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*It was a frigid winter morning in London. Fog lined every street in the town. It had been dark, muggy, and freezing all morning. The citizen's of London had spent the intire day as if it were early night. At the city junkyard, the Jellicle Cats all gathered. Most huddling next to their mates...for warmth and reasurance that everything was going to be allright. The young Victoria battled a serious illness. She held her weak, wobbily head up and looked over at Mistoffelees who was huddled next to her, trying to keep the young, sick queen warm.*

" Mistoffelees? Is it night yet?"

"Almost, Vicki. It's getting close anyways."

"I'm getting *cough* hungry."

"*Sigh* We all are, Victoria. We all are. Unfortunately...we can't seem to find any food out in this weather. Munkustrap, Alonzo and a few others are out looking for something. But if they find anything at all... you can be sure that it will go to you. You need it more than the rest of us."

" Oh...don't be silly and waste all the food on me. Let the other's have it all. I can go without.*cough*"

*Victoria laid her head down as she started coughing again.*

"Vicki, you're awefully sick...and the food would help you. You need to get over this...before the weather gets to you."

*And with that, Victoria fell asleep. Misto sighed and curled up as close to her as he could.*

"Sleep tight."


*Munkustrap pulled back a trashcan and peeked behind it.*

" ARGH! We can't find anything! The humans have no need to come outside in this horrific they don't throw away their trash, and so ..."

" We don't eat!" Chimed Alonzo as he climbed up onto a crate.

"Exactly. We have no food out. Looks as if we should hunt us down a few rodents, however..."

"But isn't it too cold for the the rodents to come out?" enquired Alonzo.

" Yes... my point exactly. We'll have to find another way to get food for the tribe."

*Suddenly, something wet landed on Munkustrap's nose. He looked up at the sky.*

"Great, just what we need... Snow."

*Alonzo jumped up off the crate he was sitting on as a gust of freezing wind picked up and sent a chill down the Jellicles' backs. The Jellicles all stood in silence, pondering what they would do. Snow was collecting at their feet. Munkustrap's coat glistened with the dew that landed on his back. It was aweful weather to be out in, but they knew that their tribe was in desperate need of food. Suddenly, from around the corner, Bombalurina came prancing up to them.*

"Hey fellas...any luck?"

"No...not yet ,baby." Tugger replied.

"Oh...well that's because you all are just going about it the wrong way!"

*Tugger rose an eyebrow and looked at his mate.*

"What are you talking about?"

*Bomb grinned and approached a backdoor to a housing unit. Bomb meowed at the door and then waited for someone to answer. No one came. Bomb waited....and waited....and waited. No one was coming. Bomb, who was getting embarrassed in front of the guys now that it seemed as if she didn't know what she was doing. Bomb jumped up into the window and looked inside. She saw the owner sitting at the table, eating dinner. Bomb made herself noticeable to the human. From the outside of the window, Bomb heard their reply.*

"I'm sorry little kitty. I don't have any scraps it's too cold for me to step outside."

*Bomb scoffed and jumped off the window. She then walked over to Tugger.*

"How could they not resist a beautiful face like this? Those cruel humans!"

*Tugger smiled and hugged her.*

" I don't see how they can, Bomby Baby."

*Munkustrap broke up the little affection party.*

"Okay guys...we still don't have any food for the rest of the tribe. We're all going to starve if we don't find some way to get food."


*The group of cats who were out hunting returned back to the junkyard before night-fall. They sadly entered, bearing no food what-so-ever. Jennyanydots, who had been careing for Victoria, ran up to Alonzo.*

"Did you get some food? I don't know how long Victoria can last!"

*Alonzo bent his head down.*

"I'm afraid we found nothing, Jenny."

*Alonzo walked over to Victoria, laying on the ground, near a few other cats who were trying to keep her warm. Alonzo knelt down and put his hand on Vicki's paw.*

" Victoria, dear...we didn't find any food. We searched forever, and found nothing. We need for you to hang on for us. Be strong, Vicki."

*Alonzo nuzzled his mate's paw. Bombalurina sat a few feet behind, watching them as a single tear rolled down her face. Bomb burried her head in Tugger's fur. On the other side of the junkyard, Munkustrap sat and contemplated alone. He looked up at the moon and sighed as he spoke to himself.*

"Can it get any worse? We have no food at all, we have a sick kitten on our hands, the cold is almost unbearable."

*Munkustrap laid down and rested his head on his paw. The snow began to fall heavier now. It didn't seem to phaze Munku, for he was far to busy to worry about the snow. Everyone else had recruited to there hideouts, boxes, and barrells. Munkustrap was alone in the solemn, silent junkyard. Munkustrap shivered once when the wind picked up. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. Mistoffelees could be seen approaching him in the dreary fog.*

"Hello Misto. What are you up to?"

" I'm checking on you. Munkustrap...why don't you find a warm place to sleep?"

"What would it matter...I can't sleep. Not with all of this going on."

"You have to sleep, Munku. "

*Misto grinned, trying to make things not seem so bad.*

"Things won't get any better tomorrow when you're all grumpy."

*Munkustrap chuckled.*

"Yea... *sigh* I guess you're right"

*Munku grinned.*

" I'm just going to sit out here for a few more minutes. Then I promise that I'll get somewhere out of the weather."

*Misto smiled and walked back to his hideout.*

"Take care."

*Munkustrap sighed and looked back at the moon.*

"Maybe things will get better tomorrow."

*Just then, another voice was heard...only this one was singing. Munkustrap's ears picked up. A figure appeared sitting on an old pipe. Munku narrowed his eyes to see who it was. The feline kept singing, not knowing that anyone else was there to be seen. Munkustrap decided to speak out.*

"Hello....who's there? "

*The feline turned around. Munkustrap saw that it was Demeter. He grinned and added on, still pretending he didn't know who it was.*

"Who is the owner of that beautiful voice?"

*Demeter laughed and walked over to Munku.*

" You knuckle-head! It's me."

*Munku chuckled.*

"I see that. What are you doing up this late?"

" What are YOU doing up?"

"No fair, I asked first."

"Okay then... what am I doing up? I couldn't sleep."

" Now for me. I'm out here...because I'm too worried. The tribe is in serious trouble."

*Demeter sighed.*

" I know. I know. It's horrible to think about it. Well...there's no harm in a goodnight's sleep. Go to bed, Munkustrap. You'll figure something out in the morning."

*With that, Demeter left for her sleeping place. Munkustrap sighed once more.*

" I hope Demeter and Misto are right."

*Munkustrap then walked off...back behind a covered wall of crates and boxes, and then laid down...and dozed off to sleep.*


" No Alonzo! *cough* Don't! I'll be fine!"

" No , Victoria! You need some food."

*Alonzo squatted down beside Vicki and stroked her paw*

" Alonzo, it's late. I don't want you to go *cough cough* out in the freezing cold, all *cough* by yourself."

*Victoria then winced as she felt a chest pain.*

"Vicki, dear... you need some food. And I am going to do everything in my power to get you well again. I promise...I'll be fine. Don't you worry."

*Alonzo bent down and kissed Vicki on the nose as he headed out into the frigid, snowy night. Vicki coughed and held the blanket up to her chest, looking out into the cold night...wishing that Alonzo would have just waited untill it wasn't so cold, and he wasn't alone. Vicki was proud that Alonzo loved her enough that he would go and do that...but yet she was worried for him. Vicki's eyes began to feel heavy as she felt them slowly closing. Finally, Victoria gradually began to fall asleep. Within a few minutes, she was in a deep sleep.*


*Morning had arrived. However, no one could say that the jellicles all woke up at dawn...for the sun was no where to be seen. This morning was to be the same as the other, cold, dark mornings. There were no bright rays of sunshine ready to welcome them to a new day...only a brisk, harsh wind to make them shiver untill the woke up. Munkustrap stood solemnly in the junkyard, with the fresh snow gathering at his feet. He shook his head in disbelief that this day was to be no better than the last.*

"Well, it looks as if we're in for another day of this."

*Munku laid down on the old tire as he shook off some more dew that had lined his coat. Suddenly, he heard two voices talking in the distance, getting closer. It sounded like two kittens. Suddenly, Etcetera's head popped out, shortly followed by Electra's. Electra looked around the junkyard and saw Munkustrap. He could tell that the two looked worried. When Electra saw him, a great look of relief crossed her face did a look of panic soon after, she darted to him.*


*Etcetera followed right behind Electra, as Lec sped towards Munku, ready to explain what had happened.*

"What is it girls?"

*Munkustrap had not yet gotten up. He wasn't going to get worried untill he heard the whole story. After all... Etcetera and Electra had been known for getting worried over little things that aren't serious, and they were notorious for playing tricks. Electra caught her breath and spoke up.*

" Munkustrap! It's Alonzo!"

"What about him?"

" He's ..."

*Etcetera interupted Lec's sentance.*

" done something really stupid!"

*Munkustrap and Lec looked at Etcetera. Etc shrugged as Lec shook her head and continued on.*

"He's in trouble! Last night, he went out, alone, into the night to find food for Victoria! And he said he would be back before morning...and look ...*Lec looked around.* No Alonzo. He's hurt, I just know it! Something's happened to him!"

*Munku was now worried. He could tell that this wasn't a joke. He then looked down at the girls.*

" Okay... go find the guys, wake 'em up and send them to me. We're gonna need them all to make up a search party. Etcetera, you go tell Jennyanydots what has happened, and tell her to take care of Vicki."

*The two girls headed off...but not before Etcetera had enough time to salute Munkustrap. Lec rolled her eyes and grabbed her friend's paw as they ran off.*

*Munku sighed and shook his head.*

"Well, I was wrong yesterday. I guess things CAN get worse. Now we've lost Alonzo."


*Alonzo coughed and sputtered, as he rolled over.*

"Wh...where I am?"

*Alonzo looked up. The surroundings weren't familiar to him. He didn't know where he was. When in fact, he was all the way across town from the junkyard. He didn't know how he had gotten there, either.*

"Wh....what am I doing out here in the snow?"

*Suddenly, a thought struck him.*

"Who am I?"

*Alonzo had gotten amnesia as a result of falling and hitting his head.*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alonzo shook his head, as the dew flew from his fur. He tried to stand up, but felt his legs give out beneath him. The last thing he remembered, was looking up at the streetlight above him before he fell unconscious again. Tugger approached an old tire and looked inside it. “Munkustrap, we’ve been searching for hours. It’s too cold out here for us.” Complained Tugger Munku shook his head “We can’t give up. He’s out here somewhere, and until we find him, Victoria will never rest!” Tugger shrugged and picked up a crate looking behind it Jemima and Etcetera sat snuggled up together behind Jenny. They were freezing. Jenny wrapped her arms around the two kittens for warmth. “Don’t worry sweeties, we’ll find Alonzo soon enough.” Jemima wiped a snowflake off her nose and then shivered. Pouncival ( who wasn’t much help at finding things in the first place, not to mention cats) kicked a can that was laying in the street. He looked up at the sky and sighed. He walked over to an old dumpster and peeked inside, just to see if he could maybe get his paws on a little midnight snack. Just as he stuck his head inside he heard a scream in the distance. His ears perked up as he picked up where the sound was coming from. It was a familiar voice. Pouncival jumped out of the dumpster and followed the voice. He followed it to an old alley in the back of a residential area. A few other toms had noticed this and followed him. When Pouncival got there, he saw Electra standing by a lamppost with her paws over her eyes. Pouncival saw something laying on the ground and then approached Electra. “Lec, what is it…” A very pale Electra turned around, with a look of horror. “It’s ALONZO!” Lec pointed to Alonzo laying in the snow- turning a bright blue shade. Pouncival’s jaw dropped at the sight. Luckily, some others were on their way. Electra fled from the scene, crying. Munkustrap knelt down by Alonzo’s body. “Alonzo, can you hear me?” No response. “Alonzo, I said, can you hear me??” Nothing. “Misto stepped over him and felt of his pulse.” “MUNKUSTRAP! He still has a pulse!! We’ve got to get him someplace warm before we do loose him!!!” Misto ,. Munku and a few others carefully picked up Alonzo and carried him back to the junkyard. Electra, who had already gone back before she even knew he was still alive, was elated to find out that she didn’t find him dead. They took him into Jenny’s hide-out, where Jenny and Jelly took him in. Nothing was heard from within the hideout for hours. The jellicle’s all waited outside in the snow, to see if their friend was going to make it. Jemima drew a pattern in the snow with her paw as she hummed. Finally, the door opened and Jelly stepped out. Munku, ( who had paced all over the junkyard) was the first to jump up. “Jelly, did he make it?” Jelly made a strange face. “Well, there’s some good news, and then there’s some bad news.Would you like to see for yourself?” Munku looked surprised as Jelly opened the door and showed Munku to where Alonzo was. Alonzo sat up on a little cot that Jelly had made him. Munku sighed a sigh of relief and grinned at his friend. “We’d thought we lost you, pal.” However, Alonzo starred blankly at Munku. “I’m glad that you’re enthralled I’m alive….but, who are you?” Munkustrap looked at him in confusion and then looked over at Jenny and Jelly. “ He has amnesia.” Munku looked back at his friend and then closed his eyes as a tear ran down his cheek. Munku stepped out of the hideout and looked at the jellicles. “Everyone, I must explain.” Electra looked up from the crowd “Did he make it?!?!?” “Yes, he made it…but there’s some bad news. He has amnesia, and doesn’t remember a thing. He doesn’t even know who we are.” A hush fell over the crowd of jellicles. Jem and Etc bent their heads down. Misto sniffed a bit and held his lip. “Well, what can we do to help him get his memory back?” inquired Skimbleshanks “I don’t know guys. I just don’t know.” Pouncival sat pondering. He then ran up to Munku and whispered something to him. Munku nodded and replied:” It wouldn’t hurt to try”. Pouncival grinned at his accomplishments of thinking of something that might help. Jenny and Jelly went into where Victoria was staying. They informed her of all what was going on, and that they needed her for a few minutes. Jenny and Jelly helped the weak Vicki up and lead her to the hideout where Alonzo was kept. Jenny opened the door as Jelly helped Vicki inside. The moment that she walked into the room, Alonzo looked up at her. He thought to himself:” She is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” Just then, something hit Alonzo. He knew her. He knew her well. He knew that he had a special bond with her. A bond of love- that could even be seen and felt through a crisis like this. Alonzo stuttered as Vicki sat down on the end of his bed. “V…Victoria? My little Victoria?” Vicki looked up at Jelly with a look of surprise. Vicki then looked back at Alonzo. “You… you know who I am?” Alonzo smiled and then bent forward and kissed the queen on the cheek. Vicki began to cry tears of joy as she embraced her tom. *A few days after that, when Alonzo was back to normal, and Vicki was well, she came running to Alonzo in the middle of the junkyard. * “ALONZO! Guess what? I have a surprise for you!” Alonzo grinned as his queen ran and sat down in his lap. “Well, how would you feel about being a father?” Alonzo grinned. “Well, I would be proud, and I would….I would adore it. Everyminute of it.” Vicki grinned. “Well, you can start practicing, hun. Because… you’re going to be a daddy!!” Alonzo smiled. “And now….I’m speechless.” Vicki curled up into Alonzo lap and purred as he kissed her on the lips. “Don’t worry hun, you don’t have to say a word. This has been a most wonderful, Jellicle Winter.”

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