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Hi there, my name’s Mowizzle.

I don’t know how my parents came up with the name, but…somehow I acquired it. I don’t remember my parents much, so I can’t really tell you much about them. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters either, so there’s not much on my history. But that didn’t seem to bother me, because I had friends wherever I went. I lived with a wealthy couple in London. Keyword: “lived”. I don’t live there anymore. I lived in a gigantic mansion by the riverside. I was pampered, indeed. It was a hard adjustment to go from living in a kennel after my parents died, to living in a great big mansion. I had some great friends at the mansion! All the alley cats would come visit me at night. We had some great times out in the back alleys. A few of them were a little envious of my wealth, but the biggest majority was happy for me.

I’m a happy feline at all times of the day, and always want to be friends with all of the stray cats. I didn’t like the fact, however, that my owners had stereotyped the strays as being “bad” cats. They weren’t bad… just lonely and craving friendship. My owners had given me a golden collar the first week I arrived at their home. It was a lovely gift that I admired very much! However, it felt out of place to wear it around my friends, so after I first met them, I’d take it off. However, one of the male strays saw me wearing it one day in the window, and told me to wear it for the other strays to see. They didn’t seem to mind, and they all complimented me on it.

I think now would be a good time to introduce some of my closest alley cat friends. Lufkin was a cheerful stray. He was a good friend and was always willing to listen and talk. He could make up some of the wildest stories you could ever imagine!! His best friend, Cherbalt, was a strongly built calico tom. Cherbalt was a “ladies man”. He would put up a fight for his queens, and the holes in his left ear proved it. Hestia was Cherbalt’s latest queen. She was a mix between a Blue Russian and a striped tabby. Hestia knew her way around London quite well. So we went to her if we had any problems with finding directions around London. Japeio was another stray queen friend of mine. She was nearly killed by Pollicles in a kitten-hood accident and still limped from it. She was a yellow and white tabby-Persian mix. There were a lot of other strays I didn’t know very well, like Faunus. Faunus was a distant stray. He stayed pretty much to himself, but listened in on the conversations. I never dared to ask any of the strays about their past, because I never wanted to cause them any pain from painful memories. His friend was called Ares. Ares was a quiet one too. It was rumored that he once had magical powers, but soon forgot his powers after some older strays had discouraged him. There were some more strays there too, that would show up only on occasion, when they were visiting the area. Oh… there was one tom I could never forget. He passed through a few times. Each time, he stole my heart. Oh! I’m getting all giggly just thinking about him!! I had the biggest crush on him …for the longest time. His name was Pamautico. And till this day, his name still rings through my ears. He was a very loyal tom…the same age as me. His polished coat was of gray, brown, and black. He was a spectacular creature. All the other strays knew I fancied him, after the way I acted when I first met him. His uncertain blue eyes were what caught me first. I was dumbfounded. When I first saw him, I stumbled over my own paws as I could hear my own heart beating in my ear. Pamautico was everything I could have ever asked for, but I didn’t. I was too shy to tell him how much I admired him He traveled a lot, so I only got to see him a few times. I miss him most of all.

Well, anyways…I can’t always dwell on the past. Back to the story…

Now… where was I? Oh! Yes, right.

Every night, my owners would tuck me into my bed. It was such a lumpy, frilly overly decorated cat bed that it was hard to manage your way out of. I’d climb out every night and sneak up the stairs to the window on the 3rd floor. There, I could crawl out and sneak my way down the columns. Just a quick jump over the small fence, and taa daa! There was our meeting place! We talked about a lot of things. One thing, however, that we all had in common, was the fact that none of us had a tribe. Some of the strays had once belonged to one, but had left. I, on the other hand, had never even heard of a tribe before, and they had to explain it to me. I had been brought into the mansion when I was a young kitten, so I never had the chance to learn of these “tribes”.

“You don’t wanna get yourself tied up in one of those things…” Hestia informed me. “They’re pains…trust me. So many rules and regulations…”

“I was a storyteller in my old tribe” commented Lufkin one night. “But my tribe just sort of faded away. One by one left, until I was the last one. There’s no need to tell stories when you’re the only one around, so I left.”

I nodded. “Well I’ve never been asked to join one…so I think I’m safe.”

All of us strays became very close. Oh…did I just call myself a stray? I’m sorry… but I associate us all as the same. Pardon that error. All of us were so close that I guess, in a way, we were a tribe. We didn’t have a leader or a specific tribe name, but we were, indeed a tribe. We helped each other and listened to each other. I could never stand to be in the room whenever my owners would be saying bad things about strays. The man would look out the window and scoff, as Cherbalt and Hestia would walk along the fence.

“Buh! Pesky strays… why won’t the shelter come and pick them up?”

Ironically, the same day the Master stated that, his favorite pair of shoes had somehow been misplaced, and found at the backdoor all chewed up on the ends. How it got there… is beyond me.


My revenge backfired. The owners had convinced each other that it couldn’t have been me, because I was SO well behaved… and they blamed it on the strays.

“Honey, it MUST have been one of those nasty strays! Sweetypie would never do such a thing.”

“You’re right, Lily… I’m calling the pound right now!”

I couldn’t believe what was going on!!! I cringed as the master picked up the phone. There wasn’t anything I could do. I had been de-clawed previously, so there was no use in trying to rip the pants off him. I decided to do the only thing I could possibly think of at the moment. I butted him hard with my head. In return, he looked down, smiled and patted my back. AHHHH!! How aggravating!! He put the phone down and I glared at him from my window seat.*

“They’ll be here in a few minutes. FINALLY!”

*I quickly made my way up to the 3rd story. I jumped up on the bed and approached the window. Just as I was about to make my jump onto the roof , a familiar voice was heard.

“Uh uh uh! Not you Sweetypie… we don’t want that old animal catcher to grab you up by mistake now, do we?” And with that, she shut the window. I turned and watched her leave the room.

“Actually, right now, I might appreciate him capturing me and getting me out of this ridiculous place!!!” I turned and looked sadly at the window. I could see the other guys, but they couldn’t see me. A horrible feeling of detachment went through me for the first time. I was so close to telling them to run and save themselves, but I was also so far from them. Just a piece of glass away… I felt awful. I sadly waited and watched. Finally, the catcher came. He captured them all, despite their rough struggle. I put my paw on the window as I watched them be carried away. It was my entire fault!! My best friends had been taken away because of my foolishness! I didn’t let myself stop and think …or I might have realized then that it was going to happen soon anyways, wither or not I had upset the master.

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