could to alienate myself from the whole high school atmosphere. I talked to many of my peers, yet participated in limited school activities..i have complained continually abouthow lame my school is ,rolled my eyes throughout the few school events that i did actually attend , and constantly vocalized the lameness of the school chorus i was still in , as much as i detested it .Yes, i haven't been as anti-involvement as some people , i have participated in both this year's and last years school musical .I also continue to play flute in the school band , although i did weasel my way out of marching in either of the two annual parades our town holds.But i have continued to bitch and whine about how sucky the school is and how anal the rules are . Instead of taking an active stance in trying to cahnge things, i have sat on my ass and moaned,I'm so ashamed .and so this year , my junior year , i'm actually going to take part in my school . what have i got to lose? i might as well make the best of the next two years . **Follow-up*** " YET ANOTHER RANT" Soemtimes i hoenstly think i hate people .today as i struggled to finish up my timed history essay, i was walking out of the room just as the next class began to file in . So of course this complete imebecile has to begin yelling insults at me as i stroll down the hall .stupid shit like "yeah baby, nice ass etc". i'm not naive or stupid. I know perfectly well when people are being sarcastic.. . It just set me off once more. I'm beginning to detest this high school once again.The first couple months of this school year held promise and now that has gone out the window, one by one things are starting to go wrong. It 's always like that for me. i sart out liking school and then slowly i begin to hate's like a cycle. sometimes i cherish the day i will leave. . . ****************************************** And now, philosophy form the mental storage center of Jessika's mind (did that make any sense?)There are exactly three days left of classes and i am getting sappy. it's strangely pathetic. i am in the process of saying goodbye to the seniors, although i am bit jealous of their leaving. for the last week or two, i have been acting like little miss philosopher. i am finally grasping the fragility (i really hope that's a word) of life and realizeing that i need to start taking the time to tell people in my life how i feel. i think that too often people in come and go much too quickly in our lives and we never have the chance to tell them thanks or anyhting. And so i am finally expressing myself. life is short, follow your heart , live your own life and live it well!Do what makes you happy , and go read Thoreau's "Walden". . . . . .

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