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The Dork files ~do-do-do-do-do~

NEWS FROM THE DORK HEADQUARTERS! *issus six should be ready SOON. i am low on funds, so please order your copy today! *i know that i ahve been a terrible slacker and i am truly sorry. for now, the internet is my main source, so if ya want a quick response, email me!! And now........ WITTICISMS HEARD IN HIGH SCHOOL! (names altered to protect identities) *"The boys in your grade all act like assholes " "you have the attention span of a tuna fish " "My name is Bond. . .Ionic Bond " These 3 gems can all be attributed to everyone's favorite chemistry teacher .. Mrs.O * "She's going to be in for a big surprise" said by my favorite art teacher in response to this girl in art class who was complaining that the male nude sculptures we study are, ahem ,disproprtional,unflattering and un- realistic ..(if you know what i mean) * "this is what drives me to drink" muttered under the breath of the school librarian after being annoyed by misuse of the computers by immature library patrons *"Did Alexander Graham Bell invent all fo the telephones?" -two seventh grade girls* ***********THE DORK SUMMER READING LIST********** (a little something to entertain you kiddies..) ~Girl Goddess #9, Weetzie Bat or anyhting else written by Francesca Lia Block ~ Selected Poems of Jack Keruac ~ "She's Come Undone" and "I know this much is true" written by Wally Lamb ~ThriftScOre-Al Hoffs ~The Bell Jar -S.Plath ~ anything by Dr. Seuss ~Geek Love- Katharine Dunn ~ ee.cummings ~Ironweed- Wiliam Kennedy ******Alright my loves, i'm over and out.. feel free to contact me!!~Jessika~

Dork table of contents

all the way home to page 1
I'll take PAGE 2 for 300 Alex
round and round we go , where we'll stop, why PAGE 3 , of course
merrily we roll along on PAGE 4
