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Drklady's Friends

Grab a cup of coffee and come meet my friends.

Since I've been on the net I have met many new people and have been able to keep in touch with friends I've known for years. I'd like to introduce you to them here. Some you may know already and maybe you can meet some that you don't.

One of my dearest and oldest friends in all the world is Poe. We've been friends for 18 years in real life, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend. Without his constant encouragement and faith in me this page couldn't exist. Thanks Poe :o) Click here to visit Poe's Place

Hadlee is someone I have met on the net. I'm happy to call him friend. A day doesn't seem complete without a chat with him. He's the other reason why this page exists. I knew how to decorate the halls of my net home but it was his unending knowledge of all things technical and his seemingly never ending patience and willingness to share with me is how all of this came to be. Thanks Had I owe ya a big one :o) Click here to visit Hadlee's Place

Another friend that I can keep in touch with is CasperTog. She lives in beautiful New Hampshire. She's been like a sister to me for many years. Her 2 kids Fred-e- and Cozmo are like my own. ~HUGS~ guys. I love you :o)

Meeting people on the net is great fun. You get to spend time with folks half way around the world and learn about other cultures. I first learned that I "hear" with an accent from my Kiwi friend Greyman. He makes chatting more fun. Especially when I "hear" with that dreaded accent and he teaches me the Kiwi way to say things. It comes in handy at Thanks Greyman :o) Click here to visit Greyman's Place

Some people you meet just find a special place in your heart. ^Freesia is one of those people. She's always there with a smile, and a way about her that just makes you feel better for having spent time talking with her. After close to 2 years of talking with her, she feels more like family. I'm blessed to have such a wonderful friend. If she ever puts her web page back up you can be sure to find a link to it here. Freesia that's a hint

Rare Jewel is another real life friend. She's a sweety to talk to and hell to play Hearts with. (She's really good) :o) If you see her in Yahoo say hi and have a game of cards. Want to see what she's up to, click here to visit Rare Jewels Place.

Oneofmany is a terrific guy. He has an unending sense of humor that is truly a treasure. How he finds time to visit on the net is a mystery. He has 2 daughters and a baby on the way. We're all hoping it's a boy this time :o} If you see him in Worlds Chat be sure to say hi. Update: The baby was a girl. Congrats to him and his wife :o)

The very first person I met on the net is Sir Charles. He's been a wonderful friend that had patience with me when I was totally clueless as to what I was doing with this infernal machine. He shared quite a few programs with me including ICQ. Which I couldn't live without now if I tried. His insatiable appetite for cookies has earned him the name "Cookie Monster". If you see him in Worlds Chat say hi and if you need his help on something be sure to offer payment in the form of Peanut Butter cookies :o)

Some friendships sort of sneak up on you. That's how it was with Shadow^Hawk. We met one day and chatted a bit. Seemed like before I knew it we were close friends. He's one of the rare men that you can say is a true gentleman, and a genuine English Gentleman at that. He even takes it as a compliment :o) He doesn't have a place of his own YET. Key word being yet. I'm trying to talk him into doing one. If I ever succeed you can be sure there will be a link to it here.

What can I say about a Grizzly that's Nice. He really is. A terrific friend for over a year now. He makes the days seem brighter and more pleasureable. More than a friend, he's an outlet for my creative writings. Always there to lend his editing skills, offer suggestions, and basically encourage me. What would I do without him. Have you met my incredible friend that's a wizard technition?? Click here to visit NiceGrizzly's Place.

Friends are the greatest treasure you can have. Each unique and special in his or her own way. I'd like to say thank you to them all for making my life so much richer.